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Everything posted by Miracles

  1. Sweets; i do this summon.setName(summonTemplate.getName()); if (activeChar.isInOlympiadMode()) { summon.setTitle("UnknownPlayer"); } else summon.setTitle(activeChar.getName()); summon.setExpPenalty(_expPenalty); But still, nothing.
  2. Thanks trysk i can fix it :) Got another question about summon title, can give a look? Pets always get the Owner name on title; can't find a way to change it. public synchronized static L2PetInstance spawnPet(NpcTemplate template, L2PcInstance owner, ItemInstance control) { if (L2World.getInstance().getPet(owner.getObjectId()) != null) return null; // owner has a pet listed in world L2PetInstance pet = restore(control, template, owner); // add the pet instance to world if (pet != null) { // UnknownPlayer Olympiad if (owner.isInOlympiadMode()) pet.setTitle("UnknownPlayer"); else pet.setTitle(owner.getName()); L2World.getInstance().addPet(owner.getObjectId(), pet); } return pet; }
  3. The image of antibot protection is other, not that...
  4. Hi guys, i got this image, before retail splash start. How i can remove it? Interlude
  5. 100k 7 USD? WTF . L2Tower working on classic man, come on. 1 night of bot and u make 200k.
  6. So u need change the default browser of java, or wath? Tell me, when i add the vote reward system, i need fix it too :P
  7. I think u can't bcs, is problem of vote webs; not of u server.
  8. Is a error from , vote reward.
  9. Hi guys, someone got Annonymous olympiad for acis? The mods have something like that. When players are on Olympiad: Change name to Fighter1; UknowPlayer; etc. Don't show clan/ally crest. When someone wanna spect the match show Player1 vs Player2. I got this but, don't working fine; Players see others die and name colored blue; after olympiad two participants got the same name (one of them, can't join to the server again)
  10. Skilled & trusted. Good work bro;
  11. If player dont got 1kk, say "You dont have items" or something like that, and nothing happends.
  12. But in this case i reduce "1000000" if wanna make reduce ALL adena?
  13. Hi mate ! I wanna add, to the antibot; Jail and remove players Adena. case 2: jailpunishment(player, Config.PUNISHMENT_TIME * 60); break; Can help me? :) Thanks !
  14. I contact him, but told me he don't do java stuff :P
  15. Best features I ever seen in a long time ! GL and see u at start :D
  16. Where bro? I search on MXC and aCis forum
  17. Hey Krepst ; Thanks for the reply yeah i know smart guard; is too expensive for me now. Know some dev can make it? I contact 3, but no one can.
  18. Hi guys, like title say i buy that. Working on aCis last free rev; Thanks.
  19. I add u about a week ago; can u put in contact with me? I wanna buy u system :)
  20. Splash custom appear 11/11, thanks mate. /Close the topic :)
  21. Ok, thanks for the help bro. I try it :)
  22. Hi guys, i got a edited splash. sp_256_01.bmp sp_32b_01.bmp So, i wanna make on all runs, show this splash. I change all for editeds and put the original name. But only show 1 time the edited image, the rest of runs of l2.exe don't show anything. No criticals, no errors.. Just don't show splash.
  23. <!-- Monastery --> <zone name="Monastery" type="ChaoticZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-3700" maxZ="-2300"> <node X="120372" Y="-70055" /> <node X="110922" Y="-71578" /> <node X="104904" Y="-76515" /> <node X="108796" Y="-87833" /> <node X="110050" Y="-90997" /> <node X="115439" Y="-89341" /> <node X="120889" Y="-88127" /> <node X="120360" Y="-79165" /> </zone>
  24. Hi guys, some one using Monastery like a zone? Because i try to make a Npoly on Zones.xml with coords of Monastery, and got a lot of "blind spots" = (You left pvp zone); Someone can share it with me?
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