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Everything posted by |Itachi

  1. ok to 3ero gia ton paladin alla ston tirant otan kanis totem kai vgazis fists vgeni automatos dior8oseto
  2. ti idous dyes kai armor (vesper) 8a pernate se gladi gia high rate server PS:8elo dyes gia anevasma m.def thanks
  3. Apantiste sto erotima mou (idika pios einai o kaliteros gia newbies) [glow=red,2,300]VOTE!!!!!!!!![/glow]
  4. i erotisi ta leei ola psifiste (borite na psifisete 2 fores) [glow=red,2,300]VOTE!![/glow]
  5. einai polu kalo pou na 3anavris post gia dwarf ;D
  6. bigest suces: +0 to +55 safe 10 max 60 bigest fail: when i stuck with l2 ;D
  7. oreo guide megadevil ;D eleos
  8. necro logo polwn kataron pou afou tis kanis peftis 2-3 hit
  9. polu kalo keep it super ;D
  10. polu kalo +1 apo mena ;D
  11. L2 TnS o best ever server gracia final x5000 safe:5 max:25 80%sucees join us asap
  12. lol mexri kai programa gia bufs,tatoos kai dyes eftiaxan toso noobs eimaste
  13. dn prose3es oti to share tou einai sta agklika kai oti to grafi rosos :S
  14. kanenan ego sou leo l2 death whisper na poro8is ligo ;D
  15. ive been 3 times 2 evas templar 1 grand khavatari
  16. polu kalo guide gt einai enas kai nourgios tropos ;D +1 apo mena
  17. polu kalo idika gia tous neous server pou goustaris l2
  18. enoeite interlude gt exi peri8orio gia poles dior8osis alla kai to gracia final alla 8eli na to ma8is
  19. vale kai ti armors kai weapons forai sto gracia final dn einai kai diskolo ;D dld S84
  20. Guys i have download many packs to create a gracia final server but some of them i think hasnt made 100% successful (missing files or mixed files) and they havent a guide to know how to create the server because there are differences between gracia part 2 and gracia final. Plz if you want help me i need a guide and the correct files. ;D ;D ;D
  21. polu kalo opos panta revenger an boris kane kai ena gia warlord
  22. LOL afou dn epitrepete na kanis kanena soe ute unstuck oute tpt einai xalia gt dn polu3eris apo l2 :S an i3eres 8a i3eres kauto
  23. pezoune kai oi dio omg polu kalo a3izi karma kai vale hide tromero ;D
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