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About sanneh

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  1. The "L2BattleRoyale" has definitely been validated as legit and fun source of play. Right now, we're waiting for mass adoption so we can have regular games and larger maps. Personally I'm more excited about a Wasteland size map with 100+ players, with various loot, like pots and craftable pots, mounts, airdrops and eventually the KING OF THE GAME. The weapon system needs tweaking I think. I mean it's fine as it is in 5 man fast games, but some more thought put into it wouldn't hurt nobody. :) Anyway I urge everyone to try it out, join the discord channel, invite people for games. It's fun, fast, simple, has ranking and prestige. ;)
  2. Server is constantly up, while dev is adding more features. 10 man map online. Come play with me i'm online at the moment. We need more players and a lot of games to push the game forward, it's loads of fun and ideal does of L2 for people who don't have time to farm all day. http://l2battleroyale.com/ download l2.ini, use clean system and PLAY! You don't need nothing else ;) http://l2battleroyale.com/ https://imgur.com/a/rHuOl66
  3. We just played a few games, thing is so fun and awesome. Everything runs smoothly, the queue system, the whole engine, the fights are balanced and very fun as you need to grab the best loot to survive -- strong weps, cp pots qhp pots... me and a friend will be online for an hour or so if somebody wants to challenge me!
  4. Wow man you are legend!! I have the same idea for L2 Battle Royale written in my notepad... but you have implemented everything already, almost just the way I imagined it. godlike dev skill, even the circle... I don't see why this couldnt be scaled for 100 players. Really cool project, full support I will be interested in trying it out. Also pm me if you need ingame test, suggestions from my notebook or web design/dev
  5. English title, ancient scripture. :lied:
  6. This kind of behavior (hidden auto like their FB page) should be punished by both Facebook and Maxcheaters. Such thing is not tolerated.
  7. Eyy bro try Upaxnet.com. They're a bunch of Scandinavian folks that run an honest business. (Large host providers today, literally scam you with your web server or VPS server order, giving you a dynamic package that scales with how much you use it, as opposed to Upax who gives you real and reliable solutions.) Anyway, I've been with them for almost a year and am very happy, plus the support is helpful, knowledgeable and nice. https://www.upaxnet.com/
  8. Yeah, I agree with you. You know there is a philosophy that says "The Obstacle Is The Way". So my friend, with your knowledge and skills, you could bring a great new change and creative addition to l2j. Why stick strictly to retail? When you could make some simple yet much-needed improvements by improvising code of your own. The only reason "l2j is on hold" and "99% are lazy" is because few people have extensive Java programming knowledge and those who do are in demand - busy or expensive to hire. I mean you should be done with "generic base" by now? aCis is the best l2j interlude pack... So the next big move is to combine Classic and Interlude
  9. Eyyy, selling these 2 adrenaline keys License A which means 1 Key per 1 L2 Client... 28 days left! 5$ each so 10$ total. buy fast cause time is ticking Payment via paypal/skrill/paysafecard pm me here or add skype: sannehwat
  10. bump. just leak the source so ppl can get to work
  11. Selling my personal account that I have been using since Season 1. It has 119 champions, 7 rune pages, a lot of runes, 3k IP and 53 skins, a couple of unobtainable ones like Grey Warwick Medieval Twitch a legendary skins Spirit Guard Udyr victorious skins : Morgana and Sivir, Championship Shyvanna And some other rare ones you can check em all here http://www.elophant.com/league-of-legends/summoner/euw/19027338/skins Account has a gold border and has been gold the past 3 seasons. Currently Silver 4 with normal mmr. It has an icon from season 1 rankeds too. 7 Rune pages with many diverse rune options with some off-meta stuff for experimenting and fun. Account is ready to go boys, sanneh on euwest. price is 65 eur on PayPal or skrill. payment first. I will give you the account don't worry. I have one more lvl 30 account unranked with little champs and runes or trade for items in cs go: value there is 85 eur. contact me here or steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/rajasxatmani picture uploadercertificity.com
  12. Ok I'm gonna try and connect to my Interlude L2j server using the L2 classic client 1.5 or something. If anyone has any idea of how to make the l2 classic client work with previous servers let me know, please. (Y)
  13. Hey there if somebody is looking for some java dev work, I need some help. (pre compile real development, new code) should be fairly easy stuff, we can work together. Work will be paid via paypal or paysafe (if you want) add me on skype: sannehwat first job is simple and easy (for testing) there will be a lot more work opportunity in the future.
  14. What is it? Classic client for Interlude or h5? Possible?
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