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Everything posted by elwisdudi

  1. hello i wont to promote a new l2j server ;) server stand 5days ;) http://www.l2animalparty.com/ Server Rates: - Exp:50x - SP:50x - Adena:400x - Drop chance:1x Enchant Rates: - Safe Enchant = +4 - Max Enchant = +21 - Enchant Rate Weapon = 65% - Enchant Rate Armor = 65% - Enchant Rate Jew = 65% General Informations : - 35 slots for Buffs - 2 Hour Buff's/Dance's/Song's - Auto Learn Skills - Death penalty Disable - Custom Armor's And Weapon's - Self-cleaning drops after certain time - Special Raid Boss's - Npc Buffer,Npc GateKeeper,Npc Gm Shop - Ctf,Tvt and more Special Event's - Olympiad period for 2 week's - Anti-Buff Skill - No Bots,No Exploits - All Bug Fixed - Server Is Full Balanced And many, many more! come and try yuour self soon!:)
  2. i have whole ip and still dont work. i'm sorry for my english , on and my router ip all work but when i try with my no-ip i get error. plz help
  3. Hello ! i have downloaded L2j-Equal Rev 290 [iNTERLUDE - C6] serverpack. all is ok all work but when i wont to made server with no-ip i get error in login server FATAL: Failed to start the Game Server Listener. Reason: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind LoginServer terminated abnormaly LoginServer terminated Press any key to continue . . . gameserver is ok , all work , i can play at all computer in my home but i wont made it for some frends. any one can help me ? i was hear that can be a router problem or Login/lib . i don't know how to fix , so i made a new post here. i will be happy if somebody can to fix him ;) i w8 for fast answer ^ Bless!
  4. nice share :D
  5. i dont thing thats its a Client problem? for me its server problem, im not sure but first when i was not change NPC in navicat all be all right, now when i was created my npc its this error... tell me how to make full check?
  6. This problem its rly for a very good developers! i have this problem: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=63104.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=58884.0 when we (in my server) teleoprt we gota critical errors. in the database its whrite duplicate character.... im was search all im didnt find the answer. ??? somebody know whats its this? i use l2j server. plz ansver me fast thx
  7. nice work :) i like u textures :P where i can change it?
  8. for l2j ip class master 31228
  9. tested! exelent share!
  10. i have bigest problem wath pack its the best for il?:D
  11. exelent colection :D
  12. Hi PPL! I need textures of titanum shield! i thing that i ts Dusk shield but his color its white ! thx for help and sory for my english :) i have see this shield to l2chronicleserver.com , i dont have any screens.. ;( somebody can help me ? thx and have a good day :)
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