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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. dont use lens on the skills :o you can instead you mask on the arrow and then make it red? or add a nice effect on it XD
  2. dont forget that most of the EU players requested to ban Greek IPs cause of immature at gaming section ^^
  3. work on your texts and please dont use shadows on them xD
  4. it was pretty famous from the closed beta but now the community is big enough to find decent games to play
  5. aion its not on MOBA based. you dont farm in lanes killing creeps and harassing the enemy or destroy towers xD the graphics are pretty cool and the idea is unique
  6. yy its league of legends map style and theme :) you must destroy the towers and the nexus to win the game
  7. LOCO – Land Of Chaos Online is a Tactical Online Action RPG that combines the best elements of MMORPG, TPS (Third Person Shooter) and Tactics to a very unique genre mix you have never seen before. Step into the role of the different heroes in LOCO, combine their abilities and evolve the right strategy according to the enemies’. LOCO provides an innovative action game concept in an outstanding game design. Key Features MMORPG – Individualize and grow up your heroes. Equips them with epic artifacts and take the enemy down TPS – The speed of the game and the rapid third person point of view brings you deep into the game for a close and intense gaming experience Tactics – Teamplay and tactical finesse are the keys to a successful match. Team up in this strategy game and make the right decision for your tactics according to the opponent’s strategy. for more infos visit the official website: http://loco.en.alaplaya.net/ download > register > PLAY FOR FREE
  8. its a mimic :D
  9. dwse alla 500 euro gia unban
  10. true looking forward for the opening :) Seems really really promising :) Good luck in your betas too :)
  11. even official cant make a l2 competition cause its way too unstable for 5v5 battles :)
  12. pro support here <- also i am famous of my annie gameplay :3
  13. pes tou 3erw pou meneis kai 8a ferw tin parea mou na se kanei topi sto 3ulo alla lupame tous goneis sou pou 8a erxonte meta na mou zitan kai to logo. e 8a t parei kai autos kai 8a s leei auta piso apo to pc ta les kai 8a tou peis esu ela ok pou 8es na bre8oume kai done ton brikes :3
  14. yeah like i said but keep in mind that proffesional servers will look for simple made templates only :)
  15. sold already all my psd i had :D
  16. didnt knew you used the same :3
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