What to fix?
Advises: The render (Valakas) is good enough... use a blending in the letters perhaps strong or try smooth, also don't use stroke if there is even if is 1 px and ofc change the font. An other usefull advice is not to use Bevel and Emboss.
You are involving yourself very fast i rate it 8/10 because is your 2nd
some advises:
Text should be a simple font arial perhaps with blending smooth and px around 10-14
also i don't recommend Gradient Overlay...Perhaps a drop shadows and only if it stacks a little outer glow in 30 opacity.
Have fun
pos tin exete di me ta spam topic pou gemizoun to forum? ego sas leo oti to l2 ine miaxara 8A GINEI akoma kalitera kai to interlude ine terastia blakia.