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Everything posted by HackMeUpReturns

  1. Ok Ok....Reported To Admin...The Server Has Done RollBack Right Now And Anti-Phx And Anti-Hack System Is Ready...No More Hacks I'm The Best...:P
  2. The Same Post Have You Done To My Post To....Pls Meight Not Spam
  3. Lol^^ How I Can Use Phx .....?? I WanT Enchant I'm The Best Onto The Server.....All Others Have +30 Weapon And me??One +21 Dynasty Acumen And I **** tHEMMMM Wait For Ya... IG : Pris0nIsH4rd RapStyle And Mafia FTW
  4. ~~~>>> RapStyle <<<~~~ WebSite : http://www.l2rapstyle.tk Info : Rates Are : Instant 80 ( If You Are A Mage You Have To Kill The 1st Mob With Attack And No Skills ) Enchant Rates : Safe: 10 Max: 30 Success : Weapons:75% Armors:75% Apella Armor = Custom Armor Gold Bar System ( Npc ) Unlimited Buff Slots Tattoo Stats( Divine=Mages , I Don't Know Fighter One ) Interlude Skills 99,9 % ( Only Salvation Has A Lil Problem ) Full Buffer Augmentations 100% Adena Farm Zone = Antharas Nest Dynasty Weapons And Armors Too ( Apella Are Better ) Enjoy Playing On Our Server...Soon A Site Will Be Up ( This Is Forum ) Vote 4 Us Daily And Remember L2 Is Only A Game
  5. I Have PMed Some Bugs To Other Members...Now The Bugs Are Reported To The Administrator So Please Don't Talk Here About Server Bugs ....
  6. No No Guys....Bugs Will Be Fixed Soon So Don't Be Happy..Also I Believe That This Server Has Been underestimated Βy All Of You PPL... As You Will See ( http://l2mafia.gr/site/index.php?start_from=5&ucat=&archive=&subaction=&id=start& ) This Server Has Started At 21 Nov 2007 And It Was The Best KvN Server I Have Ever Joined ( GvE Is Nothing )....As For The Bugs You All Know That To Make A Server Without Bugs It's Not feasible...So Please Guys Feel Free Joining And Don't Ask The Others Before You Test... ( I Suggest KvN 02 Server ) See Ya In Game HackMeUp IG : Tr3loGladi4ever
  7. [Gracia T2J]L2Ancestral Games << Like THis Must Be Your Title To Follow The Section Rules... No Time For Lowrates Sry m8
  8. 1st Post Updated With Some Things And Bugs Will Be Fixed Really Soon ( Believe Be xD )
  9. Are You Totally Crazy Meight??How I Have Done That ?? Check Your Flood Protector...Have Configured It To 1 Packet Per Second Maximum N00b??? Server Sux....And Saleo Sucks Too ...If You Join You Are A Little Child Who Wabt To Test L2...Server Will Close For Sure Because Saleo Is Noob And He Is Running The Server At His Little Home.....Also My Leader Has Been Banned Too....He Was Over Me When His Char Disconnected Abnormanly Like Mine After Too....Two Words : NOT JOIN !!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Ok OK.....Here Has Been Posted A Lot Of Bugs Of L2Mafia....And The Server Owner aND Admin Are Members Of This Forum... Every Time Someone Posts A Bug Here,Owner And Admin Are Running To Fix It... Anyway I Know Something With Salvation But I Give Info Only At Pm's 1st Post Updated For Kvn 2 Server : Till A Grade Free C You InGame : Kvn02 Tr3loGladi4ever
  11. I Know That A Post With This Name Is Already Posted But It Is Not Updated... L2Mafia Network Owner : Dimis4 L2Mafia Network Has Those 5 servers : 1.k00fsVSn00bs02 2.StuckSubs 3.PvPx300 [Amazing pvp world with active gms and many events] 4.k00fsVSn00bs 5.Mafia World x35 [New RPG server] l2mafia x300 PvP : Rates xp = 300 Adena = 1200 Enchant safe enchant = +6 Armor and Jewels Safe = +6 Max Weapon = +30 Max armor and jewels = +20 Enchant success rate = 70% ( from +6 to +30) A new PvP server with olympiand Heros, Sieges, TvT Event, Custum Farming and PvP Area, Raid Bosses and More fun and PvP! Easy nobless Q , many gms online and special events Server 59 PvPx300: A fantastic pvp world . Adena rate x2000, xp rate x300. Custom pvp zones farming areas and more waiting you. A project made by l2mafia team to hold you on a non stop pvp in order to show and improve your skills. We have normal and custom Hero system working perfectly on the same server. That provide much more interest in game. Max armor enchant +20 Enchant rate = 75% Custom Buffer, GMshop and Gatekeeper Custom Dynasty and Legency armors Custmo Dynasty weapons Auto TvT and more GM's Event. Fully working c6 staff improved and served to you by l2mafia. More info ingame. Server 04 Stuck Subs: Its exactly the same like pvpx300 server, but you can stuck the skills of the main class +3 subs. This will provide you a perfect pvp expirience and will show you the new way l2 meant to by played. You can make you sub strategy in order to win sieges, become a hero and pawn at pvp battles. Server 25 Mafiaworld x35: One server with Great Balance between character and with no Donation.Olympiad System. Cursed Weapons. Adena drop x75 Custom drops in all map Xp x35 Buffer with all buffs exept 3rd class Buff time 60min, exept 3rd class 30min Custom GMshop, GateKeeper Custom Dynasty armor, weapon More GM'Event. It's a custom x35 server with more fun and nice pvp. Rates : xp = 300 adena = 1200 Enchant Max Weapon = +35 Enchant Max Armor = +25 Enchant Safe = +6 Enchant Succes Rate = 70 % KvN Servers : []l2mafia k00fs VS n00bs Rates : Instantly 80 lvl! Enchant : safe enchant = +16 full armor safe = +16 enchant success rate = 70% ( from +16 to +25) Some general info for server! Server based one l2goodvsevil idea or you can see faction server! Some informations about the new server. You create a char and it is from the begin 80 lvl so you dont need to xp! When you login for first time you see an Faction Manager (npc) and you choose your race. You can join k00fs team or n00bs team. After joining a team you automaticaly teleported to dark elf vilage for k00fs and elven vilage for n00bs ( that is your base ). All towns are closed and cant escape from them. There is a teleporter that teleports you to some Towns . Thesse towns are custom arenas where the 2 teams fight each other. Every pvp you get you earn 1 adenna and thats the only way to earn money! You can take till b grade equipment for free but after that for A-S grade you must give adena( At Kvn2 Server Is Free Till A Grade). There is a buffer with full buffs,songs,dances,chants,pet buffs,noblesse,salvation to help you each time to fight. All buffs last 9 hours(except some summon) There are also teleports for raid (antharas,baium,valakas etc) This is a general view of the server for more info we wait you onilne. Also We Are Running A Special Medal System Dynasty Armor Set and Weapons
  12. What The Hell??? I've got banned for nothing...I Say Nothing And I Mean Nothing Guys....I Was On The Farm Zone And EXping When The Game Has Kicked Me Out...I Opened L2 Aigain And When I Tried To Login These words appeared : You're I account Is Permanently Banned
  13. SaLeoTragem ... I Will Not Join This Server For Only But Only Three Reasons Meight...1st You Blame Vago The Java God With His Awesome Pack... And 2nd You Are Closing-Opening-Closing-Opening One Server All Day. 3rd Lag Like Hell Meight See Ya
  14. Mafia Means : The Title Is Not Following The Section Rules. Ity Must Be Like This One: [c4 off]L2 Loyal And Give Us Some Further Info From Me : I Don't Like c4 anymore....I Prefer Interlude
  15. HaHa...This Is A Server That You Must Play It At Least 3 hours A Day o Be Good
  16. L2J-Archid revision 358 http://rs531.rapidshare.com/files/175008789/L2J-Archid_revision_358.rar
  17. Min Anisixite Den Tha Apogoiteuteite Katholou.Aplos Afiste Me Na Kanw Diakopes Kai Meta Get Down To Work :P
  18. Server Farm Is HaRD Like Hell ... I Have Posted A Suggestion Onto Your Forum... Champions Spawning Chance Be Lowered Or Champions Stats Lowered
  19. Nice Serv With Many Specifications...My Test Spirit Is Growing Aigain...Let's Get Down To Work :P More Info About Server Tomorrow That It Will Be Tested ( sh class ) Can I Connect With Gracia Client Too?? I Think Server Needs A Parch...All These Custom Systextures And Animations Folder??
  20. Sorry Negrin But I'm Not Server Owner...Contact Admin Inside The Server
  21. No Man....You Must Buy For Sure RAM 4GB ( I Have 4 and I Do Not Run A Server ) Your Processor Must Be Changed For Sure....For A Server Machine Go Buy Intel Quad Core Q9550 And Find A Good Gigabyte MotherBoard Also....The HDD Has How Many flps / sec ?? 10.000? What? I Suggest WD Velocipator 300 GB GL ... I Wil Test And Tell Ya EDIT : Site Sucks....Chinese Or Something Else? And It Is Not So Clean ... I've Found Some Links For Patch : http://rapidshare.com/files/174566344/System.rar.html RapidShare Mirror http://www.speedyshare.com/398357852.html SpeedyShare Mirror
  22. Tpt...Ta Kalitera Epodee.... :P Se Kana Mina Tha Exw Ftiaxei Kana Custom Item...Oxi Weapon Oute Armor
  23. Lineage II Vasper << This Is Your Current Topic Title Pls Change It Because It Is Not Following The Section Rules How MuST Be: For OFF Servers [Gracia T2 OFF]L2 Vasper For Java Servers [Gracia T2J]L2 Vasper Also The Server Looks Good ... But Something Goes Wrong To Me .... AnyWay GL With Your Server
  24. XAXAXAXAXA...Oloi Tin Mamisateeeee...Emeis Paraskeui Ekklisia...Deutera Episkepsi Se Kati ( Endiaferon Akougotan ) Kai Triti Giortiii xa0xa0xa0x
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