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Everything posted by Vengeance

  1. Pff egw eimai kainourgios.. thelw douleia akoma..
  2. Eimai sxetika neos edw, Tgha ithela osoi arxizete na ginete refferals. Euxaristw. :)
  3. OOPS you got him.. A/w on topic now and you all should be on topic and dont bother talking about other servers here. The things i saw in l2 goal was pretty good, in the first day they were some mistakes/unbalances but no major, the stuff was there for ppl and fixed everything really fast till the last day that everything was looking perfect. To "be honest" its a really good thing and shows how mature you are. L2goal staff never promised shits like others did. and what they said they did it. Believe me, in the end everyone takes what he deserves and l2goal deserves a good community and i am sure they will get it if they keep it like this. Cheers.
  4. Stop Spamming i said. :P GL With the server guys! i will be there too! (i love the new skills.)
  5. Yeah Im the one! ;). Dont think that it is so simple tho.. Isnt only in the systemm And if it is to dl again a client i wouldn post for help.. I just need to clean the client i have. P.S: Hows your work going?
  6. So here is my prob. I had a High Five client but i played a server with many many edits even on skills etc. I now want to play a more normal server but after giving name and pass and choosing server, i press creat new char and i got this Crit Error : 2012.1.22 21:01:13 OS : Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600) CPU : GenuineIntel Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q8400 @ 2.66GHz @ 2669 MHz 2047MB RAM Video : NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS (8558) PosCode : LS1(268) 0:0:0 4/0 [343] General protection fault! History: CheckTag <- ULinkerLoad::Load <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::SafeLoadError <- UObject::StaticLoadClass <- UL2ConsoleWnd::SpawnDefaultCharacter <- UUIScript::execSpawnDefaultCharacter <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (CharacterCreateMenuWnd Transient.CharacterCreateMenuWnd, Function Interface.CharacterCreateMenuWnd.OnEvent) <- XMLUIManager::ExecuteUIEvent <- ID:3210, param:Description=Select a race and occupation. <- NConsoleWnd::AcceptNewCharacter <- NewCharacterSuccessPacket <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=NewCharacterSuc <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop So i need help to fix it cause i cant dl right now a new High Five client (my internet sux Atm need to upgrade it) Thnx in advance.
  7. Thnx for giving me the chance to win :) Cya around
  8. 10 I Really Want To participate Dude. Plz Allow me. :) I know i dont have 50 posts but I am not bot You can look my Date of joining.. I just log here barely. I have made my topics too and i mostly get helped by ppl here.
  9. Eprepe na eixa ftiaksei back up ;/ L2Java xrisimopoio borw na valw afto to back up pou anaferete pio panw?
  10. Hi Guys opos leei k to tittle psaxnw full .xml files me ola ta npc tou gracia final, .xml me ola ta buff tou G final k telos .xml me Ola ta mob tou Gracia final! Tha eithela na m peite episeis p na valw to kathena.. Eimai new sto dev k exw kanei merika lathakia.. px ta mob ston server m den yparxoun, ta npc episeis k ston buffer p exw katevasei den exw ta misa buffs.. Tha ektimousa thn Grhgorh vohtheia sas :) P.S. Pistevw na einai to swsto meros gia to post m :)
  11. tha borouse na doulepsei gia L2J afto to arxeio?? H kapios tha boruse na m dosei to antoistixo gia L2J Gracia Final?
  12. k egw exw to idio provlima me ta mobs.. den ksetrw ti ekana/egine apla mia mera eksafanistikan.. k den borw na kanw oute spawn kathos den vriskei kanena mob... kati ekana lathos alla ti...?
  13. Re paidia thelw help fast... Evala mia buffer oxi apo aftes p les edw k ta buff kratagane 19 lepta ta song 1 lepto ktl alla douleve 100% k eixe k schemes ktl .. hthela na ftiaksw ta buffs gia 9hours opos les edw, opote katevasa ta skills ta ekana epikollish k m evgale antikatastasi, ta antikatestisa.. twra o buffer m vgazei mono 4-5 buffs 2-3 songs k telospanton einai axristos.. thelw na ksana perasw thn buffer p eixa alla oses fores k an tin perasa m vgazei ta idia buffs dld ta eleiph.. Ti na kanw??? :S mipos na vrw ola ta buffs k na ta perasw k meta na perasw thn buffer pali?? Genika exw berdefti me tous buffer...
  14. Yeah i want to find that stuff too!
  15. File wraio share! Ela p den to eida noritera k xalasa ton buffer p exw katevasei k m vgazei ta misa buffs twra.. An kserei kaneis pos vgazw ton buffer p exw teleios h an borw na ton ksana perasw me ola t ta buffs as me help plz :) P.S: twra arxizw na mathenw dev ktl so be kind with me ^^ P.S.2:Perilamvanei ta kamael buffs ta dwarfs buffs ktl?? gt exw enan tetion buffer k den kserw an tha tous allazei to time :/ alla an einai tha vrw to id tous k tha to kanw manual etsi? aff eimai noob.
  16. Very good job thnx! :)
  17. LOL to idio post exei kanei kai sto l2 pride forum...:Pkai efage delete... :o :o ::)
  18. you sell it for????? OR you can give it to me for free if you want !!! C'mon think about it plz..!!! ;D ;D
  19. xmmm... my first game was smthing like tarzan in a console which i pluge in tv and has mame games in or you could insert a casset and play other games... OR ... it was tetris at a console like gameboy but no color and had just tetris... Since this years i HATE tetris..... >:( >:( >:( Dont wanna see it in my sight
  20. Hitman 47 from all Hitman series!!!! He is just awesome!!!
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