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Everything posted by Sido

  1. actually not, only the Shillien Knight was wearing AM in order to grow the chance of his para skill. @drain, well it should deal some pretty nice dmg since u continue to learn that skill after lvl 40. ofc, dont expect a miracle, but if a mage would hit with 1k dmg, u should deal ~700 which is pretty nice imho + it give u hp too.
  2. nu faceam referire la asta. ci de exp in tulcea nus multi ascultatori, iar consumul pana aici trebuie platit ... asa ca daca din alta parte scoate mai mult poate nu se uita in buzunar cat mai da in plus sa vina si pe aici. si asa sa se duca in toata tara :)
  3. sa vina, sa scoata un ban sa se poata sustina.
  4. Sambata, 31 Martie, concert la club Vamp, gratuit, la ora 20:00 cu Buzzy, Micro, SoWhat, Tahce, Sebastian, Martianu, dupa care la ora 22:00, toata lumea se va muta la Club Reina pentru concertul lui Cedry2k, (intrare in Reina 15 ron). xoaxoaoxaoxoaxoaoxoaoxaoxoaoxoax
  5. http://www.facebook.com/events/189845697797202/?notif_t=event_invite
  6. Why us: We are using a revolutionary technology called "Cloud". What means "Cloud"? Most web hosting servers are vastly under-used. In tests across our datacentre we've found that at any given time, about 75% of our hardware is being used less than 25% of its maximum capacity. That's a big waste of energy and money. By pooling both backend storage and frontend servers we can cut hardware costs dramatically, and pass that saving on to you. It also makes the whole process energy efficient. This also means that your web hosting package always has the power you need, providing unrivalled performance gains, you're never going to find your Cloud hosting low on resources , With this system we can guarantee 99.9 % uptime / year! We are the only hosting company in Romania that provides hosting on the Cloud Platform and we are dedicated to our clients. We take care of every client , we offer online support, 24/7 ticket system, and telephone support. What is the cloud Platform: What is a “Cloud”? Cloud hosting is an alternative to dedicated server hosting using highly available virtualisation technologies. The hardware on which your web hosting runs is virtualised. This brings a number of huge benefits, including the ability to offer unlimited web space & unlimited bandwidth allowances with a massive 99.99% uptime. How is it so reliable We use the latest virtualisation software to abstract your Plesk hosting services from the hardware that it sits on. The storage is centralised in a highly available Storage Area Network (SAN). This not only makes the network a lot quicker, but also means that you're no longer reliant on the physical machine on which your web hosting runs. Our Cloud hosting cluster controller watches all Plesk hosting services day and night, and if it detects a failure of any critical hardware, it'll automatically move the hosting onto spare hardware. You won't notice this, and our engineers would then simply replace the failed hardware with no impact to your web site or e-mail services. We're so confident that it works, that we guarantee your hosting won't drop below 99.99% availability for the month. Cloud Performance Most web hosting servers are vastly under-used. In tests across our datacentre we've found that at any given time, about75% of our hardware is being used less than 25% of its maximum capacity. That's a big waste of energy and money. By pooling both backend storage and frontend servers we can cut hardware costs dramatically, and pass that saving on to you. It also makes the whole process energy efficient. This also means that your web hosting package always has the power you need, providing unrivalled performance gains, you're never going to find your Cloud hosting low on resources. Green Initiative Overall we believe our hosting uses approximately an eighth of the power of a modern similarly specified physical web hosting server. Combined with the energy reduction procedures we're putting in place across our datacentres, it adds up to make a real difference. Offers: Try any of our packages for 1 Month for Free. Website: www.HDhost.ro
  7. era un video cu ctc, sisu, cedry2k cu o masina pe un camp, parca, cu cv arme... nu mai stiu :/
  8. then u watched to much "tv" and become blind about what masonism is (or i did that). to start with a question, Since when the best things must always be "in the dark side" ? but still i cant negate ur post
  9. ...scripta manent which part u consider not plausible ? keep in mind that u started with unfounded statements
  10. u serious ?? The file link that you requested is not valid.
  11. ur question might be better in this way "how much a guy must do in order to join the inner circle" well, i cant give u a clear answer since im not the one who do the recruiting. but i can tell u that some inner circle members joined in ~1week with few posts, nothing "BIG" and so on, maybe a powerful showed will :)
  12. maybe because we wanted this ? let me give u the answer i gave to every ppl (friend or not) who asked me if he can get the svn for free. well, we are doing this project fur U, not for us, because we do not have any "official" plan to open a server. so helping the project equals with helping ur server, if u are too lazy to do that it means u dont want ur server to grow up neither. so why should u get access to svn then, if u cant actually keep a server up. u may ask now, but im not a pro dev why i should not have the privilege to open a server too ? well u shouldnt, since u would not be able to keep it on, but still we offer this privilege too since we dont ask only DEV. support but searching for offi. info and testing our commits too. so counting out the 80% of ppl who cant even compile a server, cant read/write proper a text, cant manage his server, is too lazy to do smth and want all for free without even saying thanks, all the leechers who make profits from others work, are RETARDEDkids, well.. i guess we are Very successfully by building a community who do learn smth from all this, building one of the best IL project and keeping it out of the list above.
  13. im very serious now. but ill keep my arguments for his answer.
  14. i can call a success everything is done my a-Cis ftm, u cant ?
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