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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. avatar 10/10 (cause i love dogs) signs -10/10 cause i dont like the text :P and make me feel dizzy
  2. 70k +
  3. Bank ftw... i need award no VIP...
  4. 20/10 cause its mine :$
  5. about 30k i think :P
  6. dexome kai karma... kai 8elw special thx sti signature s.... einai duskolo na breis zwntana Avatar :/
  7. Gimme ur adenaz
  8. this armor is CriticalError's work... so u can pm him to give u the files.... and then u adapt it
  9. in a few minutes via pm... locked for now to keep working
  10. twice requested.... ignored
  11. Some signs added :D it will remain unlocked for a few minutes
  12. Realtek is wrong dont listen to him the problem you have is simple you requested a HTML that have a syntax error in it which cause the html dont reach the close tags.
  13. http://www.maxcheaters.com indeed pointless xD
  14. GIMME UR ADENAZZZZZ soz for delay i formated my pc
  15. its a hacking forum :P not GFX forum xD and this section its not SIGNATURE sections... just Photoshop section... here i can even share TGA files from l2 edited at photoshop... or many other things about photoshop
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=136582.0 cya there <3 tommorow :P
  17. i like the color of the eyes :o btw HOUSEMD? what is that ? >.< text sucks ( bouuu ) :P friendly always :o
  18. pro spam pro zero
  19. if maxtor listen to him then he can just say ADD ONE AWARD TO SOFAKI to avoid buying one >.< 75k adenaz lulz >.<
  21. Hey erol :D nice adenaz ^^
  22. allios flame? :o
  23. gut sher +1 karma stickie ickie ofc very nais
  24. can someone translate it?
  25. i dont believe at second chances xD and i think that god is several times banned didnt he? :| but lets see at ppls comments :o
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