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Everything posted by rooy

  1. rooy

    Your Location

    I dont spam but i like athens..
  2. rooy

    Your Location

    Germany hmm nice but Better is RHODES!!
  3. I dont Unstenstand nothing..
  4. :O Very NICh WorK!
  5. freak2007 its not so good:P Krios Nice WOrk
  6. I play Niobe 500 and i have only +11 my skills...
  7. What is this??
  8. 9_5_0
  9. Einai kaneis apo thessalonikh aurio erxomai :) :) auta einai na sas po kante reply opios einai apo ekei na brethoume...
  10. I have Shillien Elder 76 Bladedancer 76 Sps 79 SubClass 75Hackeye 2o Sub Warcyer 52 Sps 66 Sorcerer 66 Spellhowler 66 elven elder 40 prophet 40 Warsmith 51 My Chars i have more i dont remember now...
  11. Upload Fotos... Thx.. for share
  12. Zakeriz Can You help me to connect to GoodVseviL? pm me !!
  13. Omg Nice What Server is this?
  14. Stop Spaming Rodeux.. Use Search Button :P :P :P :P :P
  15. Hmm Lethal Strike Fixed to L2j Server's... Skills i dont know..I will try it if i have free time Thx.
  16. Xa0x0ax0ax0 Zedn0r You are thinking to take karma?:P???
  17. /agree with you
  18. Cant Connect To GoodVsevil :( (Banned all greek's ip's :( )
  19. I Search to Google but i cant find nothing...(About guides) So??
  20. Adal13 if you find oog walker and config's pm me...
  21. I must take and NEW RAMM?? AGAIN??
  22. Nice Fotos..but write and server rates,,,!
  23. my name is genesis211
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