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About awawaw

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  1. lol oly zerg, nice xD
  2. nice but wyvern is a problem:)
  3. dont work for me :/
  4. really beauty
  5. tallum heavy ofc and maybe mj heavy for pvp with archers/tanks - for res stun. but i think weapon wiht health SA is not so good like with focus.
  6. dunno why but i like giants cave xD
  7. Pvp gladi or tyrant oly bish or ee but in pve i think summoners mostly ps
  8. Angel Slayer +haste for me
  9. well equpied glad think will be good but why u forget about OL:>
  10. on high rate always buy about 10 items then enchant them till one of them left.on low rate never get more then +6 so my luck sucks
  11. worst kiss of eva and fireworks Oo best hydroblast lvl 10 in arcana mace and clarity in ss
  12. Croft for dwarf char then put Lara in title and it finally give quite nice effect xD
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