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Everything posted by ViktorFr

  1. Hey all New lineage 2 server has started, L2 Faction wars Server is on latest Freya based files. 2 Factions Red & Blue New character will start with lvl 75 Xp and adena will be gained on kills/pvp Cheme buffer Special Faction shop S grade up to S84. PVP zones changes every hour. Once the map ended, people get to vote for the new map on their choice. In PVP zone you can take over the flags. The more flags the faction has, the more adena they will get for pvp. Once your factions take the flag you can teleport to that flag. No quests required for sub class. sub class character will be 75 lvl. max sub class lvl 85. Profession change NPC. NPC that shows pvp status of the players. Auto skill learn. Awesome and good game geodata. protection from Boxing, cheating in game. Buff time 3Hours. Standard enchant rates. Server is looked after experienced people. No grade penalty. And much more guys, really good server so come on in and join us on: http://www.l2gve.tk/
  2. inbox me the server adress
  3. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=216462.0
  4. all u need is just to find English server thats all :P and im sure there is English versions out there, just need to find :)
  5. Agree with you, but hey its for free to play and still lots people will be playing it and they will know that it will be bugged but still worth a try :)
  6. haha trying to be smart ass? make google translator work in game then sure ill give u 100$ ;)
  7. yah i wish there was patch that could translate all that Russian to English, then sure id be in that server long time ago :) but not keen to play when u don't understand language or what items give u etc :)
  8. i found 2 1, http://www.l2tenkai.com/ 2, http://seether.pl/GoddessOfDestruction/download.html on seether idk if its jsut me or what but cant create account
  9. Hey guy i been looking for few days now but cant find any working l2God ( Goddness Of Destruction ) t3 server. There is This Millenium Russian server, btu everything in game is Russian language.. so yer, there some servers i found, and if there is more please notify me. Edit: Server i found so far ( might come in handy for some people if they see this post ). And hey guys if u cant understand other languages on web site, use google chrome browser, it has ability to auto translate web page to any language for you ;) Google Chrome: http://www.google.com/chrome/?brand=CHKB&utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-aunz-ct&utm_medium=ha 0. http://www.l2god.com/index.html?p=inicio 1. http://la2millenium.ru/index.php 2. http://www.portal-xtreme.com.br/ 3. http://www.l2tenkai.com/ 4. http://seether.pl/GoddessOfDestruction/download.html 5. http://straight.me.uk/l2/index.html <<-- online If Someone got any other servers, please let me know and ill add it here and maybe ill join it cause still im looking for one good English server, thanks :) 8) Google Chrome Picture...
  10. server off?
  11. this would be epic if had Create button, like cheme buffers do :/
  12. i did there is heaps for other chronicles not Freya tho
  13. Is there anyone who would have a clue of items ID's? lets say Vesper, wepons, armors and Juve RCP ID's ? please i need Dynasty, Vesper Vorpal and Elegia :( please
  14. Is there anyone skilled to make a nice Teleporter please or if there is one already, i been looking all over this site but cant seem to find :( all i can find is teleports to raids etc, but i want Teleportel to be able to teleport everywhere, Hellbound Areas CC Etc. if anyone could help me to get that? Edit: Oh omg sry can u gm move this to correct section :(
  15. wow this one really nice :P anyone got modded freya server? let me know id join :))
  16. thei look shit to be honest :)
  17. Hey guys if its possible could someone help me to get All Freya's RCP ID's please. Items are theses : Elegia, Vorpal, Moirai, Vesper, and Dynasty = Wepons RCP, Juve RCP, and Sets RCP's, i know its alot, but maybe some has it all, and this would be really nice, im having hard time finding them :/
  18. thanks Darren if i could id give u Rep, :D but well thanks man ;*
  19. Hopefully someone helps :)
  20. damn i wish i could try it :)
  21. Hey guys i been lookign but cant find a tutorial how to make a global chat :/ lets say shout command this : !Hello and everyone in game would see that he said Hello , drift what i mean guys? Please, thanks xox And Another thing if its not hard, for a file that will show monsters level? :) thanks you all, happy 2011 :P
  22. thats why i said, ifound it on iternet, and u giving shits now... real fully first then complain :D
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