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Everything posted by Who

  1. the server part is the problem , on l2jfrozen no is .xml file , all recipes is on a .csv file without any description on the columns
  2. anyone know how to make custom recipe on l2jfrozen pack?
  3. adapt the .dat dude , i already posted the file with textures. baggy
  4. Fire : http://www.mediafire.com/?da6dd7kzgbkac2b Interlude Version
  5. apella robe give less cast than dark crystal , +200 p.def only and -9999999999% chance of magical critical @EDIT 60% of the players is on giran , on private store waiting for vote reward good, i will find another server bored of farm for make lifestone and take NOTHING!
  6. nice server , but it's boring farm , no one votes for make items more faster -.-
  7. this is a fake server , the real kosglad just closed a long time ago. @L2Oxy you ripped the site and buy the same domain for use name of another person , is this the reason i hate br's. trying to make fame with name of another's persons
  9. since they are paying little attention. all deleted from this forum
  10. probably in the final version will change, but on this version , not
  11. @Joκκєrino look the warnings on the main post . only after i end the npc form , i will add more packs to options
  12. i want recomendations for a guide and a version of linux to run l2jfrozen project. and a guide how to configure the ram usage on mysql
  13. @SunBeam your not currect , admin from old l2renewal is on server staff
  14. post print ai pra ver como fica isso aberto no game
  15. only need to adapt the grp's
  16. i will make a "enchanted arrows" the arrows with elements damage , but e don't know on what file i need to add on core/dp
  17. how i can make custom enchanted arrows ?
  18. i want to buy c4 server l2off ,full working , with npc buffer , gm shop , gk , and titanium armor if u have to sell , pm me !
  19. bow become invis if tree or grass behind
  20. link broken !
  21. How Much People need for remake all l2maps with cryengine3 ? all the sdk cryengine3 files is on the oficial site of crytec for developers , and all documentation for use
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