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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. yeap :P but the effect is nice.. but a bit useless :o
  2. the most developers want decrypted files :P he is selling this effect only... decryption is hard :P and the way is a secret.... i still dont know someone with full decrypted lineageeffects.u file :/
  3. awesome :D i love this ;) also gratz for ur work on youtube :o i love the ride and the jumpy human :o
  4. lock what? :| i am just sharing the engine... you have to fix the rest of it... like the config files
  5. nice textures... good details but the green eye i think it shouldnt be green... but its very cool bow keep it up ;)
  6. this share is too old... stop undig old topics.... locked
  7. nice one :D thanks :D but i had one avatar and sign about 1 month :P King beats Devil Jins ASS!!!!! i am Kings fan xD but its a very nice sign thx :D
  8. Violator u are trying to be someone or its my idea? :ooooooo i will not comment about DragonAge cause he can only reply with one +1 +2 +3 and then u talk about personal and OWN opinions xD Dont try to be someone cause u will fail :D try to improve only ur selfs and then maybe u will do this too......... for now u are not in potition to judge me or any other member of the staff... coyote is doing a rly good work and he worths the rank.... if u dont have skills we dont care :D
  9. Hello everyone! Today I decided to make many floodprotectors so that your actions as admin can become easier! In this way you may floodprotect maaaany player's actions so you can avoid many bugs.. And ofc the protections and the intervals are in the config (PS: It's for Interlude users, because most of the newbie developers here use interlude :) ) Download: FullFPs.patch Credits: SoFaKi aka Kokkinoula
  10. did i said i am cool or ok? XD ofc not!!!! i am saying EVERDAY that i HATE YOU ALL here i dont beg for respect i can gain it with 5 mn work!!! i dont want proffesionals comment for my newbie works or newbies comment for my proffesional works.... i want pro for pro and newbie for newbie... i am not pro at photoshop so i am learning to accept every comment... i was trying to help goddess!!! u said that u love this text... ok i didnt said something opposite i love it too but its not kinda OVERused? how goddess suppose to learn? in every new style goddess has the same text style for a lot lot time :/ this is bad :/ like Gozilla i said that twice and he has a big improvement... or even u.. go search ur first topics with my comments and check the new ones... i am just trying to help :/ maybe i am the only active member those days that has more experience than u and i am trying to teach u the things i learned... but sometimes ( or all of them ) u dont thank at all
  11. i didnt say i am special cause i can make a sign... i dont care i make it for fun... i will not be special if i am "friendly" as u say... then i will not gain respect but the oposite... To gain respect they must afraid of you... and absolutely NO you dont have the right to call me whatever u want
  12. Yeah i am human... but my IQ lvl i more high than some greeks here. so yeah i am something and i am special cause i can do this... and about "games" u say i can make more money with them than a common "human"
  13. you wanna say i am common? :o i dont think so :D learn more about me before u say something ;)
  14. i am special.... find one member here that its the same good in all mxc sections... client mods. counter strike . photoshop what else? and i dont think i am low skilled in all of them :/ so yeah i am special
  15. i usually use render self made.... no from planet renders or ather forums.... so the theme maybe is common but not my renders the theme on the current sign was my avatar.... check the avatar and then check the sign
  16. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=House+MD+renders http://www.listal.com/tv/house-md-2004/pictures http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0412142/mediaindex
  17. u mean this sign? if yes i didnt knew photoshop then... this sign is a gift from SeeYa try to find this girl... u will not cause its not a render... i was searchin 5-6 months this girl and u are not in potition to talk to me about the reuse of the renders LOL first comment your signature that over than 12938190238109 photoshop users have tried to make something with those renders...
  18. Hello people :D i present you a very nice event engine by Intrepid Some features: separated times for initial delay(start time after server boot) delay beetwen 2 events(automated) registration time preparation time fight time (all these are in milisec) revive on by default lots of checks for the event cancel transform cancel cubic unsummon pet CW owner join Hero join config saved disconnected players 2 spawn where players teleported on event start and 2 spawn where player teleported on revive (random) and on kill reward (each kill = reward) /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.azaria.events; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javolution.util.FastMap; import com.l2jserver.Config; import com.l2jserver.L2DatabaseFactory; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.Announcements; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2ItemInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2CubicInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.util.Broadcast; import com.l2jserver.tools.random.Rnd; /** * @author Intrepid * */ public class DeathMatch { // declare logger private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(DeathMatch.class.getName()); // event name private static final String _eventName = "DeathMatch"; // event finished and not started yet private static final int STATUS_NOT_IN_PROGRESS = 0; // event registration allowed private static final int STATUS_REGISTRATION = 1; // event registration ended and combat not started yet private static final int STATUS_PREPARATION = 2; // event players teleported to the event and combat starter private static final int STATUS_COMBAT = 3; // event combat ended wait setup for next event private static final int STATUS_NEXT_EVENT = 4; private static final String REMOVE_DISCONNECTED = "UPDATE characters SET heading=?,x=?,y=?,z=? WHERE charId=?"; /** * Initialize new/Returns the one and only instance<br><br> * * @return DeathMatch<br> */ public static DeathMatch getInstance() { return SingletonHolder._instance; } private static class SingletonHolder { protected static final DeathMatch _instance = new DeathMatch(); } private final ThreadPoolManager tpm; private final autoEventTask task; private final reviveTask taskDuring; private ScheduledFuture<?> reviver; private ScheduledFuture<?> event; private int announced; private static FastMap<Integer,L2PcInstance> players; private volatile int status; private volatile boolean active; /** * private constructor */ private DeathMatch() { tpm = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance(); status = STATUS_NOT_IN_PROGRESS; announced = 0; players = new FastMap<Integer,L2PcInstance>(Config.DM_MAX_PARTICIPANT); task = new autoEventTask(); taskDuring = new reviveTask(); reviver = null; active = Config.DM_ALLOWED; if (active) { tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, Config.DM_DELAY_INITIAL_REGISTRATION); _log.info("DeathMatch: Initialized event enabled."); } else _log.info("DeathMatch: Initialized but not enabled."); } private class autoEventTask implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { switch (status) { case STATUS_NOT_IN_PROGRESS: if (Config.DM_ALLOWED) registrationStart(); else active = false; break; case STATUS_REGISTRATION: if (announced < (Config.DM_REGISTRATION_ANNOUNCEMENT_COUNT + 2)) registrationAnnounce(); else registrationEnd(); break; case STATUS_PREPARATION: startEvent(); break; case STATUS_COMBAT: endEvent(); break; case STATUS_NEXT_EVENT: status = STATUS_NOT_IN_PROGRESS; tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, Config.DM_DELAY_BETWEEN_EVENTS); break; default: _log.severe("Incorrect status set in Automated " + _eventName + ", terminating the event!"); } } } private class reviveTask implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { L2PcInstance player; for (L2PcInstance p : players.values()) { player = p.getActingPlayer(); if (player != null && player.isDead()) revive(player); } } } public void registerPlayer(L2PcInstance player) { if (!active) return; if (status != STATUS_REGISTRATION || players.size() >= Config.DM_MAX_PARTICIPANT) player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.REGISTRATION_PERIOD_OVER); else if(!players.containsValue(player)) { if (!canJoin(player)) { player.sendMessage("You can't join to the" + _eventName + " because you dont meet with the requirements!"); return; } players.put(player.getObjectId(), player); player.sendMessage("You are successfully registered to: " + _eventName); if (Config.DM_REG_CANCEL) player.sendMessage("If you decide to cancel your registration use .leavedm!"); } else player.sendMessage("You are alredy registered"); } public void cancelRegistration(L2PcInstance player) { if (!active) return; if (status != STATUS_REGISTRATION) player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.REGISTRATION_PERIOD_OVER); else if (players.containsValue(player)) { players.remove(player); player.sendMessage("You successfully cancelled your registration in " + _eventName); } else player.sendMessage("You are not a participant in" + _eventName); } public void registrationStart() { status = STATUS_REGISTRATION; Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.REGISTRATION_PERIOD)); SystemMessage time = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.REGISTRATION_TIME_S1_S2_S3); long timeLeft = Config.DM_REGISTRATION_LENGHT/ 1000; time.addNumber((int) (timeLeft / 3600)); time.addNumber((int) (timeLeft % 3600 / 60)); time.addNumber((int) (timeLeft % 3600 % 60)); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(time); Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("To join the " + _eventName + " you must type .joindm"); tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, Config.DM_REGISTRATION_LENGHT / (Config.DM_REGISTRATION_ANNOUNCEMENT_COUNT + 2)); } public void registrationAnnounce() { SystemMessage time = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.REGISTRATION_TIME_S1_S2_S3); long timeLeft = Config.DM_REGISTRATION_LENGHT; long elapsed = timeLeft / (Config.DM_REGISTRATION_ANNOUNCEMENT_COUNT + 2) * announced; timeLeft -= elapsed; timeLeft /= 1000; time.addNumber((int) (timeLeft / 3600)); time.addNumber((int) (timeLeft % 3600 / 60)); time.addNumber((int) (timeLeft % 3600 % 60)); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(time); Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("To join the " + _eventName + " you must type .joindm"); announced++; tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, Config.DM_REGISTRATION_LENGHT / (Config.DM_REGISTRATION_ANNOUNCEMENT_COUNT + 2)); } public void registrationEnd() { announced = 0; status = STATUS_PREPARATION; for (L2PcInstance p : players.values()) { if (p == null) continue; if (!canJoin(p)) { p.sendMessage("You can't join to the" + _eventName + " because you dont meet with the requirements!"); players.remove(p); } } if (players.size() <= Config.DM_MIN_PLAYER) { Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(_eventName + "aborted not enough players!"); players.clear(); status = STATUS_NOT_IN_PROGRESS; tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, Config.DM_DELAY_BETWEEN_EVENTS); return; } SystemMessage time = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.BATTLE_BEGINS_S1_S2_S3); long timeLeft = Config.DM_PREPARATION_LENGHT / 1000; time.addNumber((int) (timeLeft / 3600)); time.addNumber((int) (timeLeft % 3600 / 60)); time.addNumber((int) (timeLeft % 3600 % 60)); for (L2PcInstance p : players.values()) { if (p == null) continue; p.setIsParalyzed(true); p.sendPacket(time); checkEquipment(p); if (Config.DM_CANCEL_PARTY_ONSTART && p.getParty() != null) p.getParty().removePartyMember(p); if (Config.DM_CANCEL_BUFF_ONSTART) p.stopAllEffects(); if (Config.DM_CANCEL_CUBIC_ONSTART && !p.getCubics().isEmpty()) { for (L2CubicInstance cubic : p.getCubics().values()) { cubic.stopAction(); cubic.cancelDisappear(); } p.getCubics().clear(); } if (Config.DM_UNSUMMON_PET_ONSTART && p.getPet() != null) p.getPet().unSummon(p); if (Config.DM_CANCEL_TRANSFORM_ONSTART && p.isTransformed()) p.untransform(); if (p.isDead()) p.setIsPendingRevive(true); int spawn = Rnd.get(2); if (spawn == 0) p.teleToLocation(Config.DM_LOCX1,Config.DM_LOCY1,Config.DM_LOCZ1); if (spawn == 1) p.teleToLocation(Config.DM_LOCX2,Config.DM_LOCY2,Config.DM_LOCZ2); if (Config.DM_RECOVER_ONSTART && p.getCurrentCp() != p.getMaxCp() || p.getCurrentHp() != p.getMaxHp() || p.getCurrentMp() != p.getMaxMp()) { p.getStatus().setCurrentCp(p.getMaxCp()); p.getStatus().setCurrentHpMp(p.getMaxHp(), p.getMaxMp()); } } tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, Config.DM_PREPARATION_LENGHT); } public void startEvent() { status = STATUS_COMBAT; SystemMessage time = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.BATTLE_ENDS_S1_S2_S3); long timeLeft = Config.DM_EVENT_LENGHT / 1000; time.addNumber((int) (timeLeft / 3600)); time.addNumber((int) (timeLeft % 3600 / 60)); time.addNumber((int) (timeLeft % 3600 % 60)); L2PcInstance player; for (L2PcInstance p : players.values()) { player = p.getActingPlayer(); if (player == null) continue; player.setIsParalyzed(false); player.sendPacket(time); } reviver = tpm.scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(taskDuring, Config.DM_REVIVE_DELAY, Config.DM_REVIVE_DELAY); event = tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, Config.DM_EVENT_LENGHT); } public void endEvent() { if (status != STATUS_COMBAT) return; status = STATUS_NEXT_EVENT; reviver.cancel(true); if (!event.cancel(false)) return; Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(_eventName + " is finished!"); L2PcInstance player; for (L2PcInstance p : players.values()) { player = p.getActingPlayer(); if (player == null) { removeDisconnected(p.getObjectId(), p); continue; } removeFromEvent(player); } players.clear(); tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, Config.DM_ENDING_LENGHT); } private void revive(L2PcInstance player) { player.setIsPendingRevive(true); int teleTo = Rnd.get(1); if (teleTo == 1) player.teleToLocation(Config.DM_RANDOM_RESPAWN1_X, Config.DM_RANDOM_RESPAWN1_Y, Config.DM_RANDOM_RESPAWN1_Z); if (teleTo == 2) player.teleToLocation(Config.DM_RANDOM_RESPAWN2_X, Config.DM_RANDOM_RESPAWN2_Y, Config.DM_RANDOM_RESPAWN2_Z); } private boolean canJoin(L2PcInstance player) { // level restriction boolean can = player.getLevel() <= Config.DM_MAX_LVL; can &= player.getLevel() >= Config.DM_MIN_LVL; // hero restriction if (!Config.DM_HERO_JOIN) can &= !player.isHero(); // cw owner restriction if (Config.DM_CWOWNER_JOIN) can &= !player.isCursedWeaponEquipped(); return can; } private final void checkEquipment(L2PcInstance player) { L2ItemInstance item; for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { synchronized (player.getInventory()) { item = player.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(i); if (item != null && !canUse(item.getItemId())) player.useEquippableItem(item, true); } } } public static final boolean canUse(int itemId) { for (int id : Config.DM_DISALLOWED_ITEMS) if (itemId == id) return false; return true; } private void removeFromEvent(L2PcInstance player) { if (!player.isDead()) { player.getStatus().setCurrentCp(player.getMaxCp()); player.getStatus().setCurrentHpMp(player.getMaxHp(), player.getMaxMp()); } else player.setIsPendingRevive(true); player.teleToLocation(Config.DM_TELE_BACK_X, Config.DM_TELE_BACK_Y, Config.DM_TELE_BACK_Z); } public final void removeDisconnected(int objID,L2PcInstance player) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(REMOVE_DISCONNECTED); ps.setInt(1, player.getHeading()); ps.setInt(2, Config.DM_TELE_BACK_X); ps.setInt(3, Config.DM_TELE_BACK_Y); ps.setInt(4, Config.DM_TELE_BACK_Z); ps.setInt(5, objID); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.log(Level.WARNING,"Could not remove a disconnected DM player!", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } public final void addDisconnected(L2PcInstance participant) { switch (status) { case STATUS_REGISTRATION: if (Config.DM_REGISTER_AFTER_RELOG && !players.containsValue(participant)) registerPlayer(participant); break; case STATUS_COMBAT: L2PcInstance p = players.get(participant.getObjectId()); if (p == null) break; players.put(participant.getObjectId(), participant); checkEquipment(participant); int spawn = Rnd.get(2); if (spawn == 0) participant.teleToLocation(Config.DM_LOCX1,Config.DM_LOCY1,Config.DM_LOCZ1); if (spawn == 1) participant.teleToLocation(Config.DM_LOCX2,Config.DM_LOCY2,Config.DM_LOCZ2); break; } } public final void onKill(L2Character killer,L2PcInstance killed) { if (status != STATUS_COMBAT) return; ((L2PcInstance) killer).addItem("DEATHMACH", Config.DM_REWARD_ID, Config.DM_REWARD_COUNT, killer, false); killer.sendMessage(killer + "killed: " + killed); killed.sendMessage(killed + "killed by: " + killer); } public static final boolean isInProgress() { switch (getInstance().status) { case STATUS_PREPARATION: case STATUS_COMBAT: return true; default: return false; } } public static final boolean isPlaying(L2PcInstance player) { return isInProgress() && isMember(player); } public static final boolean isMember(L2PcInstance player) { if (player == null) return false; switch (getInstance().status) { case STATUS_NOT_IN_PROGRESS: return false; case STATUS_REGISTRATION: return players.containsValue(player); case STATUS_PREPARATION: return players.containsValue(player) || isMember(player.getObjectId()); case STATUS_COMBAT: case STATUS_NEXT_EVENT: return isMember(player.getObjectId()); default: return false; } } private final static boolean isMember(int oID) { return players.get(oID) != null; } } Credits to: Intrepid and L2Azaria for the creation of the event
  19. I WILL MAKE IT CAUSE U ARE MY PET!!! prasinoulis <3
  20. i dont care about love.... i care only about karma... I CAN DO ANYTHING FOR KARMA!!! gimme karma make me famous
  21. i said r8 no comment :@ haterz out!!!! kidding :p if u pay attention at the visible shoulder u can see that its hard cutten xD thats why i used blur and smudge to make it more real
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