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Everything posted by CryStaliN

  1. One of the oldest things around here . (the first one appeared in 08 or 09)
  2. Not possible son. It's like anal for the first time pregnant.
  3. Yea :happyforever: Or just kick referees ass :)
  4. CryStaliN

    FIFA 14!

    I just downloaded the BETA today. A preview 8)
  5. Ormiau =) now i know why raule loves cats :troll:
  6. Virgin goes to get laid for the first time with a escort Shemale :troll:
  7. Da sau aia a mea cu Evreu se duce in vacanta Germania :troll:
  8. Finally finds his real love on a forum ormeo :troll:
  9. Amazing share mate , keep up your amazing job 8) It's really nice to see such things.
  10. http://www.lolking.net/summoner/eune/21025223 You have 900 games and still stucked in silver v ok. (d1 league xD) I'll end it here.
  11. Make what? you're bronze 1 or silver V . (and don't take me with this is my smurf etc) Don't trade with this guy. (just my opinion)
  12. Excuse me ? I'm sorry but i can't understand what you mean You asked my opinion and it was C4. Also about the GF a 30x server with hard farm.
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