Excuse my English is bad. The point is that I look for pages on which these are written to give statistics foundation set item etc . Mj set foundation what giving , understand now?:p
btw demensos play in x15 or x500? :p on inc ofc
Hello, I looking for color, for example in a chat color dmg, pickup etc just something that needs to gracia part 2.
Who have it plx upload in rapidshare
Nice idea only for big rate server ;]
In low/mid rate max 25 and must make normal nobless quest it's hard to make 5charcter noblesse ;] and in some serve must 9player registret to olympiad and start fight ...
Idea good only for high rate..
Yee when u have all up for dex must dagger+haste and have max atk.speed , when u have dagger+crt.dmg have power to critical and u str it's lower and critical dmg it's lower :p
Yes im prefer too deyes
ofc this deye for pvp/oly not for exp :p
For exp im use deye :
And when im have good lvl delete ago deye and add new for pvp only:)
Me faforite for oly it's gladiator , so doomcry it's good buff and have drain (im dont play doomcry) .
1. Glad
2. OL
3. WK
4. Necro
5. ......
this is me idea;p