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Everything posted by +cs.tribal

  1. yeah...sometimes they are! but change is good... els, people were going to get bored of l2 years now!
  2. well... i completed the first one! i cant say it's something super woaw... but it's kinda nice game to spend your time, you know... I'm gonna download and finish this one too :P btw. SensationWhite is right... this fucking voice is kinda annoying!
  3. hahaha... sofaki, you like this kind of games hah? :P it's really gonna be good game... i'll give it a try when it's gonna be released! :D
  4. thank you goddess! i apriciate your comment...yeah i, the last time i touched ps was 1-2 moths ago... so i kinda forgot things... even basic things. I will try create more often... but i have no new good resources as HD "ispirative" renders and c4ds... so i try....
  5. NEUTRAL GOOD well i dont get the other guys who get angry and other things like that... i play calm and cool...well sometimes...SOMEtimes... i get really aangry with some sonofabitches and i change to "SUCK MY DIIICK: thing... but anyway!
  6. Mafia(1-2), GTA series! i have played and finished all of them and those games are really good... :)
  7. well i have orange box! i dont really get what you ask... but... Orange Box has: Team Fortress 2 (awesome game... i'm really addicted to it!) Portal(hmmm... boring game... i finished pretty fast!) Half Life 2: episode 2 Half Life 2: episode 1 so it's 4 games and not 5!
  8. well.. guys... sorry...but i think that the one in use in just good! why change it? btw... MixMaster is making a really great jog! ;)
  9. well no useless... bad coded :/ i dont know :P wtvr...i dont get the thing only some strings...... if the outcome is usefull then why not? well... ok... if it was really 2 strings it would be stupid but it's not...
  10. both of them are pretty awesome! well done... now please share em... :P they will be like the best...
  11. common! we are in 2011 as Finito said! technology walks you walk with it... that's how it is... and it's not only that... new is something intresting... old is starting to be boring... so... we are in freya stage and almost in a next one... why the hell use one of the oldest clients where many features are missing... :/ i cant understand some people!
  12. hohoho... grait to have him back! ;) welcome...
  13. what exactly do you want? the topic icons are just ok like that! .... what are the other 2 suposed to do?
  14. for which project and what client is made for? i mean it can be putted in l2jserver freya project without any mine modifications?
  15. maxtor keep working on it please! one more thing... think about keeping this theme!
  16. That's my new piece... not something wow but i think it's ok! ...let me know what YOU think abou it!(you could give it a rate too)
  17. holly shit! man... I'm a big lover of this character of one piece series and you made really awesome job here! TUMBS UP MATE!
  18. Hey there! Which is the best class on PvP servers? 1.Vote on the poll. 2.Tell as why you voted!
  19. man you dont get it... sometimes, you are in the pray room and there is a ultimate battle in here... so once you can enter in the pray room you can start casting the skill and then you are fully protected from any attack!(so no one stop you from getting in! and start to pray! OUPS... sorry for double posting... :/ my wrong!
  20. I know what you mean mate... but in my case, my party was talking via skype with mics and we were really on time! :D and ...yeah there are many possibilities to lose it...but it still can be done! it's a trick anyway... not a bug!
  21. gamati buffer! apo tis kaliteres file m! thnx a lot!
  22. well i voted other, and it's actually others! I hear many types of music... Dance music... trance electro house etc. I'm hear METAL too :P well I can say i'm weird with music!
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