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Everything posted by 2mpanos
I told you i am gonna make sure it does. You can cry all you want about me you know where but your server is going down and your future server too, you see i just dont like corrupted motherfackers who also speak, you also advertised your crap server by yourself by joining other servers, cause you are a kid plus you have 0 dev skills. I am donne talking here, when you open a garbige and give things to your close friends etc and play arround you end up with no server. Its really too bad that the condom broke and you were born, accidentally. Plus i also feel sorry about you in a way, just beiing told that your father used to abuse you as a kid.
sure i also inform anyone that is playing that there are dozen gm chars/freinds i have some namkes here lobotomizer (something like this) Luffy This 2 chars are 100% pure gm chars i can guarantee that, plus he is giving items free to loboto's clan, more updates coming soon.
i would like to inform all players that this server DIOS is TWIN the server which closed like a week ago (failure), admin changed the name and armor but he cant change everythiung cause he is stupid, like the announcements of the kills instead of saying Dios:blablabla they say Twin:blablabla. admin DIOS= admin TWIN unsto = whizzo this server failed by the name TWIN so they decided to re-name it, i got some more infos in TWIN whizzo provided GFider - LUNATIC and some close friends with special weapon-armor-jewels-buffs.......... guess what ?? HE DID IT AGAIN. DOUBLE CORRUPTION. Safff= helpful ? not even bothering helping anyone really all they want is donation money nothing mroe thats why they re-opened the server in less than a week with a new name ^^. i forgot also that at the TWIN the corruption was so bad that the staff included 3 ppl (admin=twin, gm=whizzo, gm=donald and gm=r.ecu), now one close friend of gm donald had a fight with GM ecu and guess what happened ?? instead of banning the player, they kicked gm ecu out of the staff. really nice corrupted server opening with 1 reazon, MONEY. anyone on the staff wants to claim i am wrong here?? i am waiting. mister TWIN or should i calll you now DIOS, since you just changed the name. xaaxaxa
Ka8e fora ta kano skata kai meta ta brisko kapos. To brhka telika kai toa douleui to keyboard mia xara, apo oti fenete otan piga apla apo periergia stin diaxeirhsh syskeuon mou ebgaze problhma i thyra usb stin opia eixa syndesh to keyboard kai mou elege oti to programma odhghshs mesa sto system32 itan h katestrameno h elipe, to etiaksa kai tora douleui komple. Tora exo profanos alo problima, pos ginete na elipe to driver tou keyboard mesa apo to system32, prin xalasi to keyboard eixa kani ena tono scans gt kati ypopteuomoun apo (AVAST - malware - spybot - ka8arisa me ccleaner - adware kai pola alla) tpt den mou brhke kati ala profanos tin epomeni mera den douleue to keyboard elipe to driver tou..... ksero ti 8a pite...... den to glitono to format etc ??
Ekana elenxo tis RAM bghkan kathares. Tora to problhma m einai me to keyboard den douleui eno sto bioz dohleui kanonika. To mouse einai komple. Prin pirakso kan ton sklhro h tis RAM den mou douleue to keyboard, mou ebgale mia fora keyboard failure meta den mou ebgaze tpt, entometksi to keyboard douleui mia xara otan eimai sta bios douleui otan mpeni sa windows tpt (eno oi syntomeusis tou keyboard douleuoun kanonika kai sta windows px arithmomixani - plhktra tou hxoy kai sigasi ). Otan mpeno sta bios douleui kai etc nporo na mpo setup safe ktlp. Otan exo to keyboard se thyra usb (se opiadipote apo tis 2) den mou bgazi keyboard failure sta bios (douleui kanonika ekei) alla den douleui sta wkndows parolo pou doueloun oi syntomeusis. Otan den to exo se thyra usb ala kanonika mou bgazi keyboard failure sta bios synexizi mpeni sta windows kai den douleui (den douleuoun oute oi syntomeusis etc). To keyboard den moy to anagnorizi kan sta settings, exo psaksi kai exo kani sxedon ta panta dld apo na sbhso to pc kai na bgalo to jumper block mexri na tou bgalo kai tin mpataria alla papala, kapou eida epidi to keyboard mou douleui sta bios alla oxi sta windows oti mpori na exo problhma sta bios , tha paro kiallo keyboard na do an douleui to kainourgio alios prepi na exo bios ??
Eixa problhma sto plhktrologio douleue se alo pc kai se mena sto boot mou ebgaze keyboard failure opote esbhsa to pc ta aposyndesa ola anoiiksa to kouti kai ebgala to jumper block to ksana ebala kai ton anoiksa alla telika den doulepse.[to eixa bri o solution sto DELL support gia to keyboard]. Entometaksi otan anoiksa to kouti eixe poli skoni opote apofasisa na to kathariso, kai etc opos to kathariza katalathos bghke to kalodio tou sklhrou, to ksanabala, meta eixe poli skoni anamesa stis 2 RAM kai tis ebgala [enoite eixa aposyndesh to pc kai ola ta kalodia], otan teliosa kai tis ksanaebala kai ton anoiksa mou ekane beep synexeia kai meta ebgale auto Alert! Previous attempts at booting this system have failed at checkpoint [write] meta kato ebgaze diafora noumera kai mou ellege na apeuthintho stin DELL kai pola alla, kai episi hard disk 0 found ton esbhsa pali ta aposyndesa ola anoiksa pali to kouti ebgala tis 2 RAM fusiksa min exoun skoni tis ebala kala mesa kai ton ksana anoiksa, mou ebgale pali Alert! Previous attempts at booting this system have failed at checkpoint keyboard failure The system memory has changed [kati tetio edo den thymame akribos kati oti alakse i mnimi] press F1 to continue or F2 [den thymme kati na tsekar] pathsa F1 Kai anoikse kanonika ola kople, ekana 4 Restart kai 1 aposyndesh den mou to ksanabgale. To thema einai se auto pou eipe oti allakse i mnimii, auto pos mporo na to bro ?? an telika xalasa ksero go i RAM H mia apo tis 2. p.s. den thymame posi RAM eixa prin tora eida oti exo 1 GB RAM , kai nomizo oti oi 2 RAM sto kouti grafane kai oi 2, 512kb x64 sd ram kati tetio nomizo tha tis ksanado. Otan ton eklisa kai ton aniksa meta apo 30 leptaden m ebgae alert alla ekane enan hxo san gkazia grrr kathe 30 deutera meta apo ligo stamathse o hxos. Pos tha do an exo prokalesi blabi stis RAM ?
Fun pvp server, geodata sucks. but i must say instead of other servers with big community that open and have 432454 buggs this one is not bad. the only bad is that the admin is a kid maven and the fake countes. he says 450 online i saw 500 online by the command .online but servrer has no more than 60-70
[L2J Ru Files]L2Maven Fresh Start On 29.1.2014 Don't Lose It 600+ On
2mpanos replied to Maven's topic in Private Servers
not more than 30 otehrs dualboxing, and i think server is totally homemade since i played yesterday and i lagged as hell- 58 replies
- balanced
- 18.01.2014
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
tsampe itane i douleia alla den katalabeno gt bgazei kinezika eno exo scannarei kai to pc, kai den katebazo perierga arxeia ktlp
Telika afou eixa kani tin blakia na to bgalo apo tin mpriza 2 fores meta to ebala kai to afhsa na do an telioni kai ksafnika teliose to check mesa se 20 lepta anoikse kanonika to pc kai o diskos itan mai xara tsekara ola ta arxeia den eixe kanena tpt. Tora oso afora ta kinezika pou mou ebgaze otan piga na mpo apo to safe mpori auto na eksigite gt exo moufa windows ? dld ta exi kateabsi enas filos kai ta ebale apo to internt mh gnhsia ? h mipos pezei tpt me kana io ? alla eixa kai avast kai spybot aki den ebriska tpt, mipos yparxi kana utility asfales na mou tsekari to pc ?? thanks
L2Twin Interlude Pvp Server. Join And Vote Us
2mpanos replied to DemonicAngel's topic in Private Servers
Dont even consider joining this shit server there are dizens of bugs abd non working skills there is no balance and there is huge corruption. If you see GFider dont even consider attacking him he is gm char with stats he has 3 passive aug skills. (y i tried it and wasted my time) -
Kalhspera xronia polla kai kalh xronia. O ypologistis mou den anoigi katholou oute normal oute se safe mode. Xtes eithela na kliso to pc kai tou ekana aposyndesh omos apo oti fenete den eklise gt ksipnisa to proi kai ton eida anoixto, eixe bgali ena sfalma to Avast antivirus pou exo kai den eixe klisi apo xtes. Ton eklisa kai ton ksanaanoiksa otan fortone mou ebgale check schedule ston deutero disko mou D: kai to afhsa na teliosi omos sto tetarto bhma den proxorage eixe 0% sto (CHKDSK is verifying file data) eklisa to pc kai piga na to anoikso se safe mode na do ti paizei otan pathsa F8 mou ta ebgaze ola kinezika sto menu, pathsa safe mode pou thymomoun oti itan i proti epilogi fortone apo to system32 alla pali den empene se safe mode, kai tora mou exi to check schedule tou D: pou den telioni... Ena help re pedia. p.s. Xtes eithela na kano anasygkrotisi tou diskoy D: alla itan poli gematos kai den ginotane na to kano, omos stin anafora tou diskou D: mou ebgale oti yparxoun merika katestramena arxeia. Entometaksi to epsaksa ligo sto google kai eida oti ekana mia megalh malakia, eida oti theli mexri kai ores na teliosi kai ego otan eida oti eixe kolisi sto 0% ebgala to kalodio 2 fores kai auto apo oti eida tha kataliksi se megales zhmies...
L2Twin Interlude Pvp Server. Join And Vote Us
2mpanos replied to DemonicAngel's topic in Private Servers
i played in this server it sucks and i will tell you why. 1)its L2J which its not mentioned 2)there is no balance at all you see all the server has arcehrs no balance 3)skills not working at all for example (bluff not working - stun and slam of tanks not working - sleep of doomcryer is 110% always - plus more skills which i did not found) 4)there is a very big corruption in this server which has ended in a lot of ppl leaving it why ?? welll if you join and see those 2 players you will understand ---Gfider and iLuNaTiC, those 2 are kind of gm chars and they do what ever they like jail - ban ppl what ever, yesterday they where threating a gm staff new who jailed them and banned one of them , and the result ? unjailed unbanned nothing happens, plus i got 2 Screenshot of GM Mr.Donald sucking their balls, in fact they said to GM Mr.Donald either he will do as they say or they will leave xaxaa I left the server so have donne a lot of ppl enjoy P.s server uses fake counter it says online for example 100 players but there are no more than 20-25, some bots afk for rewards and the other fake. -
stupid server no players bugged and the admin hybrid tard opened the server 3 days ago and was never online he doesnt care
dont bump this server is a complete failure and you too. you opened this server and you where never online stupid admin and only 6 ppl max online bugged server yes i tried it DO NOT ENTER
[L2Off] L2Mid Interlude X75 (13 December 2013)
2mpanos replied to SkyLord's topic in Private Servers
1) if 1 person say admin is corrupted and his brother (you) retard maybe is wrong, if 4 ppl say that then sorry ITS TRUE, no SMOKE no FIRE. 2)well you see the person who is being told by everyone that he is corrupted and skylord's brother actually is not denying any rumors, but what is he actually saying ? i will explian he said "if you do not like it you are free as bird :)" ----- the actual meaning is = there are dozens of pvp - mid - high servers if you dont like the corruption to this server you can leave (this doesnt mean that we will stop corruption) 3)besides seeing everyone telling that you are his brother you end your post signing "Regards from SkyLord (F4sh10n)" OKE MESSAGE SENT. P.S i guess everyone knows now that fashio is gonna have +98887 weapon +7867 armor jewels +342545 50 active skills and 70 passive skills and gonna give more items to his "close friends" as welll This server is a failure, skylords - fashio aim of this server ?? donations , and having fun playing both with +666 with a bunch of ppl. i give this server 2 weeks max with this corruption you will see how many will leave instantly. -
[L2J] L2Ground 1200X = Retail + Custom Modifications=
2mpanos replied to -Hades-'s topic in Private Servers
allright but for those who havent played gold before i think you should update you post and add all the special skills from all the chars so they will know.Book of giant is going to be obtained only by boss? Or olympiad too? -
[L2J] L2Ground 1200X = Retail + Custom Modifications=
2mpanos replied to -Hades-'s topic in Private Servers
There are still some things not complete you havent said for example this server is like gold so in gold bladedancers and swordsingers had dances/songs lvl2 i think, is this gonna be ? or normal skills ? and how about enchanting a skill ?? havent said anything, in gold book of giants where obtained only by olympiad points. give more info thanks -
Εχω καποιο προβλημα με το Direct3d οταν παω στο dxdiag στην καρτελα οθονη και παταω δοκιμη του Direct3D μου βγαζει αυτο Αποτελέσματα δοκιμής του Direct3D 7: Αποτυχία στο βήμα 8 (Δημιουργία συσκευής 3Δ): HRESULT = 0x887602eb (Κωδικός σφάλματος) στα αρχεια δεν εχω προβλημα, καποια βοηθεια ? Edit: εκανα απεγκατασταση του driver της καρτας γραφικων για να τα ξαναπερασω και ειπα να κανω απεγκατασταση στο DirectX αλλα δεν γινεται, οποτε πηγα στο μητρωο και εσβησα το μητρωο του DirectX, τωρα οταν πηγαινω dxdiag δεν μου βγαζει εκδοση DirectX στα Αρχεια DirectX μου εχει αρκετα αρχεια και μου βγαζει αυτο Το αρχείο gcdef.dll είναι μια παλιά έκδοση η οποία μπορεί να δημιουργήσει προβλήματα. Τα αρχεια που μου βγαζει τωρα στην καρτελα Αρχεια DirectX πως μπορω να τα σβησω ?
[L2Off] L2Mid Interlude X75 (13 December 2013)
2mpanos replied to SkyLord's topic in Private Servers
i think that its going to be a good server but i am sure his brother and him will do once more again things to mess up the server. they have donne it in the past. what screenshot ? -
[L2Off] L2Mid Interlude X75 (13 December 2013)
2mpanos replied to SkyLord's topic in Private Servers
thats true his brother is going to play also in this new server maybe not with same name but you will know eventually who he will be, the first one with ultra weapons etc is gonna be his retarded brother -
καλησπερα υπαρχουν πολλα πολλα blog και site που δειχνουν ταινιες χωρις να τις κατεβασεις online, εχω ψαξει σε αρκετα αλλα δεν εχω βρει μια ταινια που θελω μηπως ξερει κανεις καπου να την δω με ελληνικους υποτιτλους ? Semi pro λεγεται.
καλησπερα εχω το avast antivirus και το spywareblaster και το spybot search and destroy αλλα και με τα τρια αυτα το pc κολλαει απιστευτα, μπορει καποιος να με διαφωτηση τη χρειαζομε περισσοτερο ωστε να μην κολλαει το pc μου αλλα ταυτοχρονα να ειμαι και καλα προστατευμενος ?? ευχαριστω
Εχω προσεξη μερικες φορες στον firefox στα cookies μου βγαζει μερικες IP, παιζει κατι ?