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scraw last won the day on January 15 2021

scraw had the most liked content!

About scraw

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  1. yy i was searching that and ? anyway this not lead anywhere your IQ is too low to understand the average things. no more reply to u,waste of time with someone without life like u..i think you like that is happening here,missery life btw!
  2. you are really dump..i dont care about competition.. isnt about who has the best pack/server or what ever..is about ppl will not join to both servers cause they will think is the same and guess what i see the server u give , nothing special. but with your iq you think is about competition..you are not in low grade classes of school no more..grow up kiddo. i know the type of humans like you,they get raped by parents since they become adults ,if u are one.
  3. i already told you..this site is a BETA site so ppl can see about features of server.. look date of added in topsites
  4. Hello.. i am working with a project named L2-Memories since 2015.. I open couple of times this server and now i am ready to open again at 17-2-2021 . Today i just go to vote my server into a new site of toplist " playl2.net" and yesterday i add my server was ok..today was another one server with exactly the same name .. this guy @InTheEndॐ sale a FREE pack and he gave the name of L2-Memories without look if this named already exist (or at least go to l2network.eu and see that my server is already in upcoming servers) and the answer he gave me when i told him that the name is in mine server was that https://ibb.co/TBBkKh3 ..The server he sold is not at any topsite but he will add it and he open at 15-2 ..so whats the solution here? we can open 2 servers with same name ?..If i am wrong that he must change the name tell me .and ok .. we will both open with same name ..with 2 days difference .. sites that i am already in upcoming servers https://ibb.co/BtPM7pM last message se send me: https://ibb.co/0sb1BL9 for those who will not understand he write: that he will not change the name of server if i dont give him 100euro xhaha
  5. im my zones.xml is BossZone ..but ZONE_BOSS or BOSS_ZONE isnt working :/ in L2Character isnt that zone at all..any way i will insert into another zone to check and if it works i will find the way (i think) @Zake https://ibb.co/XJd6H6h
  6. @Zakecode has no error (i havent build yet) i just cant find what zone is the bosszone ..i go to l2character and there is no boss_zone :/
  7. @Zake thanks for reply.. i just need this line to java 1.7
  8. Hello guys. I am looking for code/line that prohibit dualbox inside a zone .. Like when player enter in a Zone (L2RaidBoss as example) check Ip or HWID and not allow to a second char to enter and teleport back .. Thank you in advance Edit: i just see one more guy just LF that aswell (i guess perfect timming) L2jfrozen 1132. java 7
  9. @dramaa93 I am sure about that you can prohibit skill in a zone,but not for the opposite.. so you can disable the skill to all other zones like : 1.find the skill (lets say about noblesse) 2.add these lines : 3.repeat several times until u add all zones types except olympiadstadium zone i hope it helps maybe @Zake know a better way for that.
  10. ok thank you and welcome back kara :)
  11. for java 7 ? :)
  12. you right.. is getting all players..with what i need to change?
  13. i already did that .. is any chance that cost at my reward code?
  14. Hello once again, i would like a little help with offline shops/craft ,when a players goes offline shop/craft is still counting as online member as effect he still getting vote reward ,etc and if he use vpn he can take multiple of them. I just need to make offline traders NOT count as online . Thx in advance
  15. Hello folks. I want to change the chance of soulcrystal in anakazel.. I want soul crystal be 100% on Anakazel.. but i cant find the location of that file which i can edit it.. *in my enchant configs chance for soul crystal is 99% and still i have 9/10 fail the upgrade* l2jfrozen 1132
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