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Everything posted by CryStaliN

  1. CryStaliN


    instrumentalul e de nota 20.
  2. stagnam ca aia de la putere fac ce vor ei iar noi nu facem nimic e vina noastra ca suportam.
  3. E corect ce zici si tu dar raule a pus problema prioritatilor noastre si una dintre ele este exact problema propusa de raule.
  4. Exact. Ma uit si vad ca babele alea nebune ascund caini peste tot unde pot cred ca problema se rezolva daca eutanasiam toate babele astea nebune. Si sido nu este cum zici tu . Potaile nu sunt inocente deloc si la mine in oras au atacat copii mici si turisti veniti in vacanta care probabil au ramas cu un gust amar dupa ce au vazut ce tara de lumea a 3-a suntem. RUSINE!
  5. fogarel-nosfekain and many others probably. (not sure if devangell though)
  6. The same server&owner though :>
  7. OP PM IS OP. and nub is not forsekain .
  8. Gets home and finds wife alone in bed,goes to the wardrobe to change his outfit Finds the nigga butler.
  9. Nervos a facut misto cu faza: Tata sunt homar =))
  10. nub please hi are you the wooden pc ?
  11. Second one done,but the first one seems to be in the right place. He is proving to the people a program to multibox and the section is about bots.
  12. The account is registered in a county where it works . So this should be fine. In the last case you can use the proxy and done. ^-^
  13. Raule iti arat eu la mine ogramada care asculta Cazi Ploae ca e seceta si sunt proaste de bubuie
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