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Everything posted by GenieGr

  1. Should it work with ALT+ left SHIFT ?! It does not work for me.... EDIT: Sorry my mistake ! IT WORKS JUST FINE ! I can write GREEK ! ;)
  2. Nice share, bad choice of file hoster: "Server downloading session limit is reached. Please try again in a few minutes."
  3. ...and why spend it on a game ?!
  4. Max enchant +10 ?!?!?
  5. vips only...?!
  6. armor colors are nice
  7. only on private servers ?
  8. If i understand you correctly NosferatusS the point of your message is to help me find the IP of the DEDICATED SERVER and show me where to place it in the: login.properties & server.properties Thank you very much, but that is NOT my question ! I already know that... Edit: Case Closed ! I discovered what the problem was...
  9. If u have an L2j server at home, then u have access to your rooter so you can open/trigger the 7777, 9014, 2106 ports... On a dedicated Server, where you don't have access to your rooter (of course), how do you do it ?! Only the IP works and the Login/Game servers connect, but not the external IP. The same Login/Game properties files that work on a home PC, do not work on the Dedicated Server ! (The same properties, but of course with the Dedicated Server's IP as ExternalHostname) Any help on the matter, please ?!
  10. Please visit our website for more info: http://atlas.ztek.eu
  11. BTW Den 3erw an yparxei problhma se Servers me diko tous SYSTEM. Egw milaw gia Servers pou mpaineis mono me allagh tou HOSTS Thanks LMAOROFL. Me to wildcard.rar mpainw pantou xwris problhma ;)
  12. E, ara afou egw den alla3a tipota ston Router kai afou mexri x8es brady empaina kanonika KAI apo ta 2 PCs, tote kati exei kanei o ISP mou !! Edit: sorry 3 PC, 3exasa kai to Laptop ! Ta eftysan taytoxrona KAI ta 3, mesa se mia nyxta ?!
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