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Everything posted by Alleris

  1. Meyby u havnt armor on u? :))
  2. HE is good when u r poor guys, trust me, chose PR if u r rich.
  3. Yes, guys it can work but it dont think that u find so big dumb :P
  4. I tryed to do it on DN server but this doesnt work, some1 know some other way to do it? please pm me.
  5. Ghost hunter is best coz have hightest rate of critics but th is very good too coz have mirage and dash
  6. I stay in gludio church and drop and enchant etc. i dont know if this give somathing but it is funny xD
  7. necro/ee if have wm9+siren+valakas sh/ps necro/es
  8. Drogata u wont find perfect server. go to oficial if u want to have perf. serv. all private buged or f%^&ed up.
  9. Dragon have Kamael right now its fuckin sad. all of those bug's, exploits, etc. doesnt workin there. :/
  10. Thank u GrisoM if u know some good exploits for DN please contact with me :))
  11. Necro/ee Necro/ol ol/pr wl/pr bp/wc dt/pal dt/tyr tyr/th th/pal =chars for pvp in pt! on buffs! all others suck:)
  12. Hehehe, nice thank u for share dude. :))
  13. Can u tell me if this workin at dragon-network?
  14. x15 hight rate servers are good for pvp, but there are not meny ppl to kill. and those servers are full of noobs
  15. Magnus' Chant MP +20%, M.Atk +30%, M.Def +20%, Casting Speed +20%, MP Regen +50%, MP Consumption -20%, Resist Fire/Water/Earth/Wind +10% Prophecy of Water MP regen per tick +20%, M.Atk. +20%, M.Def. +20%, Speed -20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Magic Critical Rate +100%, Debuff Resistance +10% Magnus is better but... if u have siren+ wm + wm9(augment). take pow ;) 1/3 hits critical attack if u take valakas 1/2 magic critical i made necro/ee with this shit i killed everyone
  16. SoulTaker best ever, but if u dont know how to play glad can crush him ez
  17. PR is best if u r rich he have DEATH EYE 200p atk +20% crt + cov 20% + dance 20% + AQ 15% + baium 15% + focus 20% + cat 30% = OMFG o.O + 4/4 dex/con 5/5 str/con + good clan + icarius + dynasty... no coment, u kill every hit. if u can take stack sub u can take wl or ol BELIVE ME, if u r rich make this chars!
  18. Take Destro if u have full buff
  19. Its depend. stack sub server? if yes i chose th/tyr on C4/IL if not AW low rate server or hight? C4/c5IL/?
  20. Dragon-network http://forum.dragon-community.net/
  21. Its depend on with server u play. Archers are very good but need good clan+ suport for example pr/sk pal/he pr/wl i prefere 1st one. if u want run alone on low lvl serv where are not meny good clans and not meny buffers u can make for example he/pp or th/pp or necro/ee if u want to play on hight rate serv u can make pal/dt or pal/tyr or archer if u r realy rich one of best chars is tyr/dt in my opinion, u can beat everyone if u know how to play. And u can earn a lot of adena if u know few tactics in killin PK etc.
  22. I was 0 times :/ Can some1 send me whats the best char for oly on stack sub server Write it on my email or private msg. Tanks :*
  23. There is no enchant bug! i prefere option 2. Enchant weapons one by one. If u r rich u no need to have big luck to make good items :))
  24. If u got somathing by this trick u was on server with total noobs! xD Or u have lot of luck I dont think so that it is working so good as u tell. Meyby u stayed few years and u found one dumb :P
  25. I have little questio. Do u know if it works at dragon-network?
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