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Everything posted by rooy

  1. are you sure it works to off servers?
  2. When i log in to c4 and i write my password i get disconect:/
  3. THANKSSSSS I WILL TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. thanks Stroumfaki3 Sorry for Double Posting it WORKSSSS! One Questing how i can make to attack more faster(if attack to 1 mob after 20-30 seconds hit another..
  5. Hmm i replace FLDRV.DLL i am waiting to see if works
  6. When i log with my char Lineage is closing what i must make?
  7. if you open 2 clients you dont get ban?
  8. Gladiator (Kill so easy Mages and is good char but i will make 10 months to go gladi solo exp 78:P
  9. re c pos tis alaxes tis ram??? etsi apla piges k tous eipes exw 4 512 doste m 2 x1gb lol? Re guys thelw na paro kainourgia mitrikh kai auti pernei ddr2 mporo na balo ddr? mporo na paw na tis alaxw na paro ddr2 kai na doso tis ddr? pedia ligo help!!
  10. maybe fixed...But to c4 i think work
  11. Scream All server have necro i will never be hero:P
  12. Kauliaris why relogin? (if dont work you lose -exp)
  13. Bruj4h linezeus dont have bugs all Fixed!
  14. its C4 Hmm Maybe Works! per mob how much % you take?
  15. you are 78 lvl and 78.10% and you go 79.10% 1% per enchant Try to tell me is works i play on linezeus(www.linezeus.gr)and work but now fixed because one guy he go 80and 100% with this bug! So Do it Have fun
  16. Work to c6 Rietvield: Server is x5 1% You take with one enchant:P Bruj4h: i dont have time to make video Try it and tell me..
  17. re pedia mipos den einai kapio bug otan petas kati kato merikes fores kolaei to sikoneis kai meta sou leei 210132Dye paradigma pas na ta sikoseis k dn ta sikonei(lag) eee?
  18. I have found a little bug if you go to enchant your skills you dont lose exp you take exp (LoL) if you are 78.10%you go 79.10% somethink like this But you must have adena to take book of giant to enchant your skill (And Sp) Have fun..
  19. Files name?? We cant copy this file and put it to c4? or you get dc error?
  20. slv Now L2 Work FIne?? If you delete Gameguard folder and you have again problem leave it to download it alone..(Better)
  21. nice but work to c5-c6? i dont think...:P
  22. omg Hlapex Work? its back?Guys we are bastards and must hack the server:P
  23. Dragon Network or E-globan No Bnb=SUcks!!Noob!sh S3rver!
  24. I want 1 char but must be good to pvp's and i want to make subclass Sph OR Sps Or Sorc now i think you unstenstand..
  25. if pc i its mine i will download firewall its my brothers pc:/ but thx
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