In a couple of minutes server will go LIVE! We are waiting for you!
No Custom Items - Farmable S Grade Weapons and their special abilities. (S Grade NO SA weapons can be dropped from monsters in four mausoleums)
General information
After nearly 3 months of pre-production and private testing, the experienced staff of L2 Black Label is finally ready to share their product as one of the newest and most unique L2 private servers. Automatic Events, Offline Shops, GM Shops, Buffers, Global GK, rates [250x], DDoS protection, and interlude files ( L2J ) - the perfect blend of features for an incredible & unique PvP experience unlike any other. The original retail L2 experience, the way the game is meant to be played. Join US NOW !
Features list:
Server Rates:
EXP Rate: x250.
Party EXP Rate: x500.
SP Rate: x400.
Adena Rate: x400.
Enchant Rates:
Safe Enchant: +3.
Max Enchant: +25.
Enchant Rate Normal: 66%.
Enchant Rate Blessed: 75%.
Buff system:
Debuff slots: 6
Buff time: 2 hours (exclude pony/cat buffs which is 5 min).
Heroic Valor: 30 min
Other Features:
Retail like Interlude Skills and Classes.
Weekly Sieges.
(All castles will be siegable)
Sub-class with no quest.
Sub-class amount: 3
Drop on ground from Raids and normal mobs.
Geodata and Patchnotes.
Protection system Client<->Server
AntiBot system.
Banking system.
Offline shoping system.
Away system.
Spawn protection: 10 seconds.
Auto Learn Skills.
Augmentation system.
PvP Name Color
(Colored Name depends on PvP Score(1.000,2.500,5000,7500,10000))
Cursed Weapon System (Zariche and Akamanah).
Heavy Armor Penalty for Archers/Daggers.
Custom NPC:
Luxury buffer
(Got absolutly all buffs except pony/cat buff and hero buffs)
GM Shop (exclude Raid boss jewelery,S Grade Weapons) / Misc Shop
Augmenter / Skill enchanter / Global GK
Protector NPC (Only in safe zones)
Wedding manager.
Clan Manager
Top PvP/PK will be added soon.
Olympiad System:
Olympiad period: 2 week
Class based matches disabled.
Refresh all skills after match.
Clan/Ally System
Augmentation System:
Chance to get augment skill: 15%
Voice Commands:
(Online players of server)
Events: Auto TvT. GM hosted events every week .
More events soon.
Our dedicated server located in Germany.
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-920
Connection: 100mbit/s
HDD: 2x 750gb SATA
Operation system: Windows Server 2008.
Fair Donations (augment skills and overenchanted items cannot be donated)