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luki133 last won the day on June 23 2020

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About luki133

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  1. As in the title, WTS adena on Giran classic server. 0.26USD or 0.23EUR per 1kk, can do discounts on larger purchases. Over 7bn in stock. Contact me here or discord CJ#4733 Can also sell through G2G
  2. Bought SE 78lvl, fast trade and everything good!
  3. Trusted seller, very fast response and prompt delivery!
  4. The same thing but 10$ cheaper... https://www.oplata.info/asp2/pay_wm.asp?id_d=1735387&agent=417748 https://www.oplata.info/asp2/pay_pp.asp?id_d=1911462&id_po=0&cart_uid=&ai=0&curr=PLZ&failpage=http%3A%2F%2Fplati%2Eru%2Fitm%2FMnogookonka%2BASI%2BWIN%2Bdlja%2BLineage%2B2%2F1911462&lang=en-US&nocash=725573 and other with paypal available.
  5. Trusted buyer.
  6. you can find details in private message.
  7. Trusted seller.
  8. Trusted buyer!
  9. Trusted buyer! Quick and smooth trade.
  10. he has been here for 3 days and already got 3 posts, i would trust him over 401k!
  11. For all of the traders, there is a russian guy, who is trying to scam items/adena on core server/ At least that is what he tried to do with me. He claims that he sent money to some kind of protection and he canot undo it, and that i will receive money once i give him adena/items:D Basicly it looks like this http://i.imgur.com/SNU1p3m.png I dont know how they do it, if some1 got any more info about this scam let us know.
  12. we already skyping =)
  13. show me the proof then with a simple screenshot, here is a screen when i gave him all the details of my paypal:
  14. Scammer, also i never vouched for him and somehow he has my nick in his signature. will post proof of scam in a few min. Went first with 500kk adena for 16,5 euro. After he received mail logged off from skype:D
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