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Everything posted by Who

  1. Hi e Post Now The Dk Green SS's: http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/6846/dkmetalstorm01.jpg[/img] Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/96055553/30eeb432/DK_Metal_Storm.html PSW: www.l2jbrasil.com For All Race's Credits: MarucaMetal
  2. xP i reallity help yours?
  3. i fix XML,.dat files,textures...and the have rewards ][_, ([]) ][_,
  4. daoskdoaskdoas i update 10/04 "GTM-3" for bows,etc.... Dont Have For "Interlude" textures no compatible
  5. lol i use this im my server gracia pt2...and i use share em next post thks for alert
  6. karma to me ;D
  7. ;D work i tested in my server...
  8. Aion Weapons for Gracia PT2 SS: http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/8240/spiritsk.jpg[/img] http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/6528/bigswords.jpg[/img] http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/518/daggers.jpg[/img] Download:Clike Here Or Here PSW: www.l2jbrasil.com Credits: L2SACRIFICE StormMaker (SQL, ITEMNAME E XML)
  9. i loking for Mordor Mob's,boss And Maps
  10. Good Man's server is Great On and Fixed The Web Site
  11. http://l2vision.rg3.net/ Or http://l2-vision.forumbrasil.net Processor: Dual-Xeon 3.06GHZ Operating System: Windows XP Professional Memory: 2 GB Traffic: 2000 GB Internet: 100MB / s Vision PvP Server ® __________ - Rates - Experience-150 - Adena-6000 - SP-300 - Enchant Safe+5 - Enchant Rate 40% - Enchant Rate 70%(with Bless Scroll) - Enchant Max :25 - Enchant Max :30 (with Donation's) - Gm Shop in all major cities - NPC Buffer in all major cities - Gatekeeper in all cities - Subclass free - Seven Signs - Quest noble - Olympiads with awards of Hero - Siege - Quest free job lvl20 lvl40 lvl76 ___________ - Weapons's: - Epic - Mordor - Demonic - Black - Dual Ice Fire - Iluminatic Blades - Meteorite __________ - Armor's: - Dinasty - Epic - Titanium ___________ - Jewels: - Epic - Titanium ___________ - Shield's: - Dusk - Dusk White - Color - Epic Shield ____________ - Asesories: - Masks +200 +300 - Epic Mask - All wings ___________ - NPC: - Buffer - Gatekeper - Cat-Class - SKill Enchanter ___________ - Custon Farmig Areas - Varkas - Ketra - Elven Forest - Elven Fortres - Monastero of Silence - Forgoten Temple ___________ - Raid Boss 6 that Custon epic weapons drop's Server TS: l2vision.servergame.com ___________ NOTE: ANY ADVERTISING TO THE L2VISION ® OR ANY OFFENSIVE TO GM / MASTER SERA Fined initially with BAN FOR 7 DAYS and becomes RE-BAN-TOTAL INCIDENT OF ACC Regards, STAFF L2VISION ® Any Question : Look The Forum
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