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Everything posted by Senone

  1. dn exo probl me to compile alla otan m erxodai ta pack's dn doulevoun kati mlkies diafora
  2. re ci me to compile einai to probl m katevazw ta rev's tis alla k pali tpt
  3. nai poio apo ola ta revision tis archid omws dn 3erw exw trela9ei dokimazw dokimazw k pali tpt kanena kallo eleoC... ^^ an mporuce kaneis kana post tpt tetoio me kana rev tis archid i opoia alli a3izei ... P.S Gia faction
  4. ok man to vrika tcp ty padws lock topic please..
  5. t enoeis s dedicated ?
  6. oti 8eleis dn exw probl dn mporw na vrw enan swsto pack pia eleoc.. oyte idees dn exw :/ k n c pw re ci otan kanw install db k ola ayta se merika m bgazei kokino to cmd console k dn m ta pernaei stn db opws chat,Auto_chat.txt, Walker Routes, Npc Buffer, K alla 2
  7. paidia tora 3anarxisa to developing k dn 8umame k polla kapoioc n m pei t epa9e .. Starting Equal Game Server - Thanks for using our software. ====================================================================-[ Config ] # ./config/server.properties Sucessfully LOADED # # ./config/telnet.properties Sucessfully LOADED # ==================================================================-[ DataBase ] MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging. Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10] Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireInc rement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoCommitOnCl ose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailu re -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connec tionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSou rceName -> 1hgff2984vzlx2a1rssfa8|7a78d3, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces - > false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryClass Location -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 1 hgff2984vzlx2a1rssfa8|7a78d3, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3600, initialPoolSize -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxP oolSize -> 10, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 100, minPoolSiz e -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0, pref erredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, propertyCy cle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, u nreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ] ===================================================-[ Login Server Controller ] Loading LoginContoller... Cached 10 KeyPairs for RSA communication Stored 20 keys for Blowfish communication =========================================================-[ Game Server Table ] Loaded 127 server names Loaded 1 registered Game Servers Cached 10 RSA keys for Game Server communication. ============================================================-[ Banned IP File ] Loaded 2 IP Bans. ===============================================-[ Login Server [Equal] Status ] FATAL: Failed to start the Game Server Listener. Reason: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind Server terminated abnormaly server terminated Press any key to continue . . .
  8. <center>kalicpera palikaria an mporuce kaneis k 8elei na m protini idea gia faction server wste na ginei kalos 8a mun eugnwmwn euxaristw ek tn prwterwn an mporeite postarete tpt ^^ <center>
  9. re ci poio einai last rev
  10. gia c olouc lpon magec proteinete m ena pack faction p na mn einai dead 9a eimun eugnwmwn an m dinate k link's ty Ps Einai interlude
  11. commodus ty r to vrika to probl m an k prwth fora m egine ayto ;D lock topic
  12. re ci koita ligo t m bgazei 2-LoginServer settings -------------------- I will connect to the MySQL server you specify, and setup a Loginserver database there, most people use a single MySQL server and database for both Login and Gameserver tables. MySQL Username (default is 'root'): Password (will be shown as you type, default ''): Database (default is 'l2jdb'): Host (default is 'localhost'): 3-GameServer settings -------------------- User (default is 'root'): Pass (default is ''): Database (default is 'l2jdb'): Host (default is 'localhost'): 4-Misc. settings -------------------- Color mode ©olor or (n)on-color, default c : Path for your backups (default '.'): Path for your logs (default '.'): Debugging messages and increase verbosity a lil bit (y/n, default 'y'): Script setup complete, your settings were saved in the 'vars.txt' file. Remember: your passwords are stored as clear text. press any key to continue...
  13. enw exw kanei install ola ta progs i db m vgazei kt k m leei password are stored in vars.txt folder k meta tpt ps xrhsmp windows 7 dn 3erw t paizei
  14. re ci koita katarxin prin kati meres gurisa apo diakopes k eida pos i dot ksanaeklise tora dn 3erw t paizei k g na evazes to code ena update xreiazotane tora dn ginetai tpt omws dn exo to java patch na s dwsw na to kaneis apply soz
  15. ti pack exeis? sta poio polla pack sxedon exei mesa to custom start level an dn to exei pes m poio pack exeis
  16. koita pCile.. ego exo na s protinw ena new project p einai polu kalo exei full protection's sxedon.. k polla mesa tcp legetai l2equal 8a s dwsw meta to link molis to vrw ;)
  17. akuror aderfe uparxoun polla compile progs alla to poio eukolo einai to Eclipse mporeis na m peis t 9es na st KANW EGO..?
  18. agree me ton fakoyka.. dn exei noima na dwseis access lvl tcp ego dn 8elw sunergasia alla mporeis na m peis ti probl exei's k oti 9es vsk k na ce help
  19. gia na kaneis execute to back up pas sto navicat l2jdb local host vazeis mesa to file pas stn database patas restore back up k to exei ekei patas panw t k eisai rdy man
  20. vsk man auto to pack dn einai diko sou esi nmz pos ebales mono kati npc's k weapon's :S i dot eixe fix auta p exeis valei panw prin apo polu kairo prin stamatisei tcp thnx gia to share//
  21. -.- 8a sunexisoume n kanoume k allo san mlkec?:S a k kt p eida itan ap tn vago apo oti 8umame ;)
  22. koita an mporeseis n kaneis kati kalutero apo mena eimai edo k perimenw na to dw os tote kace k vrise dn a3izeis k gia tpt allo trava koita3e k kane kana comm sta post's ton allonwn bbz
  23. re ci dn 8a eixa kane probl na c dwsw gredits alla dn pira kati apo to pack sou stin arxh eida to diko sou k eipa na ftia3w ena diaforetiko tcp @of-topic koita to post p leei simvoules gia ena forum k kane kati ligo epd einai mlkac o allos ty
  24. otan ma8eis na kaneis swsta tote kane reply niwse apo l2 k meta eisai sto kalutero forum k m cena mesa to forum gamietai ;)
  25. koita gia na mn sou gamisw kamia panagica katse kala k an 9es na m ton kliseis edo eimai perimenw me ta xilia alla prose3e mn m klaseis to de3i k pare3igi9i to aristero k ela kane m aera \ @on-topic vlepw poios einai to noob;) keep up florako
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