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Everything posted by rexton000

  1. Live : 30.01.11 18:00 +2GTM Website : http://www.l2mig.com - Rates 500x - 24 buff slots - 28 buff slots for nobless - Max Enchant Weapon - 15 - Max Enchant Armor / Jewel - 6 - Safe Enchant - 3 - Chance - 66% - Starting level - 40 - 100% working interlude skills ( Symbols too) - 100% working augmentation skills ( including "chance", "on attack", "on critical" skills) - All augmentation magic skills have STATIC 6 seconds reuse - Retail like potions ( can use during cast) - Retail like drop system ( drop gets player, who did more dmg to monster) - NPC buffer with 9 hours buffs ( all self buffs time is retail like) - Special buff for class balance ( can't be used in TvT, Olympiad, Dungeon Instance) - Ultra / Champion Monsters - Working Castle siege - Working Fortress of Resistance ( Every Monday 16h) - Non stop pvp zone - War Zone *In war zone after death just debuffs is removed ( even without nobles) *After "To Village" players respawns in War Zone ( 30 random respawn points) *Every player have untradable / undestroyable special BSOE to escape from War Zone) *Players gets reward for pvp kill in War Zone ( 10 CP Potions) *Players in War Zone gets flag, aura and special buff - New TvT event - In game Raid Informer - Dungoen Instance : * Just full party can teleport to Dungeon ( 9 members ) * After teleport buffs is removed, so party must have buffers, bd, sws and so on * In dungeon there is NPC party with 4-6 DD's * NPC party leader drops one of Epic Weapons * NPC party respawn - ~6h - Craftable Epic Weapons( Preview 1, Preview 2 ) * Epic Weapons Recipes can be acquired thru special Quest * Adena / Seal Stones monsters drops all materials needed for Epic Weapon craft * Epic Weapon blades / heads can be spoiled in adena / seal stones zones * Epic Weapons have stats like +7 S Grade weapons - .online voiced command -.time voiced command - Olympiad system ( 20h - 00h ) * Players are teleported back to village immediately after fight * Hero changes every week Webiste : http://www.l2mig.com
  2. Website : http://www.edge-private.com/ Hello there, Server Info: XP = 8x SP = 8x ADENA = 8x DROP = 8x SPOIL = 8x QUEST x2 PARTY XP = 2x PARTY SP = 2x RAIDDROP x4 RAIDJEWEL DROP x1 - Full Npc Buffer - 2h Buffs - No Donations ! - Global Gatekeeper - Class Manager - AA Changer - Mana, Greater Healing Pots - Soulshots/Blesseds up to C Grade in the Support shop - Blue mob spoil - Nobless by Quest - Subclass free (max level 80) - Forgotten Scrolls at Epic - Merchant & Blacksmith of Mammon also in Town - Goldbar System (.deposit / .withdraw) - Gracia - Palaika - Kamaloka - Hellbound - Champions - Olympiad Retail - TvT Event - Higher Vitality regeneration Website : http://www.edge-private.com/
  3. Live on :05.06.2010 Website : - www.psyclon.ro - http://www.psyclon.ro/index1.html === L][PsyClon Mid-PvP Server Info === ------------------------------------------------ Rates Server Rates: 45x Xp 45x Sp 100x Adena Enchant Rate: 60% with +4 safe for all, max +18 Karma Drop Rate: 50% after 100 PK PvP Flag Time: 2 min Bless Rate: 66% ------------------------------------------------ * @ Working Hero Class * @ Working Nobles Class * @ C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude/Gracia:Ct1 Ct1.5 Ct2 Ct2.2 Ct2.3 Ct2.4 features and stats (all skills working) ------------------------------------------------ * @ Custom GM Shop * @ Custom GateKeepers (1 normal, 1 for RB, 1 for Farm Areas) * @ Custom NPC Buffer (1h duration - all buffs) * @ Custom NPC Exchanger * @ Custom NPC Noblesse * @ Custom NPC Warehouse * @ Wedding (over 200 couples) * @ Olympiad (hero weapon enchant system) * @ Stable Build 100% Uptime ------------------------------------------------ Special Features * @ 5 Farming Areas + PvP Spots * @ Subclass system : 3 non-stackable subclasses on a single char available ------------------------------------------------
  4. Server Will be live on 13-03-2010 at 17:00 +2 Server features Rates: -- XP 75x -- SP 35x -- Adena 100x -- Drop 35x -- Spoil 35x -- Quests 5x -- Characters and Gameplay: - 100% No Donate / No Corruption - Offline Trade System - Vitality System (modifed to stop pwr leveling) - Fame Points System - 1st and 2nd class buffs EE/SE/WC/PP/BD/SwS = 1 hour - 3rd class and summon buffs = 6 minutes - Kamael buffs like retail - Unique Low Level PK Protection System - Subclass without Quest Npcs: - Buffer - B grade shop - Teleporter - Warehause - Working T-Rex - Custom Shop (selling shots,crystals,B-Grade Items SHOP!) - Shift+Left Click to see Monster Droplist - Working Airships - Working Boats Items: - Cursed weapons Zariche and Akamanah - Enchanting : Safe Enchant: +3 ,Max Enchant: +16 , Enchant rate: Retail like (66%) - Class Change NPC for 1st - 2nd - 3nd Class Transfer - Auto Loot Events: - Automated TVT Events - All Quests are updated to retail Gracia Epilogue (increased XP/Adena rewards) - Fully Animated Fantasy Island (walking/running NPCs and even swimming Fishes) - Master Of Enchanting Event - Champion Monsters - Wedding Instances: - All Kamaloka Dungeons working - Pailaka working - Hellbound working - Dark Cloud Mansion working - Crystal Caverns working Website : www.l2rev.eu
  5. Who Are We? We are a group of ppl that want to create a fun and reliable community,at first based on gaming and quality services. ------------------------------------------------ We are running 2 servers The Core and Hunter's Yard, both on Gracia Part2. Server Rates for Hunter are: 10x Xp 11x Sp 14x Adena Quest 4x Quest Reward 2x *No GM-Shop / No MP *Retail Buff Time Also Hunter has: *PVP drop system *Offline trade system *All class can learn all skills Server Rates for Core are : 4x Xp 4x Sp 6x Adena 2x Quest Drop 4x Quest Reward *Enchant rate is 66% (Like retail) *Offline shops system working. We are runing several dedicated platforms for SQL and gameservers: * 2 x Xeon Quad Core * 16 GB RAM * 6 x 149 GB 15k rpm (RAID) Website : www.lineager.eu Forum : http://forum.lineager.eu/
  6. dont work :|
  7. no low ..not high ...mid :X
  8. I like the desings of epics
  9. dont like this servers :((
  10. 2nd ...but i need some money first
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