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Everything posted by +cs.tribal

  1. Guys...i have question! Can i play Aion on Windows 7??? If i cant...is there any way to "crack" it?
  2. Man i always try before i ask for help! I tried TOOOOOO many times! But i may do something wrong! Can you help me with Team Viewer or something?
  3. That exactly is my prob! And i cant find an oldest version or do something to downgrade it! Can you please help me???? PLEASE!
  4. Guys...what i am asking? a person to make it all from the beggining! I have the client, and i want someone make it connect to the Infinite server! By a remote control like Team Viewer or something like that!
  5. Well...wrong explanation...w8 i'll fix and tittle and topic!
  6. Hi guys! I am trying for fisrt time to join a AION server! Basicly AionEternite server! But i cant...i am always getting a error or anything!!!So i do something wrong! Can some one help with it? (Maybe by giving me his msn) if not with Eternite server, with any other you know!
  7. When i tried to Build the L2_GameServer of l2jserver Epilogue, i got these errors! Please help me solve them! http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/9624/eclipseerror2.png[/img]
  8. Sucks! But...if you make the change the background freom black to Maxcheater's window color, it should look better!
  9. I dont like it! Background:6/10 Render:7/10 Text:5/10 Whole rate:6.5/10
  10. A-W-E-S-O-M-E Background:10/10 Render:10/10 Text:10/10 Effects:9/10 Whole rate:10/10
  11. Good! Nice effects and colors! 8/10
  12. Paidia ti egine? eixa kapou sta 2000.00 adena kai ta exasa ola! GT?
  13. gfxing it's like a event, i am trying to designe a very good image using my experience!
  14. SUXXXXX! Man, how can you call this sig cool?
  15. Good! But as the other said, i dont like the backround! 7/10
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