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Everything posted by SkyNet

  1. its don't excuse that u go over the rules ^^ your players won't die because they don't have 1 day no auto events... so its the htm? did u chance somethings anywhere ?
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=186571.0 dunno what to tell u... just one ENGLISH....
  3. we can just hope they will make more promotion in EU after this update so we get again a lot l2 player... its just to bad that some stuff is looking to much like Aion or WoW but ofc Lineage will be still better then them because of the great game play... lets see when it come out ;)
  4. nope really shitty community - pk flame pk pk flame pk pk ^^
  5. u quote the right thing ^^ IL is for those which don't have enough brain to learn new things :)
  6. then make a shitlude server.... there is no overpowered stuff if u know as admin/dev what u are doing....
  7. probably your imports are wrong... so check if the npc u use is for your chronicle and if not search for guides in msc how to adapt it right...
  8. if u upload a sys folder instead of this patch.exe i may will try it....
  9. and why U can't read the rules and ofc why u don't w8 a bit longer ?
  10. Lineage2 = the last chronicle (for us also FREYA) don't blame the newer chronicle only because the most admins can't handle the new features >< on topic: my vote goes to freya for any rates...
  11. # If enabled, players respawn in town on different locations defined in zone.xml for given town. # If disabled the first spawn location from zone.xml is used. # Default: True RandomRespawnInTownEnabled = True possible that its work only for type="TownZone" u have to test it and if needed edit it in java...
  12. check how its made for towns and do the same for your zone...
  13. if u get an error maybe its a good idea to show them here ? :) there are also teleport .py scripts too which u could try to use...
  14. all the stuff exist already in game, so get it from your server files and re-write it by your self...
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=164430.0
  16. f u said u can all do by self but u are to lazy so as i said i hope no one help u... but about fully working website u have to pay i guess ^^
  17. i really hope no one "help" U !!! because of this: so go to market place an buy one.
  18. dunno where u get your infos but in freya are only 2 new skills and a few changes in exist skills.... New Skills: Knight Class: Combat Aura and Patience Maestro: Create Item - Level 10 (Acquired from item: Forgotten Scroll - Create Item Level 10)
  19. omg... never and i mean never trust random guys... and also NEVER make a server if u don't have anyone who can help u... also u can read some guides but again don't give random guys access to your server those kids will fuck it up xD
  20. guess the interlude+++ is just an example :P there are still player out which don't know whats a chronicle is^^
  21. english section ! did u even read the post ? guess not^^ even the topic title says..... l2 Server NETWORK so if later your players do vote they vote for l2mxc and so u get lots of votes as an network...
  22. u made a "NCsoft-Account" or did u buy a L2 account ? ><
  23. well hes the admin and even if *star* isn't his second account there, he still didn't anything against this so hes at the end the responsible person if u ask me... about the example of Martim's share its a 1-1 c/p so what ? hes lucky martim add this at his post `? i don't think so... what about don't try to protect such dump kids :) again critical is the admin and even if he isn't *star* which his Super Moderator there its the admins responsibility to take care of his team...
  24. well i would report him fur such stupid... but chose by self his private server topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=185177.0 his server forum link: http://www.goldgamers.net/Forum/forum.php copie Martim's share without credits: http://www.goldgamers.net/Forum/showthread.php?24-Tool-L2J-File-Editor-version-1.1
  25. still can't understand a thing ,the translator sux like hell^^ and how pro the server is, shows at last that they think freya is ct2.6 ;D
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