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Everything posted by Caccolino

  1. i can join with freya client ?
  2. ppl on ?
  3. Nice Feautures I'll try sure but pls do site in english!
  4. I can't join :( protocol different version help me pls (I have freya.)
  5. Freya Highrate 5000x Request enchant safe:4 max:15-20 No one mounth for make a full equip with 100 ppl more on with a good fix
  6. really bad fix.
  7. The server is on ?
  8. Really Good Server Need Only people
  9. lol with ur system i can't connect XD
  10. i can't w8 other time
  11. I need join if this go to freya
  12. Thank DarkStar i found a server with good feautres
  13. online ppl ?
  14. 1) Did.(Player B liv 1 has l2phx active) 2) With second char there is only "Reqestasnwerjoinparty". To have "validate Position" i must move the char. 3) 4)Only request, or do i accept the trade? 5) 6)Do u mean p.3,4,5? and do i see the player "fake" in party or not? Thank you, Bye
  15. nice feautures ppl on ?
  16. make a international clan and pown all italian kids i know italian player is fcking kid ... QQ: i can't play atm :( my pc is fcking old lag all time)
  17. i know how to use healer but is hard to have like 10 dagger back u don't think ?
  18. Prophet or Shillien Templar
  19. Easy: Archer Hard:Healer,Overlord,Soulhound
  20. I want the doombringer skill disarm(id:485) is enable only while i do olympiad, and when i teleported out of arena the skil disappear. Someone can help me?
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