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Everything posted by xiaoheihei1

  1. did u installed database?
  2. client problem.i think,try to reinstal game client
  3. dont know what is it...
  4. i got this error with using http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=68111.0 that pack,and with gracia final or part2 i can load all quest,but on interlude no,what's the problem?can some1 fix it?
  5. .java file to .class file
  6. at gracia final and with what?
  7. pls....i get this error too....how to fix it?
  8. did cov can with flame icon at same time?
  9. hmm.if its incorrect,why i can save...
  10. i use [share]Helmet&Hoods, wings for Gracia part 2 ,all is ok.but why i see it on the sky....somthing wrong?
  11. can you give an screenshot about what we must white on custom_armor?
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