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gaara last won the day on November 7 2016

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  1. Thank you. You are a very professional customer.
  2. gaara

    L2 Market

  3. Everybody sets the price of their work also. It is indeed very simple, less than 5k lines of code. Anyway, now I know what to do if I ever need a free app of something: I'll post I sell it and wait for you to code it for free. (I hope you humor me and don't take it as an act of belligerence). It is meant to be like: https://l2oops.com/ but as an application. Here (MxC) and in other forums I post it, it was made clear that it should have free registration of servers, something I am considering it seriously. The target group is players not server admins, admins though can advertise their server through my app. You don't but an updater, you buy advertisement space in an application. The updater is an extra. And with 10euros/month (random price) you can advertise your server to every player/user that has downloaded the app.
  4. I wouldn't make it for free since I invested time and effort. The "business plan" is to generate traffic and get advertisement from sever Owners who want to advertise their servers. Maybe I will make adding a server for free and only VIP servers will have to pay. In a couple of days I will upload a beta version and I will also appreciate critisism about the functionality of the Application.
  5. Ultimate Server Updater All Servers Gathered in ONE Place USU (Ultimate Server Updater) is an application that displays Private Lineage II Servers, has info for them (Chronicle - Rates), downloads their patch and lets you play directly without having to visit their website or download their patch from various hosting services. USU's features: 1. Self Update: each time a new Server is added the application will Update itself to include the new server. 2. Opening dates and Countdown time: in the Main Application Index, there will be the last Servers Added(14 in total), with their Openning Date and the time left for the Grand Opening(like l2annonse,l2oops etc). 3. Individual Server Page: each server (when you click on it) will have it's own 'personal page' with it's own unique look, where links to the Site and Forum will be displayed. Also, there will be information about the Server's Rates and Chronicle. 4. Fast Use: when the user will choose the server he will be able to download their patch and play immediately. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. I will also keep this thread Updated. Beta Version: Coming Soon F.A.Q. How to add my server: Adding your Server to the Application starts with a 5€/month with 10% discount if you choose 2month subscription or 20% discount in 6month subscription. Why should I choose this instead of a unique custom made Updater? Server competition is very high and you might have a rough start with your server. It is better to invest less assets in the beginning and expand in the future than pay for a 50€ Updater and terminate the server in a month. Also, having your server in the USU, it increases your traffic, since players will see a vast variety of servers. VIP Options: You can choose a VIP plan where you will display your server in the Main Index of the Application and you can also choose more features for your server. (for more info download the Beta-Application when available) How are the servers sorted? Servers are sorted with 3 ways at the moment. First is with order of submission(last one stays one top), second is depending on their Chronicle, third is . In the future they will be sorted by rates too. Server has to be VIP in order to be displayed in the Opening Date area? No, in the Opening Area all Servers(last 14) are displayed. VIP servers will just have bold font. Will my Server be deleted after the subscription time passes? Yes, if you do not have a VIP membership. There will be tolerance ofcource for some days if you wish to renew your subscription. If you have a VIP membership and the subscription time passes, your server will not be deleted but it will be removed from the VIP Servers. How can I personalize my server's unique page in the Application? I will provide you a *.psd template with detailed quidance on what you can/should do. Who will be displayed in the SUPER VIP Area? SUPER VIP Area has 2 places at the momnet. The subscription time lasts for 1 week and it will be occupied by the first 2 you choose to display their server there. I did not post it in the Marketplace since I do not sell anything yet. I just need constructive critisism in order to create a better result.
  6. Added feature: Pause Button You can pause and resume the update of the files with one button. It starts from where it left off. Notice: The Pause Button feature is displayed in test (beta) design, it can be applied in all updater designs.
  7. It works with every game. There's no need for more actions from my side. Just follow the steps of the 1st post.
  8. It is 10 fucking euros. Why would anyone create a topic to scam 10 euros. You should not assume that he is trying to scam or not because there are no proofs of such behavior. Additionally, he isn't asking for 500 euros for a preconfigured frozen pack. He is selling a product, you pay, you buy, you comment on the experience. This is how non-barter-trade transactions work from the dawn of modern economy.
  9. Good luck with your server, seems professional and well built.
  10. There are ambiguous answers to that question. We have to consider what protection the server uses(if there's any), how much dedicated is the individual who wants to bypass it and the budget spent, of the server owner, regarding the funds invested in disabling l2.exe.
  11. 1 non-exclusive source sold to customer with skype: ja*********1 After purchase I used TeamViewer to install all things necessary to make it work and tested it. Meaning the exclusive source sales are now disabled. Source price now costs 55 euros per license.
  12. My hectic work schedule does not allow me to invest time in the Updaters/Launhers anymore, so I am selling the sources at 55 euros. If a respective individual wants to buy the sources exclusively the price is 80 euros. (that means he will only own the sources and noone else). My skype is rs.project You can contact me there for more info (I might appear offline 'cause I am at work but i always see the messages). Selling the Updater means: 1. Full working sources to compile and change w/e the fuck you like in the program. 2. Free installation in 1 of your PCs by me(via TeamViewer). 2. 2 PSD designs of your choice (not more cause the PSD's cost same as my compiled program, +10 euros for each extra PSD). Selling the Updater does not mean: 1. Being your personal problem solver in the build/compile of the Updater. To be more specific: I will install all programms/components necessary to have a fully functional Launcher (via TeamViewer). I will compile the program and test it live to proove to you that everything works. I will not answer to requests like "how do I make the Updater do this and that". I provide a full working sources not technical support, mostly because I don't have time to do it. Regards!
  13. Updater for: l2gamers.com
  14. Did you enter your bank's account IBAN for the transfer? If yes what was the error?
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