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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. like the ones you got now... maybe a bit smaller :3
  2. where is beelzebub and soul eater?:3 ao no exorcist/fairy tail/beelzebub/naruto/bleach/one piece and ofc souleater
  3. sorry but not my taste :P bad size, fancy colours - not my taste :3 i want dark theme - dark characters
  4. Well i am bored to make one ( :-[ ) so who will make one for me?:3 theme: Hilda or Kunieda Aoi from Beelzebub text: SoFaKi subtext: ( if u choose Hilda then use this: wet maid Hilda ) or ( if you choose Kunieda Aoi then use this: Red tails Kunieda ) one render i found http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/247/f/d/hilda_render_by_xxxbabyleloxxx-d48ucse.png i cant find anything good about kunieda so maybe you will be more lucky than me :3 about the reward i will talk with the winner about this :3
  5. Beelzebub and Ao no exorcist on the anime list?
  6. rules are for everyone :) staffers have more rules to follow instead normal members
  7. maxtor replied and he wants to check the replies of the members. thats all its "open discussion" and we dont have something to lose since the forum is FOR the members
  8. haters and fans will exist everywhere and anytime, if u dont like the way i moderate you should contact the rest 2 globals and ask them, every single one of us have different style of moderating thats why we are good as a team, remember that
  9. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=218169.0 and http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11.0 number 2 rule the guy you said he was flaming and he was offtopic so dekarma was right ps: i dont make the rules I FOLLOW THEM take a minute and read ALL the forum rules
  10. changes cant be done so fast ( the big ones that we want ) we need designs, find the right ppl to work on it and lot more 2nd we DONT want mxc to be alive thanks to l2,cs,aion cause there are thousands games that we CAN support and even with higher community than the L2 also about the staff i cant say anything since the promotions were with the same "wave" like me
  11. to eida dn exei na fobase tpt :P
  12. i like it:3 thanks for the gift
  13. wasnt good enough to carry the team with the tank? XD
  14. then we should stickie tristana's too? destickied its inside the client too
  15. [gr]kai meta les oti den exeis tixei me rwso pote... 4 deathcap katarina 3 phadom nocture k teemo... oti nane build esu k oti nane build o shaco :P eprepe na xanate >.> gt den exw tuxei pote me tetoious? >.>
  16. WHYYYYYY why you play alistar with this build :( alistar is like karma... more ap more epicness :(
  17. you cant make amv like this, you must remove the subs, you must mirror the video and then you will be fine
  18. euxome na sapisei sti filaki to ka8iki!
  19. mipos to anti8eto? ektos an ennoeis na peraseis kai ta linux mazi me windows alla se diaforetiko skliro apla 8a einai dual boot
  20. they did and they all agree with me so i am in lead of this topic :) no problem cause you are angry since you lost your money without be our fault dont try to abuse our power for no reason
  21. POPPY'S MAP = Dominion :3 guess why :P
  22. just read the rules they(old staff) made: WARNING: Use it at your own risk. MaxCheaters and its staff have no responsibility if you get scammed with your trades. Trading with Staff members is far more trustworthy for the record. I personally will ever ban a scammer since its against the rules, i personally again want marketplace removed from this forum, e-money transfer and trade is not legal but if you want to buy items chars w/e use this : www.ebay.com
  23. cause they scammed him. he didnt banned a single scammer if he didnt scammed him first
  24. why you will trade something we dont support anyway? the rules says clearly TRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK he have a topic with "wall of shame - scammers" before do a trade always check this topic and if the trader is member of the staff then you got way more trust
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