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Everything posted by Awaken

  1. This is only spam ;] Silver want for big count post and dont see this post;p
  2. I understand. At low / mid rate I have time to get cp pots ;] But pvp on high goitre rate, the damage to my low rate exp;]
  3. Good job ;] . This is only for newbie ;)
  4. Excuse my English is bad. The point is that I look for pages on which these are written to give statistics foundation set item etc . Mj set foundation what giving , understand now?:p btw demensos play in x15 or x500? :p on inc ofc
  5. Hello, I looking for color, for example in a chat color dmg, pickup etc just something that needs to gracia part 2. Who have it plx upload in rapidshare
  6. These hairs move as run or not ??
  7. Thx man :) , autoclicker im only use in high rate , in low rate no like pvp :p
  8. This work now? in gracia pt 2?
  9. Nice idea only for big rate server ;] In low/mid rate max 25 and must make normal nobless quest it's hard to make 5charcter noblesse ;] and in some serve must 9player registret to olympiad and start fight ... Idea good only for high rate..
  10. Im have problem to downloa eng version:/ host it in rapidshare pleasy.
  11. New l2survival? oO hm good for me meeaby im comming to server . Survival it'a very very nice only fast to dead..:/
  12. Yee when u have all up for dex must dagger+haste and have max atk.speed , when u have dagger+crt.dmg have power to critical and u str it's lower and critical dmg it's lower :p
  13. COD 4 noo :P im prefer swat 4 like it :)
  14. ehh now im not download :/ "The file could not be found. Please check the download link." Remake it
  15. Yes im prefer too deyes DEX+4 STR-4 DEX+1 STR-1 CON+4 STR-4 ofc this deye for pvp/oly not for exp :p For exp im use deye : STR+4 CON-4 DEX+4 CON-4 And when im have good lvl delete ago deye and add new for pvp only:)
  16. Me faforite for oly it's gladiator , so doomcry it's good buff and have drain (im dont play doomcry) . 1. Glad 2. OL 3. WK 4. Necro 5. ...... this is me idea;p
  17. Good job :) thanks man . im look for augment skill list have anyone?
  18. Nice spot for farm :) thx
  19. Hi ^^
  20. Hehe yes Russian Boys fast create boot for l3 .. hm when Gracia Final start ?
  21. cool trick , only im faster change sub and relog ;] and all good
  22. Nice glow , only im prefer for me retail glow :p
  23. Im prefer: Mage: OL/ES/BISHOP/NECRO Warrior: TITAN/PAL/TH/WL
  24. Heh nice thx , make it for gracia part 2 :p inpossible
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