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Posts posted by killer_007

  1. .htaccess (W:\www)


    # This file provides security to the server limiting acces to the localhost only


    Order Deny,Allow

    Allow from all

    Allow from


    # To allow execution of cgi scripts in this directory uncomment next two lines

    #AddHandler cgi-script .bat .exe .pl .cgi

    #Options +ExecCGI


    #AuthName "test"

    #AuthType basic

    #AuthUserFile /www/.htpasswd

    #require valid-user


    If it looks like this, you simply type the no-ip <<domain>> and connect.

  2. Go here and deactivate the otenet protection http://ps.otenet.gr/active/ServiceActivation/csAuth.jsp (you have to wait 1 day until it is switched off)

    Download the no-ip client

    Create an account and activate it

    Install the program

    Go to administration of your account and add a host

    Go to the options of the program and set start on startup

    Wait 5-10' and rr your program and you are ready to go ;) (don't forget to klick on the host)

  3. First of all I know that other guides already exist, but I would like to post a new one with more instructions and tips :)


    This is a full guide about how you can install and mod your server! It isn’t an easy one, but i gonna try to explain it as good as i can! Well first of all you need to download a server packet! I post the download link for a package at the end of the post (darkrage's revision latest l2j version / hlapex protection…). Well, first of all I gonna explain how we install it.


    1st Step: Installation of Programs we gonna need


    Q: What do I need to have installed before I continue with the rest of the progress?

    A: Common programs that you can find easily, as navicat and java. (Links at the end of the post).


    Q: What I have to do now that I have downloaded them?

    A: You just install them and restart your pc.


    Q: Is there any point that I have to pay attention when I install these two programs?

    A: No, just install them. The installation wizard is like l2 install.


    2nd Step: L2 Server installation


    Ok, the title says that you are close to the end, but sorry I have to say the opposite :P


    Well, now after you have downloaded the file I said in the beginning (l2server packet) you unpack it to c:\server (WATCH OUT: It has to be like this…NOT c:\my server or something like this. WATCH OUT 2: Do not unpack it like c:\server\server !!!

    You did it ?!?! W00T! Now we can continue. Fist of all, you gonna say <<WTF are all these files ?!?!? F*ck!>>. Let’s take a brief look…


    diskw: It’s you apache / php / mysql server! Imagine that it is a big jar with your server. Everything you do (chars, items etc) is saved there. With simple words, it’s your database keeper.


    gameserver: Easy one! In there you can find everything about your game (armor data files, weapons, skills and other stuff that you don’t need to know :P You just need the config folder, the data folder and the startgameserver.bat).


    login: Nothing interesting here, you need the config folder and the startloginserver.bat, registergameserver.bat.


    Optional: Some custom things, if you are interested in any of them, look at the next guide, about custom things and custom things import.


    sql: Just let it pass :P Nothing interesting (unless you have high developing skills and you wanna edit some things here).


    tools: We gonna need it. It’s the installer for our db (if you don’t know how to do it manually).

    start.bat: It helps you start your sql/php/apache server.


    stop.bat: It stops your sql/php/apache server.


    Now that you know some things, we can go on. Now it’s the server install part.


    Press you start.bat: Now you have started the sql server (and apache/php but we mainly need the sql for now).

    Go to tools folder and press database_installer.

    It will ask you some things. We need to press: Full install (f) to the first two and then yes (y) to the rest.

    Check out your localhost site (type localhost in your browser). If everything is normal, you have successfully installed your database.

    Good, now we have to edit some things before we start the login and game server.

    C:\Server\login\config ~> loginserver (open it with text editor).


    # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname



    # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname



    # Bind ip of the loginserver, use * to bind on all available IPs






    THESE ARE THE OPTIONS IF YOU PLAY ALONE!!! If you wanna let other players to connect to your server, you have to edit the



    Where XXX, put the IP you find here: http://www.whatismyip.com/


    Now we can start our login server. But before this, we should Register our game server. When I say register, I mean the Bartz etc names we see when we press login!

    Press registergameserver.bat and choose a number from the file inside C:\Server\login\ with the name ~> servername.xml

    When you do it and press enter, you will see that a .txt file has been generated. Rename it from hexid(server X) to hexid. (where X the number you choose). Now put this file in the config folder of your gameserver. (C:\Server\lgameserver\config)

    Now we finally can start our login server. Press startloginserver.bat and leave it until the final line says: Telnet is currently disabled.


    Now we have to start our game server:

    C:\Server\gameserver\config ~> server (open it with text editor).


    # Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs




    # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname

    # If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave *



    # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname

    # If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave *



    # Bind ip of the loginserver, use * to bind on all available IPs





    # The Loginserver host and port




    Make it look like this. NOTE: I forgot to tell you that you have to add your router IP if you use a router in InternalHostname for login and game server too. You can get it from your router’s software. But on 99% of situations, works.


    Now we can start game server using startgameserver.bat! It needs some time (for better performance, close everything else that is CPU/RAM consuming). When you see on your LOGIN window (I hope that you didn’t close it before, did you? :P) the line AUTH: 0 (or something like this, I don’t remember at the momment and I don’t have a server to try it) you are ready. Start your client (read the next part for l2.ini / hosts editing before) and play!


    In order to use this server again, you have JUST to do: editing of the config files for both login and gameserver IF you have a dynamic ip and using startloginserver.bat and startgameserver.bat!


    Q: How can I stop the server???

    A: Go IG and in you admin window (//admin ~> server management) press shutdown X seconds (where X, you choose). Logout and wait till it says on your Game server window: Press any key… Press a key and the window will disappear. Now go to login window and close it with X (up to the right corner). Finally, press stop.bat!


    Q: Can I play from the same PC?

    A: Yes but it may cause lag to your server if you don’t have a good PC.


    Q: Why I’m not a GM/ADMIN?!?!?

    A: There are lots of ways to become an admin on your server, see bellow


    3rd Step: Connecting!


    Now let’s see…what do I forgot…? Oh yes! How the f*ck we gonna connect?!?!? Well, you choose…the easy or the hard way? :P (trust me, at the beginning the l2.ini way is difficult, but you gonna love it in the future). Let’s see…


    L2.ini Method


    First of all we download the file edit program (link at the end of the post) and we extract it (anywhere you want). Easy one! Now we run it and we press “open and decrypt” (first box on your left). We search a little and we go to our l2 system and open the… l2.ini file!!! Nice, now we search for “ServerAddr=” (where may be anything, just avoid it, find the “ServerAddr=”) If you want to play from your pc, just edit it to be ServerAddr=, if you want others to connect, simply put the IP you got before from http://www.whatismyip.com/ and you put in your config files of login/game server. NOW IT’S THE HOT PART (and I say hot ‘cause that f*cking sh1t gets on my nerves, lol I always do it wrong even if it’s so easy) DO NOT PRESS that f*cking X button, but PRESS “Save and Encrypt” !!! Save it in 413 version (and press yes when it says “do you want to replace bla bla bla”). You are ready :)


    Hosts Method


    It’s the easiest way if you update your client often. Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc and open your hosts file with text editor (WATCH OUT: Do not open your msn hosts!!!)


    Add the following:


    XXX l2authd.lineage2.com

    XXX L2testauthd.lineage2.com


    If you play from your pc add, if you want others to connect, simply put the IP you got before from http://www.whatismyip.com/ and you put in your config files of login/game server.


    4th Step: GM/Admin


    Well, there are lots of methods, I gonna explain the simpliest you can find. Go to C:\Server\gameserver\config ~> options and find the line


    # If next switch set to true every created character will have access level 200.

    EverybodyHasAdminRights = False


    Set it to True ( # If next switch set to true every created character will have access level 200.

    EverybodyHasAdminRights = True ). Go NOW and create an account and char and login (it doesn’t work for pre-created accounts/chars). After you get your GM/Admin status shutdown your server, go back and set this option to False . Now you are a GM/Admin :)


    5th Step: Editing some server issues


    C:\Server\gameserver\config - I’m sure you saw all these files. These are ALL the options of our server (rates/enchant rate/anything you can imagine). So we have to learn to edit the basic of them.


    altsettings ~>



    # If disabled, magic dmg has always 100% chance of success, default is 'true'


    The magic failure. The normal is true, but you can edit it.


    # Alternative cancel of attack (bow, cast, all)


    You can edit if you want the bow attack or the cast attack or even both to be able to be canceled. Default is only cast.


    # Disable Raidboss Petrification


    If you are 9 lvls or more higher than the raid boss, you get petrified automatically. Default is True (You won’t get petrified if you are 9 lvls or more higher than the raid boss).


    Alternative settings against player with karma


    Karma players settings, I’m sure you gonna enjoy editing it if you are against pks :D


    # Allow free teleportation around the world.


    Teleport without adena. Nice option for PvP servers, or medium rate (35x)


    # Allows Players to Shift-click Mobs and view their Stats and Droplist


    View drops and stats of mobs without being GM. I suggest you to set it as False


    # Items Players arent allowed to Trade/Destroy/Put to Warehouse


    Like hero weapons, just put the id you wish.


    Crafting config


    Crafting settings


    # Skills config


    Class master spawn and class change options

    Learn skills without spellbook option.

    Sub-class options.

    Dagger skills success/dmg.

    Auto learn skills option.

    Custom success for root/sleep.

    Maximum Buff slots (you can have more than the normal buffs without losing the previous).

    Buff duration


    Clan settings


    Only the clan leader’s colour worths for me from here :P



    enchant ~>


    Enchant success rate (full control for you :) )

    A custom system for success of dwarfs.



    Options ~> take a look but don’t touch anything else than EverybodyHasAdminRights

    # Player punishment for illegal acions

    # Chat configuration


    For better performance, set community board OFF

    # Community board configuration (#  - off  =  no community Board)



    rates ~>


    set server rates



    Server ~> the config for connections only


    6th Step: Upgrading!

    How to upgrade server

    - Stop MySQL by run c:\server\stop.bat

    - Extract & overwrite new files to c:\server

    - Run again c:\server\start.bat

    - Run c:\server\tools\database_installer.bat and choose (u) for Upgrade.

    - Optional: Run c:\server\l2j\tools\Updates_Sql.bat and ingorne all errors code 1060

    - Start Login server by run C:\server\startLoginServer.bat

    - Start Game server by run C:\server\startGameServer.bat



    7th Step: Custom things!

    Well, I’ll tell you how to import custom things and how to create, but for creating I won’t give a very clear guide, because you need to know lot’s of things (.xml and client editing, and when I say client edit, I  don’t mean the usual <<add the following lines>> but you have to create yours, so you have to know what exactly means everything in the .dat files. But I’ll tell you how to edit some common and easy things, without too much client editing or difficult .xml.


    Let’s see…importing first. Do you remember the folder Optional, for which I told you about at the beginning? If yes, you have a good memory :D There are lots of custom things there, so I gonna tell you with some words how you can import any of them. If inside the custom folder there is a folder which is called <<data>>, we have to put it inside the gameserver folder (c:\server\gameserver\) and replace. If it has an sql folder too, we have first of all to identify it! (and I mean, to understand in which table we should import it). As I told you at the beginning, you should install a program called <<Navicat>>. This is the same as phpmyadmin, but much faster and with friendly environment. The sql we see looks like a .txt file (but it is an .sql file!). We open navicat and then press connection.


    connection name: whatever you want

    hostname/ip address: localhost

    username: root

    password: root

    (for the packet I gave you these are the settings).

    Then press test connection. If connection is ok, we can go on (NOTE: You have to have a server installed first).

    Press l2jdb

    Search for import wizard (on the main buttons bar).

    Select .txt files import

    import file from…USE THE OPTION ALL FILES (*.*)

    search for the sqls you found before

    select them

    next etc until you see start…press start….if your sqls are successfully installed, you are ready :) (Remember to upload all the sqls inside the folder).


    Ok with this? Now we gonna learn how to edit the bonuses of the armors/weapons etc. (this can change the balance of the game. Always keep backups ‘cause you may destroy the .xml files. .xml file editing is a difficult job, and professional, so I suggest you not to do anything, just to try to learn :) )


    We won’t use a professional tool (like dreamweaver 8 witch costs lots of money) but only our .txt editor (it’s simply to use for beginners). I suggest you to start coping things from other stuff (for example add the lines you believe give poison on critical on duals from a bow). Remember before you go on to do SAVE and double klick on the .xml and open it with Internet Explorer to see if everything runs smoothly. If you get any error, you did something wrong. But I tell you again, if you don’t know .xml (labels, orders, stats) you have better not to touch it :P If you want something, ask me in a post to do it for you, but don’t ask for client editing, ‘cause it’s a time consuming job, and I don’t have much time :P


    Finally, we have the client left. Let’s see…look at your system. The files are .ini, .int and .dat files. The name says it all (i.e. Npcname.dat). If you edit this file, you can edit any npc name. Always keep a backup of your system. And for editing files without problems, you have to have a modded system. Just use one from a server with custom things. (the npc names and titles can also be changed in your database with navicat, if you want info, ask me in post). The easiest and funniest thing you can edit is systemmsg-e.dat, which holds all the messages of l2 (critical, miss, logout, login, welcome etc.) and edit it with other funny messages :P You can edit your server name from servername-e.dat and other cool stuff (enchant colors etc.) Just open any file you wish with fileedit and do some tests :P


    Remember: NCSoft has claimed that CLIENT MODDING is a punishable crime, and any modification of his client is illegal. (well, by this, if we are using his client for playing on other server than official we are all criminals (even if we just edit hosts file).

    Again, if you want something to edit and you can’t or if you want some help, post it!


    But plz do not ask for completely custom things :P I can share you photos of my job like, titanium armor, dual zariche/dual bows, custom skills with raid boss animations (i.e. Bless of Hero) etc. Simple things that I’m sure you can do, if you try a little :)


    Thx for reading, I hope I helped a little. Correct me if I’m wrong in any part. Ask anything you wish :)

    Guide created totally by me.








    DarkRage1985's pack latest l2j version (edited db installer - added diskw)


    Fileedit C5


    GM Commands


    The home of l2j developing


    Nice forum about l2j developing with guides and tips

    http://forum.ragezone.com/lineage-2-l2j/ ('cause i don't like copy-pasting other people's work, go there and see the original guides ;))

    GEODATA (For pro users :P)(By DROPPO on RZ forum)




    (Geodata is a fix of the l2 world which makes sieges etc. more realistic, but consumes +300mb memory)


    Useful IDs

    gmshop =>31150

    classmaster => 31227

    npcbuffer 35461


    *Soz that the package i uploaded already has a db but i didn't have one without installed...just avoid it and do full install and sql update*

    *Updated coming soon to Greek*

  4. You forget something...you CAN create an all in one buffer as i did (bd/wc/sws) and use him for private buffs as i did...and for the gm shop, you can get anything that there's there (kill a raid boss) but i don't think blessed enchant helps, and for the coins you need...the only way isn't through donating, you can win an event and get some...Additionaly, for the hero/noblesse status you can do the quest as i did...SO donate DOESN'T help at all...you just need to know how to play, and be patient...donators simply get everything faster (killer007 noblesse IG :D)

  5. That's a nice java build up to date, without any bugs x.x The rates are good and it's peace and quiet all around the server :P If there were more players, it would be perfect. And the gs isn't laggy (the connection is extremely good trust me). And today a corrupted gm was removed! That's good for a server, it seems that the head admin is always a step forward and checks the stuff! Events take place usually, and there is (wtf i really like this!) online support department almost 24/24 (as i saw, there is at least 1 person until ~1 at night).


    And i'm not a gm or a gm's friend, i just miss the old L2x times, and i'm sure this server can be that good as there's a lot of custom staff, and more is coming as i was informed by the head admin...(if i'm not wrong, h said there would be custom places with c6 mobs, he gave me this photo from their test server, look... http://jpg.gr/v.php?id=img_95034.jpeg ).


    Just come and take a look  ;)

  6. Yeah i know, but i use blessed ew so that if i break it, i won't have to change my weapon/packet again.

    codes: (credits to xEagle) 1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 A9190000 01 00 00 00 = Blessed Scroll Weapon: A Grade

    1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 AA190000 01 00 00 00 = Blessed Scroll Armor: A Grade

    1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 AB190000 01 00 00 00 = Blessed Scroll Weapon: B Grade

    1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 AC190000 01 00 00 00 = Blessed Scroll Armor: B Grade

    1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 AD190000 01 00 00 00 = Blessed Scroll Weapon: C Grade

    1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 AE190000 01 00 00 00 = Blessed Scroll Armor: C Grade

    1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 AF190000 01 00 00 00 = Blessed Scroll Weapon: D Grade

    1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 B0190000 01 00 00 00 = Blessed Scroll Armor: D Grade

    1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 B1190000 01 00 00 00 = Blessed Scroll Weapon: S Grade

    1F BA0B0000 01 00 00 00 B2190000 01 00 00 00 = Blessed Scroll Armor: S Grade

  7. One of my 6 accounts banned too...bb to my buffer lvl 42 :P They banned my lowest lvl char xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0




    I'm lucky ^^




    Edit* I tried with ingame walker but it didn't work. I am the only one who has this problem?

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