Check 5-6 last lines
[Alexander] Hi, let's chat
[Ginger] Hello...
[Alexander] Hi there
[Alexander] I'm interested of renting a gaming machine
[Alexander] What's your suggestion?
[Ginger] one moment...
[Alexander] You're gonna ask me about how many people I'm talking about. It's related to a game called lineage 2, it's a MMORPG. It depends. Maybe 100, maybe 1500.
[Ginger] Sorry for the wait....
[Ginger] It is not the number of people that is is the requirements of your programs or software on the hardware.
[Ginger] All our root servers a suited for gaming...
[Ginger] They only differ in the hardware setup.
[Alexander] Well
[Alexander] The 2 apps which are made for the login/server
[Alexander] Consume near 5GB ram ( if I want a good server, without graphic lag )
[Alexander] This chat is annoying :) It goes behind the main window and I forget that I'm chatting :))
[Alexander] What about DDoS protection?
[Ginger] Starting from the Ecoserver Large with 8 GB and up then...
[Ginger] No we dont offer DDOS protection currently but it is something we are working on developing internall and will be available as standard sometime...
[Ginger] but currently I dont have a timeline on when.
[Alexander] So, I don't have any protection against DDoS attack?
[Ginger] General protection from DDoS is nearly possible, currently in such cases we temporarily disconnect the attacked server to discourage the attack, but generally customers are responsible for the security of the data.
[Alexander] So, in other words. When I get attacked, you turn off my machine/internet. That means that my server will be down, in other words kids will cry
[Alexander] Then I lose population
[Alexander] And reputation
[Ginger] Yes, we are aware of that but note it is not our fault that your server is being attacked for whatever reason...this is us try to help so it does not get worse and affect other servers on the same host system.
[Alexander] I understand
[Ginger] It is not a perfect solution..
[Ginger] but we are working to better it.
[Ginger] And it depends on the severity of the attack...
[Alexander] Well, those kids who attack do that thing with shells
[Alexander] Idk how hard they hit, but they manage to kill servers like that
[Ginger] Oh yes...we know only to well about that.
[Alexander] I was looking for stuff like.. If u get attacked > forward the attack to another location. Maybe on a proxy server or something. Like, the FBI rofl
[Alexander] But of course, that's not legal
[Ginger] You said it...
[Ginger] And Germany is all about legal...but we are working on findingthe best solution.
[Alexander] Yeah, internet restrictions everywhere. Btw, saw TBP AFK?
[Alexander] Let's say I get the root. I get attacked, you turn the systems off.
[Alexander] What if I don't want it to go off?
[Alexander] And just trace the attacker
[Alexander] And do my stuff later
[Ginger] If you have a working solution...our techs listen and can set the server in recovery mode (like safe mode) and allow the customer to solve it...
[Ginger] Sometimes customers detect the attacks faster with their own security measure and inform us how they are dealing with it.
[Alexander] Well, they say. Fight fire with fire, right?
[Alexander] But of course, you're a legal company who wouldn't attack a individual kid behind a proxy
[Ginger] Sometimes it doesnt work any other way...but if you are caught ddosing yourself...
[Alexander] Yeah, that's other story, ddosing yourself
[Alexander] My point is to have a smooth running server
[Alexander] Which wont go down every an hour, or so
[Ginger] Unfortunately some Websites regardless where they are hosted...once a a target sometime always a target.
[Alexander] So, you mentioned that the company you work at is doing something about DDoS attacks. Do you have any approximately time when that'll be ready?
[Alexander] I need a root in a week or so
[Alexander] So I'm in a hurry to find as many information I can get
[Ginger] nope...mentioned before no official timeframe out yet, but it is an important issue for our clients so cant be to long...
[Alexander] Alright, thanks for your assistance. I've been proven wrong, gingers have soul!
[Ginger] Lol...thank you!
[Ginger] Was a pleasure chatting with you!
[Ginger] Will do, dead on time shift is just over now :-)
[Ginger] Bye....