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Everything posted by scraw

  1. it work but now i have this : final String ip = p.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); if (ip.contains(ip)) continue; p.sendMessage ("AutoReward: You got" + Config.AUTO_REWARD_COUNT + "" + Config.NAME_ITEM_REWARD + "for being online"); p.getInventory (). addItem ("", Config.AUTO_REWARD_ID, Config.AUTO_REWARD_COUNT, p, null); ips.add(ip); } } }
  2. @Rootware i insert your code and also @melron but i have this problem: public static void AutoReward () { Collection <L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance (). getAllPlayers (); for (L2PcInstance p: pls) { final String ip = p.getConnection().getInetAddress().getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); if (ip.contains(ip)) continue; p.sendMessage ("AutoReward: You got" + Config.AUTO_REWARD_COUNT + "" + Config.NAME_ITEM_REWARD + "for being online"); p.getInventory (). addItem ("", Config.AUTO_REWARD_ID, Config.AUTO_REWARD_COUNT, p, null); } } } /end line and i cant find my sources code for that
  3. -Hello..i know that noone will answer but i never stop hopping..so get to the point: -I have an code for auto-reward every shcelude time "X" but it reward all players in L2World no matter if dualbox or whatever. -That i want is: Players reward by Ip (only one player) thats what i have (for L2JFROZEN REV 1132): public static void AutoReward() { Collection <L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers(); for (L2PcInstance p: pls) { p.sendMessage("AutoReward: You got " + Config.AUTO_REWARD_COUNT + " " + Config.NAME_ITEM_REWARD + " by being online"); p.getInventory().addItem("", Config.AUTO_REWARD_ID, Config.AUTO_REWARD_COUNT, p, null); } }
  4. -Hello..i know that noone will answer but i never stop hopping..so get to the point: -I have an code for auto-reward every shcelude time "X" but it reward all players in L2World no matter if dualbox or whatever. -That i want is: Players reward by Ip (only one player) thats what i have :
  5. Geia sas paidia exw enan interlude jfrozen server..exw kapoia costumes skins apla douleuoun(fainonte) mono otan ein sto "database armors" san "fullarmor" h me code ".dressme".. kai psaxnw visual view me "hair"(dld na fainonte ston char ,xwris na xreiastei na alla3w armor h me .dressme code) DLD ousiastika auto p 8elw ein ta hairaccessorylocgrp.dat gia ta visual view. h an uparxei allos tropos..
  6. apla alla3e to ini sou.. katevase to fileedit gia gracia kai anoi3e to l2.ini kai alla3e to ip se kai mpes
  7. format gt? ein ili8io kapoios na pisteuei oti to format ein h monh lusi ..k autos p sto eipe epishs..katevase enan allon server gracia final ..k alla3e to l2.ini tou server me to
  8. dokimase auto : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B49oZSU1jmsBZ05qNEJoQjk5VHM h auto : https://yadi.sk/d/oW45IFpks6tYY
  9. epd exeis gracia ..auto itan gia interlude p s esteila..wait
  10. katevase to engine.dll gia windows 10. 8a to vreis edw ~>
  11. sql~>global tasks~> restart issue to shutdown.picture: java shutdown code:
  13. i have the same problem with " database restart :global_task:)
  14. noone can help ? really? noone have auto-restart ot his server?
  15. there is no code that say its wrong.. I told u server_restart automatic BUT INSTEAD of restart is Shutting down..THATS MY PROBLEM
  16. after it auto-restart as u see it says server successfuly terminated and doesnt re-open(restart)
  17. its too big ..tell me the line u need to see and i will copy here
  18. tell me where i can find it mate..IM NOOB i told that
  19. ??you have to be st*d to just say not possible to fix that.. always there is a fix..this is not broken back .its java problem lmao ,i just dont know how ..
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