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Everything posted by Awaken

  1. Someone know any bug for reuse skill invocation? :p
  2. Yes im too have it for c4/interlude only need for gracia part 2 ... meaby dont need it for gracia ..
  3. Char in x15 or x500?
  4. LOL?? Bater are stupid . Im too need info for drop/spoil patch to gracia part 2 , im search in too much forum and dont need it , meaby someone have ?
  5. Someone scan file witch antyvirus?
  6. Batar tell me for what it's this program?
  7. it's work in me server only this bug good for ilusion dupe adena , not have other for that.
  8. In me server dont work , in what server that work? so?
  9. Hi. I have a character in server Dex x4for sale. but i dont have mail to my character because i forget this mail i know you can scary to this character , so i can give a small price because you can change mail in dex but this change cost 20euro Character: STS(SH)78/TITAN78/BISHOP72/PR69 - Nobless *Character have 4lvl Ketra Ally( need 175soldier and captian to lvl 5) ofc Boss and Comander have . *Blood Fabric (To Baium) *900 Torch (1000Torch it's recipe S.Gr) Character it's clean no item , meaby interesant character+item tell me ;)
  10. Update list item for sell . -DB+F+4 -Draconic Set -Imperial Set (4/4/3/3/3/3) *Shield Too -Major Arcana Set -Dual S +4 -Aq+4 -Adena (500kk - 10euro , in big count buy - negociate price) ( have big adena) Transfer in PayPal.
  11. Im pay for 1kkk hm.. 12euro max
  12. you sell adena for real cash tell price for it man ;]
  13. what price for 500kk hm? tell me in euro , have u meaby any character in l2dex x4? im interesant for char
  14. Ok 100 for draco , and hm used wester union? u are from greek rly? me poland this is fast.
  15. No have only pm me
  16. Hey , im have for sell in dex item for real money. Item: -Draconic Bow(Focus)+4 -IC SET (+4/3) -Orfen erring(+4) -Aq Ring (+4) -Core Ring -Adena Interesant Me Real Money.
  17. what man? OOC?
  18. Im have in Abyss x5 EE78/NE76/WK41-Nobless e-mail (normal name , no nubers or xx) SPOIL75 (normal name , no nubers or xx) PP69 (normal name , no nubers or xx) Item: Hom+Acu 1.4kkk Adena MJ ROBE SET ENCHANDET MJ Jewlery SET ENCHANDET MJ BOOTS MJ GLOVES
  19. Im have in Frintenzza x15 Warlock 61 Item: -DC ROBE SET -C.Grade Luxury Jewelery Set -15kk ~ -Sword of Valhalla Acu +3
  20. Im have in nanaki x15: SPS78/WC78/EE78/NE56-NOBLESS (normal name , no numbers or xx) e-mail WK77(3rd) e-mail (And spoil 56 in this acc) ========================================= Weapon: -Sword of Valhalla (Acumen) -Avadon Robe Set (4/3/3/3) -Desperation Staff -Carnage Bow (x2) -Soul Separator (x2) -Art of Battle Axe (Health) -Dual Samurai Long Sword (SLS*SLS) ========================================= Armor: -Dark Crystal Robe Set (4/3/3/3) -Dark Crystal Light Set (1/1/0/0/0) -Dark Crystal Light Set (3/3/3/2/0) -Majestic Light Set (4/3/3/3) -Tallum Robe Set (3/3/3/0/0) -Tallum Heavy Set (4/3/1/0) -Blue Wolf Heavy Set (3/3/0/0/0) -Blue Wolf Light Set (x2)(3/0/0/0) ========================================= Jewelery: -Tateosian Jewelery Set (3/3/3/3/3) -Majestic Jewelery Set (3/3/3/3/3) -Phoenix Jewelery Set (3/3/3/1/0) ========================================= Other Item: -Majestic Ring (x3)(3/3/1) -Majestic Erring (x4)(3/0/0/0) -Dark Crystal Light Armor (x2) -Dark Crystal Boots -Dark Crystal Leggins -Dark Crystal Helmet -Shield of Nightmare -Enchant Weapon A.Grade -Enchant Armor S.Grade (x4) -Doom Boots -Secret Book of Giants (x3) -Strider of Star (57lvl) -1970 CRY S.Grade -2000 CRY A.Grade Bigger Mats (20k Varnish , 20k a.bone) BiG BIG =========================================
  21. Hey im LF server interlude off or l2j , x500 +++ - x10000 Intersant me enchant max +10 or +16 for weapon , and +10 or +12 armor , jewely In server must played 30ppl+ Must have good machine , no lag !! And dont biiiiGGGG farm , farm - yes , no big ;] Sory for me eng . Im w8 for info , cYa :p
  22. Im dont have MSN i have e-mail in wp.pl and gmail sory. W8 i write for u e-mail anon@imghack.us
  23. oO sims 3 nice i must look when its premier in the world?
  24. What its u offer in this server? for me item | L2veteran im write for u look for e-mail
  25. Sory man im dont look for low rate server me interesant high or medium rate , im dont have time for loong game , or real money
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