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Everything posted by mojzesz123

  1. i wanted to write it today too that he keep ignoring u xD i dont think it will be a good server at all :)
  2. npc buffer is not the problem.. u know exactly the problem why ppl jump from server to server coz u complain about it all the time and in every topic :P p.s. no offence ofc :)
  3. u made a mistake and u open server without npc buffer and u got ONLY yes only 1k online, with the buffer u would get much higher online coz ppl are tired of the stalone server's and also u guarantee no donate at all for items.
  4. and u keep talking about me and stalone while there isnt anything like that :P dunno what is your problem :P and no point to support this server coz its already dead as u see in game probably :P
  5. i do not support him at all :P we are talking about anius not about stalone. I wrote only votes number and u get mad when u saw that anius got 20votes daily :P
  6. 520 votes on topzone(14) 695 votes on hopzone(15) great server
  7. check l2ex.eu. H5 server x20 without buffer, thats what u are lf
  8. lolz gz for the game :P playing it sometimes at the evening before sleep, well done.
  9. i was shocked when i heard abou it. F&F won't be same without u. [*]
  10. lf sense of that topic.. not funny, not impressive so delete it or w/e..
  11. i would suggest u to close all the servers u got like tales, eoa, conflict and open only one new decent server and i assure u that u will get many players and also a lot of money from donate, u got great files, but ppl split between ur servers, that make no sense at all.
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