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Everything posted by Goree

  1. An alternative is to use Spotify. It's really cool & fast :)
  2. Hello, the advertisement on hop/top came a little late, more and more people is online everyday. You can check it. Thanks.
  3. The Server wiped, and the opening is in few minutes!! Don't miss it! www.l2regal.com
  4. That's the worst approach to choose the lucky chest as there is a big possibility that no one will get the reward. public static void LuckyOne(L2PcInstance killer) { if (Rnd.get(50) == 2) { Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(killer + " killed the lucky chest!"); killer.addItem("Reward", Config.ZODIAC_REWARD, Config.ZODIAC_REWARD_COUN, killer, true); cleanthemess(); } } I suggest doing it like. private static int kills_req; private static int kills; Inside the startevent() method: kills_req=Rnd.get(40); kills=0; and public static void LuckyOne(L2PcInstance killer) { if (kills==kills_req) { Announcements.getInstance(); Announcements.announceToAll(killer + " killed the lucky chest!"); killer.addItem("Reward", Config.ZODIAC_REWARD, Config.ZODIAC_REWARD_COUN, killer, true); cleanthemess(); } else { kills++; } }
  5. There was a problem with our proxy server! Sorry for the inconvenience!
  6. Thank you! There are not many at the moment (around 30+), but we are pretty sure that more will come!
  7. Thank you very much for the review!
  8. Thank you!
  9. Thank you! Much appreciated.
  10. Did you ever read the features below or, even better, tried the server? Also, "L2Rose is a server for the players that are searching for something new & unique. We are hosting a MODIFIED-MID server with farming difficulties & unique economy. Avoid to join this server if you are search retail servers, it doesn't mean that inside you will see fail features and over powered stats, everything is changed to something unique and nice! Please join our forum and read our features." What special do you present here as the players that enter your site doesn't know about your features yet?
  11. Lineage 2 Regal Gaming Regal Gaming Site Our Promo Video Welcome to Lineage ][ Regal Gaming site. Our server is a mid rate, x75, server which tries to offer you the best retail gaming experience, same to nowhere else before! Here you will find plenty of truly unique server features. Our administrators, try to keep the server as fair and balanced as possible. Μore unique features are coming up, which will make your gameplay more and more enjoyable and interesting! Hope to see you in game to write our own great history of Lineage 2 together! Rates: XP: x75 SP: x75 Adena: x100 Drop: x2 Spoil: x3 Features: Working Geodata Offline shop Main town: Giran Epic Bosses Retail Auto Learn Skills Fully Working Augmentation System Free class transferring 26 buff slots EVERY buff counts During your adventure in Regal Gaming you will meet every type of monster - From Fire/Water/Wind Mages to Archers and Warriors! *Level 72+ Modified Enchanting System: Max Enchant Weapon: +18 Max Enchant Armor & Jewerly: +18 Normal Scroll Rate: 60% Blessed Scroll Rate: 60% - Enchant Level On Fail: N-1 Crystal Scroll Rate: 75% - Enchant Level On Fail: 3 Custom Farming/Crafting S Grade Weapons and their abilities Custom Crafting S Grade Armors/Jewels and their abilities Spawn Protection Custom Farming Zones Antibuff shield No Death Penalty Clan system Clan Eggs from Bosses Retail skills Retail olympiad Subclass without quest Noblesse quest starts at the 3rd stage Weekly Events All-In-One Buffer NPCs: Gatekeeper Ventors sell gear up to A grade Blacksmiths craft weapons with special ability and high grade weapons Archaeologist collects ancient stones and exchange them for Ancient Adena and rare items for valuable scrolls Buffer offers basic buff support Every Raid Boss deserves to be hunted with custom drops and other valuable stuff!! Other: Very experienced and friendly staff 99.9% uptime Daily Backups Unlimited Bandwidth Unlimited Space European datacenter Coming Soon: Vote Reward System Custom Recruit-a-Friend System Regal Gaming Site
  12. http://www.minedu.gov.gr/publications/docs2012/stat_exetaseis_2012_06.zip δειτε εδω για στατιστικα στοιχεια των πανελλαδικων.
  13. Αν ειναι δυνατον να κανω λαθος "Όταν το οριακό προϊόν γίνεται μηδέν, το συνολικό προϊόν αποκτά την ελάχιστη τιμή του." Δεν ξερω τι στον πουτσο ειχα παθει και διαβαζα μεγιστη.. Απο ταχυτητα μαλλον.. Αλλα οχι και τις 2-3 φορες που το ελεγξα να νομιζω οτι λεει μεγιστη.... <.<
  14. Εγω εχασα το 20 απο μαλακιααααααααα ολα σωστα εκτος απο 2 ερρωτησεις Σ/Λ :@ fail.
  15. Ακριβως αυτο. Αλλα αφου βαλαν δυσκολα η πλειοψηφια των μαθητων δεν γραψαν καλα αρα θα μειωθουν οι βασεις.
  16. Και εγω ετσι ακουσα. Σε ποιες σχολες επιθυμείτε να μπειτε;
  17. Τωρα δεν το εχω μαζι το βιβλιο αλλα να ξερετε σχεδον ολη η θεωρια του πρωτου ( εκτος το οικ. κυκλωμα και αλλες 1-2 παραγραφους ) ειναι εξω γιατι επεσε φετος οεφε. Να ειστε ετοιμοι για ασκηση 1ου κεφαλαιου ομως στο 3ο θεμα.
  18. Δεν ξερω αν θα πεσουν τοσο, αλλα οτι θα πεσουν ειναι βεβαιο για τα 4 τελευταια πεδια τουλαχιστον.
  19. Χαχαχ "ντόπλερ+ταλαντώσεις θέμα 3 ή στερεό και ταλαντώσεις 4ο", "πάλι έπεσα μέσα στα θέματα", ΑΟΘ? για τι σχολες πας; Ευχαριστουμε το ιδιο και για σενα αν εδινες μαζι μας
  20. Σήμερα γενικά πως τα είδατε τα πράγματα; ( Τεχνολογική ). Είναι κανείς άλλος για Αξιωμ. Ε.Α., ΣΝΔ, ΣΜΥΝ, Αστυφυλακων;
  21. Γαμάτος ή όχι έχει δίκιο. Γενικότερα δεν πρέπει να βρίζουμε Θεία πρόσωπα. Καλή επιτυχία σε όλους!
  22. Καλά ρε Absurd γαμόσπιτε αλλη μαλακια δεν εχεις να πεις; Ολο για μάνες, για λοστούς και τετοιες παπαριες. Αυτες τις λεξουλες ξερεις; Αντε αυριο να μάθουμε το "Να Λόλα ένα μήλο..."
  23. Αυτοί απο πανω ακομα δεν σε εχουν μαθει και γι'αυτο θα σε καλωσοριζουν.
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