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Posts posted by killer_007

  1. I promised you to give you such a guide, but because of the fact that is complicating, i needed some time to find more infos for it, so as it is CORRECT and WORKS. This is an EXTREME MODDERS GUIDE for l2, if ya think that you are cool enough to do this, try!


    Before we start: Tested on C4, i hope it works with C5 too, try it and tell me ;D If you want assistance, you have better post here or add me to msn, or pm me (yeah, i got over 260 PMs for these guides :P) but i prefer msn. Click on my profile. I would recomend also to post your problem so as to post the solution for this, and i won't have mass spam for the same thing over and over.


    1st Step: We need some programs, don't we...?


    Q: What do i need? I know you gonna get me into troubles...

    A: We need some stuff, i hope you have time to download, huh.


    Q: Are these tools simple to use?

    A: No, but if you follow this guide, it will be more than you think!


    Download links at the end of this guide. What do we need?


    Lineage 2 client (I think it is obvious, just to be sure...)

    l2decrypt (Decrypts pretty much all the L2 files.)

    l2toolo (Creates UTX files that can be read by UnrealEd.)

    Appropriate DDS tools (Get the DDS Utils and Photoshop plugin (If you plan to use Photoshop))

    Photoshop (Find it your self, no link... illegal)

    UnrealEd (UnrealEd, as well as a nifty Demo of Unreal engine.)


    2nd Step: Decrypting :)


    We create a new folder, anywhere we want to do it. We extract the l2decrypt tool, and we copy the .utx file we want to edit. I suppose you would like to edit a weapon, huh? Yeah, pretty nice, it would be fun to have your name on YOUR blade. We go to \SysTextures\LineageWeaponsTex.utx and find that file, we copy it (the LineageWeaponsTex.utx not the whole folder damn it!) and paste it on the same folder as the l2decrypt. Now, we drag it and drop it on the l2decrypt.exe (don't worry i know what i am saying). Hehehe, seems to work huh? Now we see this (not the same, it depends where your folder is, this photo is from systextures, but i told you to create a new folder just to not mess all the things).




    Nice, now we decrypted that! DO NOT FORGET THE NUMBER THAT GAVE US (wrote 12123033 bytes using VERSION 121)


    3rd Step: We wanna edit it, so, make it readable :)


    The last step just created LineageWeaponsTex.clear.utx in that same directory as the old file. Now we want to make it readable by unrealED, so we will do it using l2toolo. We open that program, and press the button: .. after the utxΜ§²Ω blank. We search FOR OUR .clear.utx FILE. Double click on it. If you get any error, just avoid it... we don't care...








    Now we select the button Line2->UnrealED

    Save it as xxx.unreal.utx (just to avoid damn messages). Now we will go on with unreal.




    4th Step: UnrealED


    C:\UnrealEngine2Runtime\System\UnrealEd.exe run it (if you installed it on the default folder), press file and then open (upper left corner on the textures window). Open the file you made with l2toolo now (i named it xxx.unreal.utx (WHERE xxx THE DEFAULT NAME!!!)) and WOW. We can see EVERYTHING NOW! YIHAAAAAAAAAAAA!




    Yeah, but, God damn it, we have a long way. So don't be happy (just go mad, become a crazy cow, smash your head with an egg). Now it's the hot part! There is a dropdown menu, click on it and select the weapon you want to edit 8) I like falchion. Let's see what we can do.




    Select it, right click, export to file... , select our folder (i used systextures, use the one you made...), save and close that UnrealEd. Now, it's modding time meeeeeeeeeen!






    5th Step: OMFG, we will edit it now!!!


    Install those plugins for photoshop. If you installed them right, you will open that file with double click (if you don't, then go and take a bath, and come back again). NOW EDIT!!! @.@ Do not do something crazy, because later we have to save it in the correct format, and if you don't know what you did and what each format means, you will be like the pig in the mud. Write something, edit the hue and the lightness, not something crazy...






    Now select: file ~> save as... and save it as a dds file. Choose the correct format (it is the same as the default of this texture, unless you did crazy things on it), which for me is a DXT1 with only R G and B, no alpha's. Select what fits you and click OK.




    Now, let's import it in our textures ;D


    6th Step: We almost finished...




    7th Step: We almost finished, part 2...


    I hope you got that before, so we can go on. Semi-Final step... importing it to client. We will use l2toolo now.


    On the first text box (ddsΜ§²Ω) we will add the .dds file we saved just 1' before. On utxΜ§²Ω text box, select the xxx.clear.utx file. On the last text box (Γ½Α-) add the texture you will replace on the .clear.utx file (99.9% the same as the name of the .dds file, without the .dds OBVIOUSLY). Press set. If everything went fine, we will see that box with the ????????????? text ;D Press ok.






    We are almost done boys, COME ON!


    8th Step: Let's DO IT! ENCRYPT IT!


    The last step is, encrypting that file. We do the same as before, but with the xxx.clear.utx file. We drag it, and drop it on l2decrypt.exe It will open. Now, do you remember what i told you before, ehm... 30 minutes? (This is the time it took me from the 1st step to this :P) Well, for you 5' before (you are reading, i'm creating...). REMEMBER THAT DAMN NUMBER. Don't start asking <<Was it 111 or 121...?>>, DO IT, copy paste again the file in another folder, and decrypt again to be sure (Not on the same genious, it will overight the existing one). Enter the number, and press enter... ouf, i hope you got a file named xxx.crypt.utx, RIGHT??? x.x I hope, i hopeeeeeeeee. If you got that, delete the real one, and rename the xxx.crypt.utx into xxx.utx and paste it into your client (from the path you got it).




    YOU DID IT, CRAZY BOY!!! Start your game, and enjoy it ;D Your friends will act like you are the GOD of l2!!! GG QQ, bb from me ;D Login and see what you have done. If you get any client error, post it, OR DO THIS AGAIN!





    http://www.sexyracing.com/lineage/l2howto/l2decrypt.zip ~> L2Decrypt

    http://www.sexyracing.com/lineage/l2howto/l2toolo.zip ~> l2toolo

    http://developer.nvidia.com/object/nv_texture_tools.html ~> photoshop plugins

    http://www.sexyracing.com/lineage/l2howto/UE2Runtime-22261903.exe UnrealEd


    Info: I created this guide, but i'm on vista PC, so these programs don't work and i'm unable to make you some photos, so i got some from the web (and editted them). I advised 4 guides totally to make this one (and not copy paste ;D)

    It works on C4, i can't try it on C5 (i told you why...), try out and tell us.


    ***More To Come Soon***

    ***eXtreme Modding Guides Collection***

  2. I was thinking of a very useful section, solved section...? This would prevent mass posts for the same topic (the last forum of each category should be a solved section, so it would be faster and easier for a new member to find a solution for his problem ;)) or after the question of a topic is solved, then the topic should be locked (i doubt about it, maybe should be kept open) and a tag [solved] should go there. And the title should be editted to be more specific as they would solve their queries before spamming the whole place. Also, i agree for the dump section, useless topics should go there.

    [me=killer_007]Hoping maxtor will keep an eye on this topic ;D[/me]

  3. Dacki, megalo lathos...


    STOUS JAVA, H APPELA, DEN-DOULEVEI, giati poli apla einai thema java-xml kai oi tis l2j barioude na to ftiaksoun... den ftanei dld pou to 30% twn skills den doulevei kan, exoun kai tin appela... to cancel affect ston official kai to CP pou dinei einai tromero affect...


    Epishs h titanium einai custom :) Den exei kamia douleia :P


    Ta skills mporeis na ta baleis se enan C5 poli apla (mhn ksexname oti o InterLude einai sxedon o idios me ton c5 sto system, kai panoloidios sta textures) einai thema xronou... an einai tha asxolithw na ta balw today... ;D Kai tha sas pw ti lene...


    Pados h NCSOFT to paei san to WoW to l2... bash sto theama (alla ligotero stin oikonomia apo oti to wow).

  4. I'll talk in theory, i'm 99% sure it works, but not 100% :) Try it yourself first:


    Go to phpmyadmin 2.7.0 (do not ask for navicat, i don't use it, i use freeware appls) and go to charactes table... go to structure. There are 3 tables, x - y - z. This is the location of the char. Use the change structure function (that little pencil). Now (i hope you typed in game /loc command so as you know what are the x y and z values of the location) go to the column <<Default2>> (the one before the end) and for every row, use the values you got In Game and save the table. That's all, now (in theory) every character created will be spawned at that place. I haven't tried it but i knew that method and i am 99% sure it works. 5' Job to try it and see yourself if it works ;)

  5. Ok here i go, i was ready to pm you maxtor, but now it isn't needed. Nice idea thano! ;)


    My opinion is based on the L2J Section, because of the fact that i'm a regular user of this section (that doesn't mean that i don't use exploits section etc, but every1 is in his sector, and i like l2j dev :P) and as it is a fast growing section (as long as i check it, it is growing with many guides and shares, and help topics) you should keep an eye on it and reorder it. What do i mean? In this section there are all in one mixed help posts, guides, shares, offtopic (like client problems, omfg, that are caused for other reasons), so it would be a good idea to seperate it into a help section, a shares (releases) section (one for server files and one for client files) and a guide section! I think that most people who have broswed in this category agree with me.


    And another idea is a client errors (support) section (or both support and client customization section). But i don't know how popular this would be.


    I hope i was of help to you and i sincerely wish this site keeps growing, as it is a site made by Greek people and this makes us proud ;)

  6. Here is a system tweak and some java tweaks so as your players are gonna have less lag (but watch out, not less lag caused by the server's connection, but less caused by the server's PC.


    The first tweak is simple, and has really nice affects on your server when you have lots of people logged in. Let's say that you have about 4GB of physical memory (it is really good for a server PC) but you have lag... lot's of lag! Why don't you try to set off your page file system? If you use less than the 4GB of the physical ram, you have a good connection and too much lag, turn off the page file system of your OS (that's why i suggest linux for your server, it has a clever ram management system, not like w$). More about this on microsoft's site. (It is on the advanced tab of your PC properties, on performance setttings). Don't forget that, if you go up to 4GB your PC will lack of RAM and pouf, server is down ;D Suggested only if the rest of the ram is free. Do not forget to set the restart time of the server on less than 6 hours, as after that time your RAM usage is getting bigger and bigger.


    Another tweak is a java tweak on the startgameserver.bat. Totally three. Take a look, and pay attention.


    The first tweak is the RAM usage. Let's say that you have 2GB physical RAM (as i do). Look inside the .bat file, there is a row which is starting with...


    java -Xmx512m -cp


    This tells java not to go over that value, but use it as it wishes. You can change it in steps of 256mb. REMEMBER NOT TO EXCEED THE 60% OF YOUR PHYSICAL RAM.


    You can also put in front of this value this command -Xms512m and it tells java that IT WILL USE always 512mb. It almost elimates your memory (always that memory usage is a high amount) but it helps a lot. It should look like this:


    java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -cp


    The last code is about the memory that java uses for getting rid of the bad code... what do i mean...? Every program running for some time, makes tons of garbage, which it doesn't need, and java makes a f*cking great amount of useless code. We can add this command: -Xmn128m in our code, so it will kick the bad code every some minutes, and will use 128mb for this job. Try it:


    java -Xmn128m -Xms512m -Xmx512m -cp


    Remember not to exceed the 25% of the next value (in this case the 512, so 25% of 512 is 128).


    Another tweak (that is know) is to set java priority to high, or real time (only if it is a dedicated server PC) which greatly increases your server's performance, but needs to be automated to restart every 6 hours (because CPU usage after 6 hours of realtime or high priority gets over 95%, sometimes even 100%). To set it to real time or high priority, use the task manager, go to threads manager and find the java thread, right click, priority settings. If you want it to be setted auto by the machine priority to realtime, open your startgameserver.bat file and add before java: start/realtime/wait

    So, it seems like this now:

    @echo off


    echo Starting L2J Game Server.


    start/realtime/wait java -Xmx512m -cp ./config/;commons..................................................


    The last tweak, is a dirty trick, huhuhu. If you want to make your players to think that server is running on a powerful machine without any bit of lag, or whatever, give 20% more running speed to all chars from your db (yes, set it as the default, so any new char gets instead of the official speed +20% more). Now they think they fly, but in the reality it is just a trick. Nobody will note it.


    Have fun ;) Tested on my hlapex server (if you played there huh ;D).


    *Collected from some old .txt files of my c3-c4 packs collection. The guide is mine ;) But i got the basic idea from there :P

  7. Egw den tha epaiza ekei, giati apo makria mirizeis


    option 1) Oi admin einai toso noobades pou den xeroun oti den iparxei C6 alla eleos! INTERLUDE!

    option 2) Pane na psarepsoune 500 noobakia 10xrona pou nomizoun oti einai new server.


    Have fun...


    /ontopic mode ON


    Edw kai kairo se olous tous server me enan aplo packet blocker to hlapex egine axrhsto, kai exploits kata posos gnwrizw den iparxoun ekei... (epeidh einai popular greek paizoun kai filoi mou ekei ;D)


    /back to offtopic mode ON


    To anathematismeno help section den to blepeis, giati spammarete to kedriko forum?

  8. Emena padws, gia vista den mou fenode, ektos an ta ultimate exoun tosooooo megalh diafora ;D


    Thano, sigoura einai vista afta...? An exeis tin home version mporei, alla kai pali nomizw oti kapoies diafores den eprepe na iparxoun x.x Apla apo periergia, an h microsoft afise toso wrates diafores anamesa stis ekdosis... an nai tote eimai tixeros ;D Alla den bazw to xeri sti photia...

  9. nod32, but for god's shake not norton... all in one suite: ZoneAlarm Security suite (the best firewall around and good antivirus).


    Nod32 is the best scanning antivirus, but kaspersky has stronger shield. I prefer nod32 as it is faster, better in removal and with better heurestics and less ram consuming ;)

  10. Yes, the title is true ;D Tested and works. The better your connection is, the most performance you get ;) It's what we call VoIP (voice over internet protocol). Listed countries:









    Czech Republic








    Hong Kong (+mobile)











    New Zealand





    Puerto Rico (mobile)

    Russian Federation

    Singapore (+mobile)


    South Korea





    Thailand (+mobile)

    United Kingdom

    United States (+mobile)


    With my 768/196 connection, i have clear voice. If you have a better connection that this, you will experience clear sound and a high performance conversation!


    It works, tested. Absolutely FREE!


    It has a limitation of 5 hours per week. If you have a dynamic ip, change the ip and register a new account when you reach the limit ;)


    Don't forget to put 00 + countrycode + areacode + subscribernumber


    For example, if you call to/from to America: 00151477777777

    Germany: 00492310777777

    Or Greece: 00302107777777


    Don't forget to change the area code ;D


    Have fun!




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