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Everything posted by MaxPowerGR

  1. the two-handed swords are the sh1t (with the good meaning i mean they ROCK!!!) woah great share!
  2. puppies not dogs xD and this mini baium is overpowered because of steroids...xD
  3. great share! thanks again..! dude u make one of the best shares on this forum ^^
  4. um, sorry for this but how i make those work ? im still downloading it, not opened it yet, but is there any guide or something ? i don't think it will be that simple.. =S thanks for sharing!
  5. rofl !!!!! im still laughing!! hahahahaha it's very funny and awesome at the same time! very nice work mate..I will 100% put it on my server for my gm xD hahaha thank's Critical!
  6. just great! i started 2 days ago editing the glows on weapons etc, i've managed to make the correct Dusk sword glow :D i'll try to make the flame a bit lower :)
  7. fvcking awesome! w8ing to final version! i've heard they made some street bikes mode on a russian server if im right, like 1 year ago, but i can't find anything about it.
  8. the glows for fists are right ? it seems like it's only on 1 weapon on the pic, anyway those weapons are BEAUTIFUL !! L2Loyal used to have those before it got closed...
  9. god damn, i need this armor, but i don't wanna post till i make 25 posts and then take it :/ can u please remove unhide ?
  10. man i've putted everything without an error, but when i create it in game, it doesn't appear in my inventory...do u know why ? i encrypt with 413 not 414 cause i get system error.
  11. rofl i got 7 posts and i can't see it :/ anyway, i think it must be the original titaniums from l2extreme.. right ? ^^
  12. well, can u share the epic weapons without the hero glow ? :/ and btw the stats are the original ones ?. thanks :)
  13. tin eixa perasei apo palia kai den eixa provlima, twra den kserw an xreiazete new update i tpt tetoio, tha to checkarw kai tha ksanapostarw...
  14. prin poly kero eixa perasei to MySQL, m douleue kanonika alla dn thimomoun to pass mou, eipa na to kano unistall, diegrapsa ta PANTA kai to ksanaekana egkatastasi, sto teleutaio simeio prin kano Finish ston wizard, mou leei current root password, evala egw ena, evala k new k m anikse to "next" patisa next k piga na kano to teleutaio simeio me ta 3 ''Tick'' alla den mou ksekinaei k sto 3o mou vgazei X =S ti prepei na kano ?
  15. re paidia otan kano install to mysql sto telos telos m vgazei oti dn mpwrei na treksei to "start service"...giati ? =/
  16. I've managed to make it opened correctly, but what should i pick to put in the converter ? i put in HEX 81 and on the demical it shows 129 (i made my weapon +1 with scroll) so what should i type to make it more + ? like +2 ? 130 ?
  17. I did the changes on settings, i opend l2 but PH remains as like it was when i opend it, the other window didn't appear..any help ?
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