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Everything posted by Sido

  1. si ghici cui ii mai sade bine la buca tarie, al de alba ca zapada pe care astazi am servito la cofe tarie.
  2. now i see, u suck !!! you know why ? cuz u "artist" ripped that sig :|
  3. @killik , i said in what aspects L2 copy WoW, but i did not said that L2 sux or WoW is great. both got some difference and those differences make them special and unique.
  4. pt ca astfel team batut numa pe tine la.... cap (lol'd)
  5. 99% working, this mean they dont work.... i guess u referring to 99% bug fixed ?
  6. da pe mess nu mai intri si tu ? ca vroiam sa te bat la cap cu cv.... dar acu am uitat :(
  7. dai tu add la yo_sunt_baiat_de_baiat_cool.nr1 @yahoo.com
  8. trebe sa caut driveru de la scanner .....
  9. i have to admit that you are right. i had not think upper then IL... not so much like was need. cuz cince HB appeared i lowered my time spent in this game.
  10. sa le dau scan siti arat :) simple ca buna ziua :))
  11. eu is la sc acu, dau examenu ala la info )))
  12. the guy that made this thread :) if im not wrong.
  13. since i started i only lost adena :)) stup|d game.
  14. its kinda funny the first one xD but it dont fit with the forum template :D
  15. i wanna say that some classes win on other parts. u know that a dwarf will always be rich in time that a DD will always kick his as$ right ?
  16. ofc, because that BH will have full S in time that SH will use C/B (depend on chronicle) see if you take it like this, a solo SH will not be able make his armor, in time that the BH will. (maybe i did not said correct , cuz a BH cant craft ... but you get the point)
  17. different yes, complete no. unbalance is because of ppl. some ppl know how to play some dont (we call them n00bs). and more then 50% of L2 players, played WoW. and more then 50% of those liked it. (so little because you can see what kids started to play L2 this days. this is the main reason i stop to loose my time in this game. wen i started i knew a 12years kid that was somebody on a 4x server, now only butthurts and QQ'ers. - if there was not so much "n00bs" playing L2 the percentage of L2 fans that like wow too was bigger.)
  18. all ppl that did not played WoW will say that is not true. auguments and this stones (fire/wind bla bla) are like sokets on wow, lot of mobs look similar, the lich king, if im not wrong with his name, look similar with a new L2 RB. bouth from ice..... valakas is old, but his move, and form are perfect with an old RB from WoW. the only different thing is that the one from wow has other color. kinda blue... L2 have and will have much more, things from wow.
  19. nice, you should use this color on your curent avatar :P
  20. stfu and finish it cuz im w8ing. till goddess finish. imo 1. blane 2. godpower 3. rhodi
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