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About mookyto

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  1. Hello there, i wanted to ask if anyone was up to share l2net v384v Interlude augmentation script. I searched everywhere and i found scripts to CT.1 expnasion. thank you in any advance
  2. i like dragon slayer, dinasty bow and also infinity stinger
  3. luck dont match with me ;P
  4. I like to take risks my vote go to 1st way to enchant
  5. Solar falre rocks.. i got 1 time Spell Refresh and think its teally usefull
  6. Already tryed all my favourite still its necromancer
  7. C6 player here :D no slugs there
  8. At interlude my vote go for Duelists.but i saw ES pwnig with that nuke augment
  9. Port Dion ans listen that beuty music ;)
  10. Anthing with my opinion? or im just confused?
  11. Divine Healer becuse i play bishop also ;P
  12. Already got used to play mid rates so my vote goes for 30X
  13. +1 for necro..got more curses to de.buff the enemy..got more cast and got also the pet
  14. +1 WL...usefull cat buffs..and owns at oly
  15. Atm its gracia :S my favourite chronicle stil is C6
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