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Everything posted by SrbIN

  1. You have any better idea about packs? Any better pack ? If you do,please tell me. Thank you
  2. 'Ello, I'm trying to setup a new server. I've been working with ''funny'' packs,and now I need something serious. I'll need some informations from the L2jArchid team,so if anyone is willing to help me, and -earn- please contact me. No scammers please,boring of kids and bs. I'll check your posts 1st,then I'll talk with you. Thanks in advance. Peace
  3. Well,that's the reason why I make that question here. I can't be expert for everything. And I ask all who can help,not people who just gotta say something to be 'listened' by others. Kalh sunexeia..
  4. Magka mou,to thema einai pws den mporw na kanw soe,k den ginetai na anoiksw inv,na kanw skill na kanw otidipote. Kai kserw pws auto pou eipe to palikari proigoumenos,se auto pou ekanes quote,pws einai la8os.
  5. File mou, den kanw dl apo to desktop pc, exw to laptop gi'autes tis douleies ( EInai gia th douleia mou to laptop,ara dn mporw na peksw l2). Dokimasa na epikoinoniso me to ISP,mou lene papantzes -Anamenwn-. Tespa,euxaristw gia to reply. Kalh sunexeia. Btw,nice sign.
  6. Tpt ksaderfe ;) Euxaristw polu pantws gia to xrono sou. Kalh sou sunexeia.
  7. My pack is the best. And I have not to say why,cuz none says ;) PS: Look the title.. PS1: I don't got any pack. PS3: I've played on Archid,and might be the best,cuz .. Idk,but seems that someone worked a lot on that pack. Hope is enough ;)
  8. Ehmm..... Ekana format,sintirw monos mou to pc,exw kaspersky/panda. Kai exw VISTA! (Svista),alla opws eipa kai prin. To 'lag' ksafnika arxise.
  9. Exw kanei install re-install. Des edw auto . Elpizw na mhn peirazei pou vazw link apo allo forum.. http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=196845 Exw dokimasei oti leei. Tpt den voi8ise. Isa isa,to 'lag' xeiroterepse gia 5 sec ;(
  10. Nai,exw dokimasei ta panta. Tpt den to ftiaxnei. Apo mono tou ksekolaei.
  11. Kalisperizw community.. Exw ena prob,den exei kamia sxesh me DEV klp,apla den hksera pou na to valw to topic,kai to ekana edw. So please, mh me kraksete. Elpizw o fakoykas na to metaferei ;) Buhaha! Loipon.. Mpainw sto l2 ( Opoion dipote IL server ),Paizw 2' - 10' k eeeeeeeeeeeeerxetai to lag. Ti ennoo.. Px,eimaste 2 atoma pt,k kollaw, o allos kounetai,exparei ,kanei pick up klp. Kai egw exw kollisei,gia 10'' - 15'' . Elpizw na eksigisa kala ti paizei,giati exei arxisei kai spaei mpales auto to pragma. Ekopsa to l2 gia 1 mhna logw autou tou pragmatos,kai twra vrika server ( L2dust ),kai surfarw sto forum na dw gia walkies klp. Euxaristw,na to pw apo twra,mias kai kserw pws tha me voi8isoun atoma pou doun. Kai sorry gia to wrong section. Peace
  12. Spam, greek.
  13. If I could give you -1 I would do it :) Known 3rd programs,exploits do not work. Cuz fakoykas is the admin there.
  14. Then you are the noob ;) Not that guy.
  15. Nice vid ;) Se thimamai apo l2gold nomizw. Sta4KaiAsEInai14/y0z/SorS hf
  16. Zdravo NS-janin :) Odakle si?
  17. Ehmm, you are Serb, right?:p But under your avatar I can see Ellhnikh shmaia, wtf? Odakle si ?
  18. Hi there, I'm Alex, from Serbia , Novi Sad. I know this site over than 1 year,maybe longer,and decided to make a acc now . Lost much time, cuz I found some nice topics,which it's for a big +1 and now I can't see the interesting posts. Hope some day to reach 450+,w/o spam ofc. Well, that's all about me , nice to be here. Regrats, Alex PS: Can anyone tell me which program should I use to make a nice sign -in motion- if I say it correct?
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