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Everything posted by Mitjuh

  1. omg put the credits in... its made by DragonHunter and put the stats of completion in it to... oh and its a Database editor not datapase...
  2. I've got an image in it to but it's not displaying how can that be? **FIXED**
  3. It's greek -.-" so how can I find such thing atleast I made it myself without his tutorial.
  4. This guide can be used to add skills to another class in the database for example you want to have a prophet Dual Weapon Mastery. This is only for adding the skills which already exist and is not for creating your own skills. 1st check the ID of the character where you want to add the skill. 2nd search for the skill ID in the database *skill_trees* So now we want to add the skill Dual Weapon Mastery at a prophet in lvl 20, so the ID for a prophet is 17 and the skill ID is 144. Now add a line at *skill_trees* in your database which is going to look like this: Class_id, Skill_id, Level, Name, Sp, Min_level 17, 144, 1, Dual Weapon Mastery , 11000, 20 When you want the class to get the next level just add the same line and change min_level to whenever you want the class to get it , and change Level to for example 2. Class_id= This is the character ID where you want to give the skill to. Skill_id= This is the ID of the skill you want to put in. Level= This is the level of the skill you want to give. (Don’t put a higher level then there exists) Name= This is the skill name you want to add. Sp= This is the amount of SP you need to buy the skill. (Not needed when you have auto learn skills on) Min_level= This is the minimum level you have to be to get the skill. **This is my first guide please if you have something to add or change tell me and I will change it.** Guide created by Mitjuh
  5. it's pretty easy i think when u got to your database to skill_trees if you want to add it at a prophet u need id: 17 so Class ID= 17, Skill ID=144 (u need to know the id of Dual Weapon Mastery or any other skill u want), Level=1(u can do anything u want cause its the skill level so u will start with lvl 1 cause ur still a prophet), Name=Dual Weapon Mastery (Its the name of the skill), Sp=0 (if u havent got automated skills u should add sp else u can just put it to 0), min_level=20 (this is the level u have to be before u can get it.
  6. U can change it at the database go to the Char_Templates then check ONLY the starter classes and edit the X, Y, Z coordinates that should solve your problem
  7. you could make a multisell shop so when they trade the item it has to be +0 and trade it for the +0 weapon and anything u want <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <list> <!--Draconic Bow--> <item id="1"> <!--Adena--> <ingredient id="7575" count="1"/> <ingredient id="57" count="100000000"/> <production id="7575" count="1" enchant="100"/> </item> </list> If im correct u could use this to.
  8. Please read first before post cause I clearly said and explain it slowly to me. So im suggesting you to read before post.
  9. lawl isnt that way to easy to become nobless?
  10. Yea im searching for that to could anyone give us a guide or smtn or do you just need the database of the server in order to get the mobs in the l2walker?
  11. U need to know how to put the buffs in a buffer or what?
  12. Ur using your subclass when u try it or main class? Cause u have to be ur sublclass to change it.
  13. Hello maxcheaters people, Could anyone help me setting up a server cause I just dont know how to checked many guides and tutorials but I really dont understand them could anyone do it for me with like TeamViewer and explain it slowly to me? If someone could please add me at MSN tim_joosten@hotmail.com . (A) Hoping someone will be that nice to help me with this ;) . (A) Thank you very much.
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