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Everything posted by mrcx

  1. i was using nod32 till computer had infected and then i needed to reinstall my OS. After that im using Kaspersky
  2. lol,i thought it would need some html engine rework to make it work,but it's just images... Thanks ! :)
  3. nice website! very usefull. Just tired to registering in forums and than getting lots of spams...
  4. i need to beta key... maybe someone know where u can get it from? i think that game will be unbelievable. Playing Dota for few months and cant stop :)
  5. searched long time for high rate aion server. I will try it.
  6. for first try nice,but need more work to make perfect ;)
  7. it also shows lineage2 images ? like in the screen ? if yes i thing its perfect... u dont need to login to server reload html everytime to check if everything is good...
  8. maybe try to change engrave ruler skill casting range? or maybe u dont have enabled pathnodes?
  9. are u sure that this is some kind of attacks?
  10. I have problem,im using latest IL server. Server runs well but sometimes i get error in console : Exception in thread "SelectorThread-49" java.lang.NullPointerException at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.L2GameClient.onForcedDisconnection(L2GameClient.java:483) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.network.MMOConnection.onForcedDisconnection(MMOConnection.java:224) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.network.SelectorThread.readPacket(SelectorThread.java:380) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.network.SelectorThread.run(SelectorThread.java:229) after that nobody can login in gameserver,all player in gameserver just get frezed - no dc. When trying to login getting stuck in server list panel . (showing server normaly online,but no action when trying to log in into gameserver). Maybe someone had similar problem and/or know solution?
  11. L2J Server is the best... If u have some expierience in java you should pick it. Because there is no unneedable custom and i think it is most stable pack.
  12. try to see website source code (CTRL + F3 in Opera) then u can rip popup script ;)
  13. lol, u got pwned... tried to steal other people work,stole all timeline and now trying to take all medals from minutis work like it was yours work? shame on u... now u got just domain without timeline :D
  14. i had same problem but diffrent os (windows) Simply way to protect server from that error just use some firewall and thats all ;) Kaspersky Internet Security helped me at windows...
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