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Everything posted by AndreisS
nothing beats a good keylogger imo
something is wrong with this server: if you look here: Ashard 12x: - OFFLINE Bravo 35x: - OFFLINE Ruby 500x: -OFFLINE Xaeron 1000x: ONLINE what's up with all that offline servers. on the forum you'll find topics like: Event of the year section Review You can write a review about lineage2.be in here. Guides People can post guide's here to show other people how to do some things at our server. BUT I can't find information about the exact rates of each server (drop, spoil), i can't find information about the machine, bandwidth, some statistics to see how many ppl are online. i don't say it's a bad server, but the first impression is bad
Wyvern = 15€ :)) how much should i donate for a castle ?
WTS {WTS ITEMS in L2 ETF x25} Just a week opened :D
AndreisS replied to ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ xWoOf™'s topic in Marketplace [Items & Chars]
so you're a GM, you make a char, you sell it, and repeat the process :)) nice trick -
nice, but the person should be really stupid ...or to trust to much :))
THE BEST PHP VIDEO TUTORIAL for free is here. http://www.phpvideotutorials.com/free I learned php from there and it's great. I highly recommend it (did i mention it's free?)
if both sides have QoS it actually increase the transfer speed not reduce it....so disabling it it's useless
l2core.net => The page cannot be found
fly with what? a wyvern ? :))
why do this guys advertise before it's all done. This is a bad marketing solution "Site Info Here you can place any information... This text can be modified through the Control Panel, "Page Editor" section."
WTS [WTS]Aio On www.l2penetration.com
AndreisS replied to ĐarkSlayer's topic in Marketplace [Items & Chars]
10 $ is ok for it? -
too bad it has donations:...like Buffer All In One(AIO) $ 200,00
check http://hunter.lineager.eu/
With lots of custom areas and no donations.
[Trick]Don't need to do Alliance quest for Subclass...
AndreisS replied to hakanbey's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
not working -
am i the only one here that doesn't understand a thing from the first post ?
its down and they are a long way from making it working. But it's a start. we have to give them credits for that.
[share] bug for crafting - infinite mp
AndreisS replied to showtek's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
doesn't work in Gracia Final. I think you can delete this post. -
Who Are We? We are a group of gamers that want to create a fun and reliable community, at first based on gaming and quality services. We started by working on these 2 Lineage II servers and we plan to do that for a long time. We hope that, over time, our community can become one of the most popular networks known out there. We run Lineager.eu as a gamer-friendly server, with no unbalancing donations. Why Start a Gaming Network? Gaming is a global resource that takes part of the modern life so it must remain opened and accessible. So, by branching out and providing a fun gaming community for many games we develop a better PLACE where you can MAKE and MEET friends. We also hope you'll help us do it, so go ahead and join us. Our servers: We are runing several dedicated platforms for SQL and gameservers: * 2 x Xeon Quad Core * 16 GB RAM * 6 x 149 GB 15k rpm (RAID) Our webpage: http://lineager.eu or http://core.lineager.eu/index.php?id=start Offline shops system working. Do I need to create account to play? Yes. Is there GM Shop ? No. C Common and B Shadow on shops. Are there donations ? No Rates for Core Server XP = 4x ][ SP = 4x ][ PartyXP = 1.25 ][ PartySP = 1.25 ][ Adena = 6x Quest Drop x2 ][ Quest Reward x4 Enchant rate is 66% (Like retail) Rates for Hunter Server XP = 10x ][ SP = 11x ][ PartyXP = 1.25 ][ PartySP = 1.25 ][ Adena = 14x Quest Drop x2 ][ Quest Reward x4 Enchant rate is 66% (Like retail) All classes can learn all skills so be carefull with your SP *Skills of another class cost x2 Sp *Skills of another race cost x2 Sp *Skills of fighter/mage cost x3 Sp PVP drop system: During pvp the players drop items having the following drop rates: PlayerDropLimit = 1 <--- the amount of items that will be dropped PlayerRateDrop = 30 PlayerRateDropItem = 20 PlayerRateDropEquip = 30 PlayerRateDropEquipWeapon = 30 Our webpage: http://lineager.eu or http://core.lineager.eu/index.php?id=start
Where to find player death
AndreisS replied to AndreisS's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
I tried to modify from this "else if (isKillerNpc && getLevel() > 4 && !isFestivalParticipant())" to this " else if (getLevel() > 4 && !isFestivalParticipant()) but it doesn't work. -
Where to find player death
AndreisS replied to AndreisS's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
yes but I don't want the player to drop if he's in town. (other players can make mob trains...). Any ideas ? -
Where to find player death
AndreisS replied to AndreisS's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Ok, so this is the function. I'll have to remove this "(!isInsideZone(ZONE_PVP) || pk == null) &&" (from the first if statement). From what I can tell this is the only modification needs to be made. Am I correct ? Thank you again. private void onDieDropItem(L2Character killer) { if (atEvent || killer == null) return; L2PcInstance pk = killer.getActingPlayer(); if (getKarma() <= 0 && pk != null && pk.getClan() != null && getClan() != null && ( pk.getClan().isAtWarWith(getClanId()) // || this.getClan().isAtWarWith(((L2PcInstance)killer).getClanId()) ) ) return; if ((!isInsideZone(ZONE_PVP) || pk == null) && (!isGM() || Config.KARMA_DROP_GM)) { boolean isKarmaDrop = false; boolean isKillerNpc = (killer instanceof L2Npc); int pkLimit = Config.KARMA_PK_LIMIT; int dropEquip = 0; int dropEquipWeapon = 0; int dropItem = 0; int dropLimit = 0; int dropPercent = 0; if (getKarma() > 0 && getPkKills() >= pkLimit) { isKarmaDrop = true; dropPercent = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP; dropEquip = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP; dropEquipWeapon = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP_WEAPON; dropItem = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_ITEM; dropLimit = Config.KARMA_DROP_LIMIT; } else if (isKillerNpc && getLevel() > 4 && !isFestivalParticipant()) { dropPercent = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP; dropEquip = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_EQUIP; dropEquipWeapon = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_EQUIP_WEAPON; dropItem = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_ITEM; dropLimit = Config.PLAYER_DROP_LIMIT; } int dropCount = 0; while (dropPercent > 0 && Rnd.get(100) < dropPercent && dropCount < dropLimit) { int itemDropPercent = 0; List<Integer> nonDroppableList = new FastList<Integer>(); List<Integer> nonDroppableListPet = new FastList<Integer>(); nonDroppableList = Config.KARMA_LIST_NONDROPPABLE_ITEMS; nonDroppableListPet = Config.KARMA_LIST_NONDROPPABLE_ITEMS; for (L2ItemInstance itemDrop : getInventory().getItems()) { // Don't drop if ( itemDrop.isShadowItem() || // Dont drop Shadow Items !itemDrop.isDropable() || itemDrop.getItemId() == 57 || // Adena itemDrop.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_QUEST || // Quest Items nonDroppableList.contains(itemDrop.getItemId()) || // Item listed in the non droppable item list nonDroppableListPet.contains(itemDrop.getItemId()) || // Item listed in the non droppable pet item list getPet() != null && getPet().getControlItemId() == itemDrop.getItemId() // Control Item of active pet ) continue; if (itemDrop.isEquipped()) { // Set proper chance according to Item type of equipped Item itemDropPercent = itemDrop.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_WEAPON ? dropEquipWeapon : dropEquip; getInventory().unEquipItemInSlotAndRecord(itemDrop.getLocationSlot()); } else itemDropPercent = dropItem; // Item in inventory // NOTE: Each time an item is dropped, the chance of another item being dropped gets lesser (dropCount * 2) if (Rnd.get(100) < itemDropPercent) { dropItem("DieDrop", itemDrop, killer, true); if (isKarmaDrop) _log.warning(getName() + " has karma and dropped id = " + itemDrop.getItemId() + ", count = " + itemDrop.getCount()); else _log.warning(getName() + " dropped id = " + itemDrop.getItemId() + ", count = " + itemDrop.getCount()); dropCount++; break; } } } } } -
Where to find player death
AndreisS replied to AndreisS's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
sorry, i meant...drop something from PVP or PK from the winning player's inventory.