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Everything posted by Sido

  1. so this night forum will be down from 1 min to 2 days (if im not wrong) just to update one thing. the time depend on nothing actually, for some will be faster, for others slower... after we will see if the problem mentioned is because of the "fix" done temporary or not. and thx once again for ur patience and help u offered :*
  2. well our host will be "moved" from a data center to other, and ill also try to "reinstall" all the applications in order to see if there may be a problem from that.... till then please do me another favor START -> RUN -> CMD -> tracert acis.i-live.eu and do me a print screen if is too hard for you to copy/paste it.
  3. well about forum as i said, im not the host itself and im not online 24/24... so i cant do much more than sending messages to the host owner... and i wait for answers. from their pov nothing is wrong their host is up running and other websites hosted there are just fine..
  4. give try again, and it may work... i know its strange error, thats why i search for info..
  5. not really, still waiting for answer from other members
  6. for the same reason why it needs to clean ur cookies when u change the name servers.... well before talking, please do that and tell me if it work (when i talk about cookies, delete all data stored about those domains) at me worked. anyway problem sended to host so i want for an answer from them too, but till then 1 min in clearing ur cookies i guess is not much, if u dont care by and /qq in other place.
  7. after few tests by myself and a logic explenation i think at 1 solution. tell me if it work for u guys. clean the cookies regarding our adresses. i-live.eu / acis.i-live.eu and tell me if it work
  8. thanks for your answers ... ill talk with the host right away..
  9. try http://acis.i-live.eu and tell me, and please do a PRINT SCREEN i need to send it to host provider even if the error is obvious...
  10. as far as i heard/see forum problems is solved. i want to hear from u too that is ok now, but if u get any error/not responding message just do a print screen and give it to me. ty
  11. @forum, well it seems is up but "not from first try" WTF ? yes.... if u try to enter it, it will just give u an error with "unable to connect" bla bla, but if u try few times more, it will work... strange... i talk with the host every time i can, but my time is really limited here, so it will last a bit... really sorry once again.
  12. merci revolutie nu e ceea ce fac astia... adica... va distrugeti bunurile altora dand vina pe stat... fi serios, asa avem tot dreptu sa dam si noi cu paru...
  13. well, i personally didnt intend to make ppl learn java, but learn the game they like. if we wanted u to work by urself, we would accept ppl who only do java stuff, but since we dont want that (and tryskell will add only codes done in his style...) we let the option to post INFOS, so yes... you search INFOS about the game u like, about L2 Interlude... in time that u learn how this game is on official, and "how things should be" (aka u become pro) , in this time, we will offer u the svn... simple as that. i guess everybody watch videos on ytube, and more or less L2 videos, is that hard to post some offi videos on our forum ? videos u like, videos that contain offi features, so we could know/get how things work in order to fix them retail like..
  14. stamuri cu 4 euro au fost pana de revelion, am impresia ca si cu mai putin (asa mia spus cnv). si e 8 la ei acum
  15. we didnt said is the best pack only from free ones ^^ well being serious (i was in the line above too), this pack is no longer free for ppl who just copy/paste, dont give credits, and QQ all day long for bugs already fixed which appear from their reasons. yes as i said, for them is no longer free. also, you could report 1 bug and get to the inner circle or report 10000 and get nothing, just because we dont want every noob inside that after he gets in will start to QQ and do nothing, we want to build a team inside. about pack users, well ... again not all the QQ kids with home made servers which will open them just to get the source will join it. but those who worth it. and ofc after they MUST report problems they oncure. (but this does not mean we will fix their problems first, since some things may be more important)
  16. indeed, nu prea are sens msg-ul iar tu nu o porti :P
  17. da =) app care are asteam dati id pe pm xD
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